"Is 3D hard to do?"

In Musashino animation, a group of people are discussing the problem of technology.

Before Mori Xia came, he had already informed everyone, so before that, everyone was discussing the feasibility of pure 3D animation.

Musashino animation has not used 3D painting. In their previous works, they have used 3D technology.

However, this 3D technology is mainly used in machinery, architecture and so on, such as mecha, scene and so on, but it is not used in human body.

"It's not impossible, but the effect is really not very good."

The supervisor sitting opposite shook his head.

Zhenxia doesn't work in 3D, but he also knows about relevant technologies in Musashino animation these years. In fact, in Musashino, some people think that three shading and two animation is an important development direction in the future, so they have been developing related technologies.

Senxia's request went further. What he requires is not ordinary three shading and two, but another style, and he should take this opportunity to completely create a new path.

This is not a simple thing.


Hearing the words of professionals, senxia also nodded.

Such animation is not impossible, but the effect is not good. If you want the effect to be exquisite, it will cost you a lot of money.

Just like the final fantasy film version of that year, it can directly bring down the whole club.

Moreover, TV animation doesn't have so many hours to work. Otherwise, like the crow next door, if you are not careful, you may not even have a club.

"To what extent can we do now?" Senxia asked.

"Well, if we take the title of world of Warcraft as the benchmark, we should be able to do this at the highest level. No matter how high, although it is not impossible, the cost is too terrible." The speaker is the next supervisor Horikawa. After all, she is the chairman of another world line animation club. At this time, she will think from an all-round state.

"If you want quality, the cost will rise and the time will be extended. Want low cost and poor quality... "

This is really a delicate choice.

Senxia felt her chin and thought.

If it's a short animation, it's OK. Throwing money to burn one is not a problem.

The family next door just released the animated version of the matrix two months ago. These are short stories one by one. There are some 3D technologies in them, which are also very exquisite - but they are also made by burning money.

If you do it reluctantly, it's not impossible to cut some special effects and models.

But what senxia has to do is not that kind of casual animation.

There are still a lot to think about.

It seems that the time is not ripe.

"Why not." Qianjia said, "we set up a new studio to specialize in 3D short animation, reduce the cost when accumulating technology, and then we can accept the entrustment of other clubs to make 3D cut scenes or op animation. As for animation, just use 2D and wait until the technology is mature. "

Qianjia said she wanted them all.

Senxia thought for a moment and nodded, "yes."

The exploration of 3D technology is necessary. The decline of Japanese animation in the future is a general trend. Otherwise, Xiuming Amano will not shout the slogan of "mud boom animation eating jujube pills and teeth".

Senxia is doing technology. Yes, but the general trend of the whole industry is not so easy to adjust. Things are spiraling up. There is nothing that will last forever.

Of course, gentlemen are immortal, so while preparing to jump ship, senxia also wants to break into other places and open up a new blue ocean.

Trends may decline, but the spirit of a gentleman is immortal.

After setting the tone, the new staff will begin to form.

This kind of thing can be done by Musashino animation itself, but as the first work of the new working group, the work of magic Ninja still needs to be adjusted.

"Since it's a work for omey, we might as well be bold. What meat, what plasma, what LGB... Wait a minute."

Finally, just don't touch it. As a lover of biological appearance, senxia said that appearance is the first, but some people will protest when there are some beautiful girls in the animation game movie. It's better not to make trouble.

And as far as the current social atmosphere is concerned, it has not reached that level.

However, it is undeniable that the atmosphere there is more open. As long as it does not involve children, the atmosphere of works that can be displayed there is much more freedom than works released in Tokyo. This is why many supervising directors are interested in making works for omey.

"I think it's better to make a short story first, let the new production team run in, and then talk about the long story?" Mr Horikawa raised a more practical question.

"It's also a direction." Senxia thinks it's feasible, "and as a subsidiary, it's also a good thing to make a reputation with a beautiful short film."

Now that this is confirmed, the question comes - what should be done?

Although I already have an idea, the later production is the main play.

Senxia still has many masterpieces in her mind, but just because they are masterpieces, it's meaningless to copy them.

For example, love, death, robots, it's impossible to say that the second season of this animation needs me to save it? Impossible, the first season is so stable, and the second season must be as stable as an old dog!

There are also famous works of Japanese 3D animation. Suddenly, there are a lot of big assignments that need magic modification, but that taste is wrong. Doing Japanese 3D these days... Why don't I draw it by hand? A blow in the head?

From this perspective, it seems that there is really nothing worth it.

"Well... No, it's true."

Senxia suddenly thought of a crooked nut who joined his team.

He thought for a moment and dialed the other party.

"Mosey, mosey?"

Opposite is a somewhat astringent Japanese answer.

"Oh. Are you interested in doing animation? I mean, you're in charge... Good. You're supporting club a? Now come to Musashino, I'll wait for you. "

The people at the scene were surprised that senxia suddenly called someone.

"The first short film, we do 3D." Senxia said at this time, "action play, more accurately, we do a play. A cool play. "

"Who did you call?"

Qianjia looked at senxia strangely.

"Montesan. Monte umsan. "

Senxia hasn't forgotten this brother.

In addition to each other, there are also each other's works.

In another world, because the producer died unexpectedly, he once went into a low tide.


Senxia thinks this is really OK.

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