Senxia has always wanted to use the new vest. However, it has not been implemented because I have been neglecting things here.

But this time, after seeing the news on the Internet, he began to ponder.

Now, the pen name of Xia Sen has been completely worn by the players.

As soon as Sen Xia comes out and uses the pseudonym "Xiasen", the situation is more delicate.

Fans have speculated: I'm afraid this product is going to make trouble again.

The novel world is OK, because Sen Xia is in the novel world. At least, there are two kinds of novels, the sky of fate and the young girl's war, which belong to the relatively quiet type Oh, the latter is actually the type of doing things, but basically belongs to the absurd and funny brain hole type.

However, in the animation industry, although there is "girl in love with her sister" as the work of Mr. shawson, the audience will still wonder: is this new product going to be a mess?

Some people even found that the background story of "the girl falls in love with her sister" has something to fear. Of course, Mori protested against it and strongly condemned this malicious speculation.

"So, Mr. shawson, what new book are you going to write?"

"I haven't thought about the new book yet. I just want a good pen name. That's the way to write stories. "

"Didn't you just say that you still have a lot of inspiration?"

"Well - I think about it carefully. If I want the audience to accept it, I have to think about it."

Mori initially considered five groups of original animated dramas with another world line, Jiecheng Younai is the brave. It will be very interesting after this thing is fictionalized.

If you use it as the original work of "the warrior of love", it is actually quite fun.

But senxia thought about it later. He found that if this kind of plot was written Maybe the soldiers who love will be blacklisted by readers, right?

The two are no longer in the Tokyo video game show.

At this moment, two people are sitting in a nearby coffee shop.

Takasu took a sip of his coffee and asked, "so what do you want to do?"

"Well, here it is." Senxia sorted out his thoughts and said, "the pseudonym" shasen has a high degree of recognition now. "

"Hi." Takasu nodded.

"Basically, as long as you see my words, it's easy for readers to think that this is my work."

"Hi." This is for granted. And it's a good thing, because it shows that mori as a whole has become recognizable among readers.

"It's not a good thing."

"Hi Ah? "

Gaoxu River should not go down.

She looks at Sen Xia in surprise, and the latter It seems like a really distressing story.

"That's not a good thing." Senxia was distressed. "Even if I wanted to write some very love and pure stories, these people would not believe it. That's not good! "

“……” Gaoxu river looks at senxia with a delicate look.

The pseudonym "Xiasen" is now well-known and belongs to the golden lettered signboard in Nihong.

But senxia herself is not the kind of person who is short of money now.

Money, capricious, so even if it is his own pseudonym, he said not to use.

Can you be a normal person?

"So, I need a new pen name! New style! I want to spread the warm sunshine all over the bottom, I want to make this world full of love Sen Xia's words are right.


I don't know why, Gaoxu river suddenly felt chilly behind him.

"You Are you really going to make the cure department Takasu River reconfirmed.

"That's right. It's similar to the variety of Sakura and rice wine fighters."


True healing system?

Hearing the analogy of senxia, the gaoxu River over there is a bit confused.

In senxia's works, they are basically pure and naive.

Is this the real cure route?

“…… You don't think I'm going to do something dark? " Senxia probably saw the idea of Gaoxu river.

Under the delicate sight of senxia, gaoxu River smiles with embarrassment.

She thought about it and said, "after all, teacher, your style of writing It's more subtle. "

"Forget it, forget it!" Senxia waved, and he began to think about what would be better.

Speaking of it, because of the butterfly effect of senxia, the animation market of mud boom has changed a lot. Animation clubs like five groups may not have any more in the future.

This is also the reason why Sen Xia wanted to write the novel "you are brave".

Yuki Yuna is a brave man. It is a very wonderful work. Make complaints about it. The whole story tells the story of several girls in the Department of bravery who are selected to fight against the invaders. However, if they use the super kill "mankai", part of their functions will be sacrificed and become various disabilities.More subtle works.

However, considering that what he needs now is a real "warrior of love", he decides to stay away from this healing system, which has a beautiful ending but a cruel process.

After all, I want to be warm all the way.

Of course, the most healing story should be the daily type, which can warm people's hearts.

But the daily type is easier to express with animation, and novels are not as interesting as novels.

"I will use a new style of writing to make a new story." Senxia said so.

“……” The eyes of Takasu river became more and more.

She probably didn't believe it

"I mean really Well, that's it Mori cleared his throat, "what I want to do is the etiquette of the girl in the near month."

"It was What? "

The etiquette of girls in recent months is the work of navel society, which should have been established two years later.

Then, they will launch this very special puppet GALGAME.

However, senxia found that some employees of this club It's in group A.

This is more subtle.

After realizing that the navel society may not exist in the future, and even if it does, it may be different companies with the same name, senxia took the signboard of others without integrity.

"Love story, campus love story." Senxia said.

"Oh, oh, please." Takasu River felt like this Seems to be quite reliable?

Campus love stories, to write healing works, really can do it.


Gaoxu river suddenly thought of something, his face changed.

She immediately added: "can't it be the same healing system as day on campus?"

On campus is the main script of xuenai.

But there is no doubt that this game is produced by senxia.

Gaoxu river suddenly had a strong distrust of senxia.

"Not that, of course! It's a pure love story before the hero and heroine! " Senxia's righteous words!

“…… Well, it's because I'm so thoughtful. " Takasu River breathed a sigh of relief.

"Our hero is da Zang Youxing, but he has become the servant of the heroine Sakura Luna..."

"Oh, oh..."

The hero becomes the servant of the heroine, and then unfolds the story Well, this kind of setting seems to be very interesting.

It's the development of comparative kingcraft.

Gao xudahe felt that he had misunderstood each other.

After all, Mr. shawson did write some works that can warm people's hearts.

You see, the space of fate is still a great work that can win prizes!

Of course, serious literature is serious literature, while light fiction is light fiction.

When you think about it carefully, Gao xudahe finds that Mr. Xiasen doesn't seem to write light novels according to common sense.

One of the routines of light fiction is that female characters will gradually appear, and then the male will choose one of them with stomachache in the story.

But this kind of plot, when the other side writes the novel, did not seem to have written similar.

Mm-hmm, wait a moment and say it to the teacher.

"So the hero incarnates as a maid, xiaocang asari, and with Sakurai Luna, she goes to the filia women's college, a clothing specialized institution with the children of the upper class..."

"Wait! Wait a minute

Before hearing "maid", Miss Dahe suspected that she had heard something wrong.

But after hearing about the "women's College", Ms. ohe immediately realized that she had not misunderstood.

"The hero?"




"To women's college?"

"No problem!"

"It's a big problem." Miss Dahe found that her voice was too loud, so she quickly lowered her voice, "teacher, do you want to make the novel version of" a girl falls in love with her sister? "

"Well It may be a little more radical in taste. " That's what senxia said.

Sen Xia originally thought of a lot of interesting ways to play, but think about it, he may be PK by fans in recent months, so I still choose to converge a little.

"You Is it a cure work? "

"Yes, this kind of novel with the warmth between the hero and the heroine, I think it's great!"

"But the hero is that A fake mother

"Miss Dahe, when you were reviewing the manuscript, did you not see such a work at all?"

"This Not really

According to my own situation, after the "girl falls in love with my sister" began to play, there were some more leading characters in the puppet mother series.But although some of these works are good, there are no works that can be popular.

And this kind of work Cure system?

Why do I have the feeling that after reading the characters in this novel, I will probably go to see Lucifer?

Although Sen Xia hasn't started writing, she is just discussing with Dahe about relevant matters, but miss Dahe's sixth sense has already made her feel a little uneasy.

"So I can write such a story." Senxia, of course.

“……” Miss ohe is deliberating.

She really wanted Sonia to open a new book.

After all, they are well-known writers. Any work can be sold well.

But now he's going to write a new book with a new vest, and it's still a small subject matter, which is quite subtle.

"Are you serious?" Asked Miss ohe.

"Of course, I'm going to run this new pseudonym."

The more perfect the enterprise structure, the less things senxia needs to do personally - well, in fact, part of Lihua and the maids - which means that senxia really has time to spare.

"However, I'm afraid that the new people can't take the route of minority themes."

"I will write two more copies of the young girl's war notes and continue to serialize them as appropriate."

"- ah, I think it's no problem for new people to accumulate a certain number of fans on minority subjects, and then gradually expand to the public."


That's how it works.

"Is this a double sign?" Senxia couldn't help it.

"You are joking. This is our Fuji study's respect for teacher Xiasen." Miss ohe smiles awkwardly.

Senxia knew, but she didn't say it.

If "Xiasen" continues to be serialized, the profits he brings will be more than enough for him to open three new books with the new vest.

Because at this moment, senxia's reputation has been very big, he has a strong appeal.

Of course, it is not impossible for Sen Xia to push with his own influence or hope that Jiaochuan will give him face.

But being in debt was more difficult than being in debt, so he found his own editor directly.

Gao xudahe also knows that senxia just wants to write a good new book, so she also stands in her own position, bargaining with senxia.

After such "realistic" bargaining, Takasu Dahe also agreed to senxia's request.

Unfortunately, she did not persuade Sen Xia to continue to open an interesting new book under the pseudonym "Xiasen".

"So, how are you going to write this book?"

Although Ms. ohe thinks that this small book may not sell very well, and even if this work is zero sales, as long as Sen xiaken continues to write the book under the pseudonym of "Xiasen", there will be no problem at all.

But as Sen Xia's editor in chief, Miss Dahe still has professional quality.

She began to ask Sonia what she thought.

"In short, it is a campus drama, a campus drama of noble women's college, but the content in it is different from that of ordinary schools..."

Sen Xia is especially good at this kind of "abnormal" life.

"The sky of fate" depicts that kind of abnormal feeling, and the recent light tone girl's military career Impoliteness is the voice of emptiness, which is also the type of daily life that is destroyed.

This work seems to be a "plain aristocratic girls' school", but because of the identity of the hero, the whole story is different.

But senxia doesn't intend to copy completely, so he simply narrates his idea and the whole background of the novel.

“…… Well, maybe you can try it. " Miss Dahe listened to Sen Xia's brief introduction of the hero's situation, she was thinking.

"Well, I'll write a little outline first, and then you can have a look at it?"

"Hi, yes." Miss Dahe nodded.

"Oh, that's it."

After they finished, senxia stood up because he had to go back to the meeting.

But at this time, Miss Dahe stopped senxia again.

"By the way, teacher, you want to write this story Is this your personal real experience

Senxia is staggering

And behind the river, also showed a smile.

Finally, I won by myself


In recent months, if you change beyond the magic Sure enough, it's not suitable Cough

Two in one, meow meow meow

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