"It was our predecessors who made Lu Lu Lu's repair!"

This world line probably won't have the animation of current visual research, because there is such a community in the real world.

After Qianjia and Lihua gradually entered the senior year, many newcomers have come to the visual research institute.

Some are "circle fans" because of the independent games we played before, while others are interested in such societies. Kimura Zeye belongs to the latter.

However, after entering the club, he knew that there were "big guys" in the club, that is, the legendary "teacher Xia Sen".

But Xia Sen seldom appears in the club on weekdays, especially in the summer vacation.

But it is said that they will come when they sleep together in the summer vacation.

So at this moment, Kimura Zeye is looking forward to being in front of the predecessors.

At this moment, they are watching Lu Lu Xiu and playing cards - the game king.

In fact, the game king also has his own games. If it's another world line, they even have online games - unfortunately, they haven't been in operation for some time. The real "coming back from the dead" is still because of the arrival of the mobile phone era.

But this is online.

As the king of board games, it has always been very popular.

Of course, even so, they probably didn't know that the blue eyed white dragon could sell 80 million.

On TV, a play lasts half an hour, but there are a few minutes of advertisements.

However, when they watch the animation, there is still half an hour before the opening of the main film, because today there is a special article for one and a half hours, including interviews, chat with sound actors and others, and the promotion of the game - Lu Luxiu has directly launched the three in one yellow gold version on the new handheld. We must find time to prepare for the publicity.

"You heard that the game king is going to play a new game. I heard it's an online version. " An elder nearby spoke.

This elder seems to be called ASO Xianyi. He was originally a military residence, but now he is full

Hearing this, Kimura Ze noded. He lowered his head, looked at the card in his hand, and then said, "online games... How do you draw the card?"

"I heard it was krypton gold. However, the network version seems to be different from the current rules. It is a castrated version. " If it is just big wood, Aso Xianyi can talk back and forth. But if it is a card game like game king... He is at best interested.

"Network version... Simplified rules... Actually very good."

It was another newcomer, youzuo Qianyi, who hesitated a little.

Although he is a newcomer, he is actually a licensing guy, and he is still a senior licensing guy. Speaking of, the reason why they play cards here is also because of the influence of this brother.

"Oh? You Sasang, any news? " Kimura became curious.

Since it's a big man, is there some inside information?

"It is said that the game venue has been reduced, but the card rules are still used... I think... This is very good... Especially the controversial chain effect. If it is determined by the machine, it should be better."

Although the other party is a big man, it is always confusing when talking.

The rules of the game king in this era are still very simple, but with the progress of iteration and the improvement of rules, some contents are still more and more standardized, and the card guys sometimes feel uncomfortable.

"In short, many players regard the rules in the animation as the actual rules, but there are many mistakes."

Seeing that the people next to him looked at himself with an ignorant face, youzuo had to explain again.

"I see... The rules of the early game king are really different from those now. The feeling is that it has been standardized since the duel in the city. " Kimura thought of something, "I heard that there will be new works next year. Maybe they will go out together with the new works."

Kimura's remark is to the point.

Because the game king GX will be released next year. Although the rules are different, in order to cooperate with the animation, there are new physical cards, and the new game will also produce the card box of game king GX.

"Coming, coming!"

At this time, the special chapter is almost over and the work will begin soon.

Aso immediately walked over and turned on the video function.

Since it is a modern visual research, it is also necessary to pull the piece of the work, and it is necessary to study the work.

At this time, the animation finally began.

The story of the third part begins with a big war.

Under the promotion of lulushu, the world established a super United States and confronted Brittany. At the beginning of the story, it was the war between the two sides.

The whole picture is really cool.

There are similar routes in the game. However, in the game, there are more all kinds of character endings, and there are more outrageous routes and endings where Lu Luxiu lurks to the Empire.

However, the plot of the game is not much reference. This strategic war flag game can trigger very different events because of different occupied places and camps.

The previous works are good and more tactical, but in the third part, the story is upgraded to a strategic mode, and the playing method of the big map is closer to the Three Kingdoms and Warring States series of total war and dark glory.

Coupled with the unique network narrative mode, the whole game does not have a complete "official history", only players' own exploration.

Of course, some players regard animation as "official history", and even some players will specially carry out game strategies according to the route of animation.

However, the people who are now watching research don't care about the plot.

As the conclusion, the first story of Lu Luxiu's third season is that the special effects paste the face and the funds are full. The long shot at the beginning is a wonderful battle.

Different from the stories of the previous two seasons, after the integration of the super United States, Lu Luxiu led the Black Knights all the way. The Empire was not an opponent at all, and fought and retreated.

The whole story is completely different from that of the previous two seasons. At the beginning, there is a feeling of devastation. It seems that with a slight push, the boss's empire will be broken.

"It's really the final season. It's like the European battlefield after the Normandy landing. What's left is to destroy the dry and decay."

Aso, as a former military residence, expressed his views.

"Well, I don't think it's so simple..."

Kimura is a newcomer, but as a fan of Mori Xia, he always feels that there is something wrong.

"Hahaha, don't worry. This is the end. It must land smoothly. As long as we can destroy the Empire, we can land smoothly. "

Aso Xianyi patted Kimura on the shoulder and looked very optimistic.

"Hi." Kimura nodded, but still felt... There was a problem.

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