"You can take refuge in the Empire."

Shen Ye takes the handheld and looks at Lu Luxiu in the picture.

Because mikumiku began to play Lu Luxiu's last season, Shen Ye also played Lu Luxiu's game after watching the animation.

He used to have games on other platforms, but this time, since he wanted to pass the Customs at one breath, he simply used the gold version of the handheld, three in one.

He spent 40 or 50 hours in the game on the animation plot of the first two seasons, and finally achieved it - although the animation plot is used as a reference, in the game, the probability of developing completely according to the story in the animation is not high.

In this game, many players who are committed to restoring "famous scenes" like to reproduce the scenes in the animation in the game. Some people even record videos and send them to the website for serialization. Even more powerful video producers will put the animation plot aside and compare the scene restoration in a video.

Finally, after finishing the first two scenes, Shen Ye backed up the archive, and then prepared to release himself to play the third part.

Just now, he just played a coquettish operation. As a result, he took off, and the super United States was pushed horizontally by Brittany.

But at this time, he suddenly found a way to "save the country by curve", that is, he found that lulushu could actually take refuge in Brittany.

"Unfortunately, there can be no such operation in the animation."

But it's still interesting.

Thinking so, Shen Ye's qicq was suddenly called.

"Come to the dungeon."

The messenger is Shen Qiu, Shen Ye's brother.

Dungeon is a popular game recently, especially after landing on the handheld platform.

However, compared with the computer version, the handheld version simplifies a lot, and the character's skill form has also been castrated and redesigned.



"Brother, I really can't fight."

Shen Ye tried it after he got the PGA handheld.

But very helpless, this game opponent remnant party is not very friendly. So when Shen Ye arrived, he had to give up.

On the contrary, Shen Qiu is very good at such games.

"Choose a wet nurse, my ghost swordsman, I'll take you."

Shen Qiu opposite said.

"I choose women and you choose men. How do I feel that you are taking advantage of me?"

In the dungeon, there were two male characters: Ghost sword and magic gun, and then fighting and ordination were female characters.

After all, even developers are different. Senxia doesn't care much about the difference in the content of the game.

And this is indeed the experience of brother ma - after all, he will play the boss of his sister and chat with users on the Internet.

Shen Ye doesn't care about the gender of the role. On the contrary, he thinks Mei paper is actually very good-looking. It's just a man and a woman. It's always strange.

"Alas, I'm your brother, my brother. I can still fool you. Go, go, I'll take you. "


Shen Qiu's words made Shen Ye fall into meditation.

It seems that I have been cheated by my brother several times

But in the game, Mammy really wants to have no operation. Shen Ye is still very interested in this game. Since the operation can't come over, it's good for someone to bring themselves.


Lu Lu has played this game for two times in a row. Take a breath in the third one


"Brother pony did a good job."

In the interval of thinking about the new work, senxia also took out her own PGA handheld at this time.

Lu Luxiu's response on the Internet is basically blowing pictures, but in fact, it has no nutritional value at this time - we all know that Musashino likes to show off his skills.

After all, it's our own company, with abundant funds and time. As long as it's not because of the works that jump the queue temporarily, the quality is basically guaranteed.

So before there was a bigger explosion in the plot, senxia was not very interested in Lu Luxiu's wind review.

Although senxia played PGA, he didn't play stand-alone masterpiece, but played brother pony's Dungeon.

In another world line, there is also a mobile version of the dungeon.

However, the performance of machines in this era is limited, and the production team can only make trade-offs.

In the screen, it is the scene of the game. On the left of the screen are blood bars and blue bars, and on the right are skill buttons.

The whole picture of the game is in the center. Most of the pictures of the game are transferred to the picture area of the game.

Compared with the desktop version, the special effects of the character and the resolution of the background are reduced, but on the small screen, it gives a good impression.

The game can be controlled by keys. The left remote sensing controls the direction. The four keys on the right are attack, skill 1, skill 2 and jump, and then the waist key two skills. The right remote sensing direction is also four skills, and the left key is four item columns.

It's different from another world line. After all, it was made by brother ma. The "flavor" of the work is here, but the painting style is still different. The "Korean" taste is lighter and the "Japanese" taste is stronger, especially in the aspect of vertical painting characters.

"But it's better to use the keyboard. Forget it, that's it now. " In senxia's view, the handheld is only a transitional work.

When the time comes, the works on the handheld will be further simplified.

"Generally speaking, the taste of desktop is stronger."

Although brother Ma's works have been simplified, the main consideration is to transplant the original flavor rather than drastic transformation.

If Sen Xia comes, there will probably be few of these complex skills left, but rely on the only keys to realize the functions. Too many skills and abilities are not suitable for small screen machines.

"If you have a chance to play games, you might as well take a look at this."

At this time, Qianjia returned home from outside and threw senxia a booklet.

Senxia took a look. This is the split mirror.

"Oh, the progress of girls in recent months has been so fast. What's the point of the first sentence? "

Senxia threw away the handheld and looked at it.

Qianjia glanced at the game above, which seemed to be a dungeon.

Qianjia still knows something about this game.

After all, it is an "arcade game" moved to the desktop. In those days, Sega started from arcade games, so Qianjia knew very well.

"Yes." Senxia nodded.

"I heard that this game will enter the next WCG?" Asked Qianjia.

"Exhibition competition." Senxia said, "it also depends on the popularity of international clothes. However, brother Ma is still working hard on this fair PVP system. "

The underground city of this world line has a balanced PVP system from the beginning.

But whether we can enter the world competition depends on the popularity of the game.

"That's it." Senxia threw down the mirror and yawned, "I'm going to see the younger generation of xianshiyan tomorrow. Go to bed first. "

Senxia said that and walked over, but she was pushed away by Qianjia.

"Lihua will be back in a minute. And you can't rest. After meeting your younger generation, you'll go to Musashino to discuss new works. "

"Uh --"


The computer crashed. After reloading, the input method egg hurts

Hongxing Erke wanted to buy shoes, but found that there was no big size

Sad urge orz

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