One outsourcing is also doing, and two outsourcing is also doing.

Fukuda over there wants to do ova. Mori can take out people here. Ruffians here need to do animation. Mori also has plenty.

Of course, if there is more I'm afraid not.

As for expansion, senxia thought for a while and thought it was not the time.

In other words, the volume of Musashino has almost reached the peak of expansion.

If we expand blindly again, we will hold on.

"This kind of luster is really interesting." Amano Xiuming continued to look at the sunset.

"Ah, it's really good." "It's too unskilled to simply expose the body, but the best state can be achieved through the clothing, the action of the character itself, and the painter's painting skills," senxia said

"I see!" Ono Xiuming nodded.

In this respect, Ono Xiuming is quite open-minded.

Of course, if it's the plot, if Sen Xia dares to give directions in this respect, the old ruffian will probably turn his face and leave immediately.

But if the discussion is limited, the two people are still very happy.

Senxia also looked at her little maid.

Xiyan is wearing a maid's dress. The maid's dress is specially designed at the waist. The structure of the whole waist is fully exposed, and the slender waist and curve can be seen.

First class.

Well, especially when Sonia turns on the switch with her remote control.

The average beauty of this world line is relatively high. Although there are still many cosmetic techniques and radish legs on the mud boom side, it is undeniable that the appearance and figure of this world line are above the level line.

It is also because of this, this world line is more popular with this kind of slim fitting and tight style clothes. Although it is a bit out of line at sunset, it is not the kind that can not be accepted in this world line.

But there are still problems in trying to promote this kind of clothing in this world line.

For example, tight clothes are not breathable enough, and some people can't get used to it.

After all, not everyone has the money to order tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for a suit like this.

Well, Tianhai family is an exception.

Sometimes senxia doubts whether her ancestors were driven by hormones, so she set up the family business.

Just like Sonia herself.

Senxia and Ono Xiuming basically reached an agreement.

Hideki Amano, who likes special photos, never rejects this kind of tight clothes.

"What should we do if we want to embody this sense of light in real life works?" Amano asked.

"Well Brightener, a lot of brightener, and then you need to polish Senxia said.

In the face of just shooting clothes, brightener is necessary.

Even for Mori's clothes, which are naturally shiny, in order to have better performance in the film, they still need to apply brightener and increase the light - because what the camera can see is actually different from what the human eye can see.

The simplest example is called "three catties on camera". Many girls who seem to be in good shape are actually slimmer, while those who are very slim are actually very thin.

"I heard that you started to cooperate with Nishi After all, it's the people in the industry, and we all have channels. Many people should have known this news by now.

Because it is not a secret matter, so senxia said: "ah, yes, it's the new gang Da Mu series."

"Just big wood In fact, I also want to make the evangelical warriors wooden. "


"My personal ideal is" g Gospel warrior. " Said Amano Xiuming.

"That is G just big wood? "

G high up to?


Can this be connected?

Senxia felt that her head was not enough.

Senxia looks confused, but what he doesn't know is that In addition, Xiuming is on the other side of the world

"So you still have this idea..." Senxia doesn't know how to take over.

"Almost so. But it is not so much "commercial" as "industry". I'm thinking about the future of the animation industry, Mr. shawson. You've noticed that from the end of the century to today, the situation in the animation industry is getting worse and worse. "

Animation industry is developing.

However, compared with the 1980s and 1990s, the original content is really much less, and it is still going down all the way.

"Only if you dare to think, can you make good works. Well, the sky of fate and the sound of space are both very good. "The sound of the sky" is much better than "thousand and one thousand search."The former Sen Xia Xiaona, the latter Sen Xia did not comment.

The judgment of the other party is obviously subjective

"But why the big wood?" Sen Xia broke the problem back.

"Because animation is a cultural product - in fact, I don't think it's a good word, but compared with commodities, I think cultural products are more appropriate - among the works that can convey the concept, only the kongdama series can continue to spread. This situation is really worrying. "

Senxia nodded.

No matter what people call him.

However, it is more about the core of the works.

For example, Amano himself looked down on diga Altman and thought that this was a reproduction of the Heisei era, without his own ideology.

"I like Mr. shawson's work, because your work is full of ideas." "For example, a girl falls in love with her sister." in this work, the hero Ruizhen's self doubt and personality self denial, and finally the unity of consciousness, I think it's very interesting. "

"Search for death..." Mori Xia was forced.

Why use the example of a girl falling in love with her sister?

I thought you would say that Lu Lu Xiu

"I think Mr. shawson, you can also expand some of your works and make them works that can be created for a long time." Again, said Ono Xiuming.

"We do have a long piece of the work" the realm of sword and sword "ready to be serialized." Senxia said.

"No, no, no, I'm not talking about long stories, but a series that can be continued and commercialized."

"So it is. Like this kind of series, it's probably only GANGDA wood that lasts a long time." Senxia nodded.

Anyo took a sip of sake and sighed: "yes. What would it be like in the future if it had been supported only by a big steel tree... "

He shook his head.

And Mori Xia is also very surprised, the idea of Ono Xiuming is really advanced.

Because this concept is similar to future IP development.

"Even if it's called the sunset industry, there are three pillars of" masquerade Knight "," Ultraman "and" super team ", but there is only one unique talent in the animation industry, which is very dangerous."

"Can't the fortress beyond time series count?" Senxia was curious.

But Hideki Amano shook his head: "that's no good." Fortress beyond time and space continues, but its influence is not enough. Although Ghibli animation has been popularized, it doesn't feel the same as Disney's - ah, it's true that "the sky of fate" and "the voice of the sky" are more in line with the positioning in my mind! "

Sen Xia continues to be confused.

"Mr. shawson, the future of animation industry depends on you!"


Some of Amano's ideas are taken from his interviews, which are slightly different and changed due to different world lines.

Meow of the second watch

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