Plans can never keep up with changes.

Senxia wants to write a book quickly, but soon, someone invited him to dinner, and specially asked senxia to bring his little maid with him.

After senxia came to the restaurant, the other party's eyes had been focused on sunset.

If Sen Xia didn't know, the goods were still very specific. If he didn't have the idea of that aspect, he would let the sunset pass and PK the other party.

"Well, this kind of dress is really interesting."


"I mean, in the gospel warrior, there can be. Your re is too conservative. I think you can have something more interesting. "

"What do you mean

"I mean, it would be interesting if the new evangelical warrior Animation could be released with the game?"

“…… New? "

Sen Xia looked at the people in front of her.

Amano Xiuming.

It's Xiuming Amano who is invited to dinner.

However, the meaning of Ono Xiuming is obviously not for dinner.

"GAINAX has changed." He said suddenly.

"Are you referring to the diffuse modification work recently started by GAINAX?"

Senxia also knows the strategic change of GAINAX.

After all, he is also a member of the industry.

Before the new century, GAINAX only did original animation.

However, in the first two years after entering the new century, they began to work like an ordinary animation company.

"His and her story", "the magic housekeeper" and so on, these are their things.

It can be said that until the EVA new theater version series, there were few original animations that they could really get a hand at. And animation drama, to wait until "Tianyuan breakthrough" to say that there is a solid foundation. And before that, they only had "Abe bridge Magic Shop Street" this animation to be able to win.

"Speaking of it, you are now shooting a live action movie. The previous" love and fashion "and last year's" style day "are very good

Well, Hideki Ono is making a movie recently, and he will direct the live theater version of the famous "sweetheart warrior" the following year - well, the whole house movie.

Soon, however, Hideki Amano will break up with GAINAX. Taking EVA's new theater version as an opportunity, he set up a new company, Khara.

What's more, the move of Ono Xiuming also made many senior members of GAINAX go with them, which is enough to illustrate the situation.

"Ah, but I'm an animation supervisor after all." He said so.

"GAINAX was in a bad state a few years ago. I remember being sued for tax evasion." Senxia said.

"That's about it. So I'm going to take out the gospel warrior, and I'll take the copyright myself. "

"- do it yourself?"

"Yes." Amano Xiuming opened her eyes from the sunset, and then looked at Sen Xia, "so I want your cooperation from teacher Xiasen."

"In fact, we've made some changes." Senxia said.

"Ah, it's not the same. Mr. shawson is taking his own works to transform, and whether it's a cartoon or a game, the plot is totally different. It's really interesting. "

After all that, you probably want to use the strength of our Musashino?

Sonia probably got it.

Sure enough, at this time, Ono Xiuming continued to speak.

"I've made up my mind to start a new theater version of evangelical warrior."

"No more live action movies?"

"Ah, of course, that has to be done, but animation has to be done as well."

Ruffian said that both hands should be grasped and both hands should be hard.

No wonder you just watched the sunset

"Driving suit?" Senxia muttered.

"Ah, yes, I think it's good. Evangelical warriors are works full of hints about gender, and those features appear as the appearance of animation itself."

At this time, should I hold the book "the world as will and appearance" and shout "roar, roar, roar"?

"Your interest is very good. This kind of tight clothes can arouse people's consciousness more than being completely naked. Our original combat uniform didn't give too much meaning. Now I think it's not enough. But I think about it and think that only Musashino can do this. "

Musashino's lens is not necessarily the best, the lines of Musashino are not necessarily the most perfect, and the action design of Musashino is not the best. However, through new techniques, Musashino can perfectly shield these weaknesses. Although many people in Musashino make complaints about "light pollution", the audience love it.

Musashino likes to run out.

This is even worse than the flying saucer table, another world line animation Club nicknamed "light pollution enterprise".What's more, the use of flying saucer tables is just for special effects, mainly focusing on post photography.

And Musashino is more radical when it runs out.

Smooth skin with light, semi transparent black silk light, slim tight clothes should be painted with reflection, and the coat on the outside has wonderful light full of hints along the curve of the body. In addition, in a variety of robots and metal materials, Musashino also likes to use up, the same robot, in Musashi fielder will certainly be more brilliant.

Even when Musashino specially painted the sun and the dust in the sun, which was actually done by computers, the industry was stunned.

And Musashino's favorite is to paint the water with sparkling lake light - this is pure show off skill, but Musashino is rich and willful, naturally dazzles casually.

is not a strange industry to make complaints about it. The so-called "light pollution" is actually more serious than envy.

Mori has speculated that Xiuming Amano wants to work alone, but his own technical strength is obviously not enough.

It's certain to find someone to invest and invite foreign aid.

At least in this era, the most unique style is Musashino.

"You have a nice shine, but I hear it's not very breathable." Amano Xiuming also thought that the material of Xiyan's body was latex.

"It looks like it, but it's actually a new material. Tianhaijia's products are mainly used for military purposes. " Things at home are in the management of the old man, Sen Xia is not very clear.

But senxia now almost knows that the old man is actually a guest of honor in many countries.

"I see. It's quite appropriate." Amano Xiuming nodded, "is Musashino interested in accepting the new work of the gospel warrior? I want to be more beautiful than re. "

"What about Mr. Zhen Ben?" Senxia is a little strange.

"He will cooperate with you. In addition, EVA model, I am also ready to modify, to more cool, more bold. " "After shooting a few live action movies, I realized that our animation was not strong enough, we needed something more and more eye-catching."

Just be happy

It's just sweetheart. What should soldiers do?

Is that what I did with the warrior of love?

- Sweetheart warrior's live theater was originally shot by Xiuming Amano, and in this work, there is a saying of "warrior of love"


Clothes that kind of pickup feeling, really super interesting!

The first watch meow.

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