Rwby, on another world line, is a 3D animation, which tells the story of the gradual growth of four heroines in the monitoring world, mainly fighting and many action plays.

Unfortunately, after the accidental death of the creator monteum, the successor of the work began to go further and further.

As a result, a "Japanese" animation turned into an "American drama", and the rhythm and plot of the whole story, even interpersonal relationships, have completely changed.

It can be said that after the death of the other party, the whole work has completely moved in a completely different direction. Even if you cut the front and back of the story, you will find that it has completely become two different stories.

The action was completely slag, and even the setting of the story was eaten

Senxia had wanted to do rwby before, but for various reasons, she didn't implement the plan.

But now... That's just right.

Since we have this chance, we might as well make a short film first.

Not to mention the content of the main film, at least the violence aesthetics of a short film is very good.

Take four heroines as the theme, and then make four short stories. If the response is good, after finishing the magic ninja, we can start making it.

——After two years, 3D technology will be more mature. At that time, we will be able to launch 3D animation.

Senxia also wanted to see how the follow-up content made by monteum would be different from the "original" of another world line.

It always feels interesting.

"Since it's a short film of 3D animation, I think we should have something special." Senxia said, "I think fighting is the best way to reflect it. In that case, I think it's not easy to discuss if I don't have the most say in this regard. "

Just do it well.

Of course, the plot also needs to be considered. Because it is short, it needs a powerful plot.

It's impossible to make a script like golf revenge. No matter how good the picture is, it can't hold such a picture, even if there are 100 famous scenes of "vernier caliper killing birds".

Oh, killing birds with vernier caliper is a famous scene designed by monteum. With the cooperation of her teammates, the heroine Ruby uses a sickle to kill the enemy all the way up from the cliff. It is an absolute scene of 3D animation.

But for a long time, Monte came to the meeting.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

After arriving in Tokyo for some time, although his Japanese is not fluent, at least he can have a dialogue.

"Montesan does have a set of action design and creativity." Horikawa, the supervisor next to him, nodded. "His movements and division have not been professionally trained, but he has a very exquisite control of rhythm and movements."

After seeing each other, Horikawa also nodded, obviously agreeing with senxia's choice.

Monte's technology, everyone sitting here, has a certain degree of understanding.

From a professional point of view, the other party's action design is not "perfect". But Monte has a unique and flexible thinking ability. He can always use his unparalleled imagination to create cool fighting scenes.

"Are you interested in joining?"

After introducing the objectives of the subsidiary, senxia began to ask monteum.

"No problem!"

Monteum's eyes lit up.

Senxia had always mentioned to him about making alone before, and asked him whether he wanted to make animation or games. Finally, monteum said he still liked animation best.

Taking this into account, senxia feels that it seems to be a better choice to transfer the other party if the new company is established.

"Since we want to make short stories to show technology, the best thing should be combat drama. For the outside world, this is also a good business card of Zihui. "

Although it is a subsidiary, it also needs its own fist products.

"Tell us about the idea you told me before."

Under senxia's suggestion, monteum has already thought about how to do this part.

But after hearing senxia's words, the other party didn't start immediately, but took out his laptop.

Then he said, "in fact, I've had some ideas during this period. I'm ready to come to you after I finish this part."

As he spoke, he opened a video.

The video itself is a semi-finished product without special effects. It only has simple models and actions. Because there is no music, there is no sound.


But after seeing the girl's model on the picture, senxia suddenly had a sense of vision.

This is a girl wearing a red scarf and a huge sickle. The model and production should be made with the MMD production tools sold by society a.

This role is somewhat similar to the rwby heroine that senxia knows, but it feels different. It is not only the difference between the two works in the world and time, but also the aesthetic difference.

As for the setting of people and other aspects, I'm afraid it's because the two world lines have experienced changes caused by different locks? Oh, the difference in making software is also one reason.

There is no story. At the beginning of the picture, the girl meets a group of werewolves, and then the two sides start fighting.

The girl waved a huge sickle to fight with the enemy. Such a move brightened the eyes of Zhenxia supervisor and Horikawa supervisor.

There are girls and huge weapons.

But the sickle is a farm tool, but in the girl's hand, the sickle has become an object for harvesting life.

Just like the bloody weapon used by the God of death to harvest life, this sickle constantly harvests the werewolf's life, and the werewolf's limbs are broken one by one.

Although there are no special effects, the movement is very smooth. In the eyes of these professionals, they have made up the scene of blood flying. The girl stepped on the node of music and reaped life with ease and freehand brushwork. The girl with Little Red Riding Hood's element reaped the life of the werewolf, which reflects another special contrast, because in the usual fairy tales, the wolf is the perpetrator and little red riding hood is the victim.

However, probably because it is a personal production, many parts of the picture give close range, which is a very labor-saving production scheme, because close range only needs the action of the heroine, and the feedback of the enemy and the use of the lens do not need to be considered.

But apart from other things, it's already cool just a few elements such as little red riding hood, werewolf and sickle.

Moreover, this kind of weapon and this kind of action can be done by ordinary animators. In addition, many people may not think of it - who will set the main character's weapon as a sickle?

Seeing everyone's reaction, senxia knew what the first work of the new company was, and he had already thought about it., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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