The new plan was thus determined.

The establishment of the subsidiary immediately began to make.

"Then there will be no problem."

After making the plan, senxia nodded.

"Is this really no problem?" Qianjia doubts senxia's confidence.

"It's not like starting 3D now. Now establishing a good style is the main thing for the new company. " Senxia knows that some things that are too different may cause fragmentation and differences. Japanese style and American style, it is best to be able to separate, so the dishes are the best.

"What's the name of the new company?" Qianjia asked.

Senxia got stuck in an instant.

"Well... What's your name..."

It can't be called Netflix.

Oh, Netflix was established a few years ago.

"Need careful consideration." Senxia is thinking.

Qianjia rolled her eyes: "if you have a son or daughter or twins in the future, what do you think it should be called?"


Senxia suddenly flashed xuenai's appearance in her brain, and then fell into meditation.

"One is called you and the other is called dome."

Qianjia's words made senxia almost turn over from the chair.

"Are you just entertaining me?" Senxia said angrily.

"What do you think?" Qianjia said, poking senxia with her feet.

"All right, all right. There's business. " I have to go to dinner in the evening. The guest is an Ye.

Some time ago, he had the idea of working by himself, so he wanted to set up his own club and straightened out the copyright of evangelical soldiers.

It seems that he saw that senxia's PGA was on sale well, and he had the idea of playing games again, probably because the previous game sales and reputation were good.

"In fact, before the games here were played, I always thought games were used to circle money."

Dinner was held in the box of a restaurant. Although the food was good, it was mainly

"But after infinite echo appeared, I found that the game was really good. Well, the most important thing is that there is no EVA in it. It's great. "

Evangelical Warrior: infinite echo is a derivative work. It clearly bears the name of evangelical warrior, but in the whole story, there is no lens of evangelical warrior.

"Then, what about EVA?" Senxia picked up the tea on the table.

"Actually... I want to be Altman... Well, Godzilla is also good." An Ye sighed on his face, "the world without EVA is really Si balaxi."

"And then?"

"In fact, I refused to restart EVA at first. You can't say let me do it again, I'll do it again. EVA is over, no more. Without EVA in the third dimension, those otaku (otaku) will not understand. " An Ye sighed on his face, "but after trying the game, I understand. It turns out that EVA can make money without eva... Cough, it can also bring dreams. "

Senxia probably understood.

An Ye wants to build a new club, and then wants to make new works, but... His funds seem to have little problems.

As it happens, "Gospel Warrior: infinite echo" is about to release the official version, but the feedback of the trial version is very good, so the current reservation is enough to get the game back. It can be said that as long as it is listed, the game is pure profit.

An ye still said seriously: "until later, I played your derivative work, and I immediately felt that, ah, the original EVA can still be made like this!"


"As I said before, I have a plan to finish this work completely. I want to make a new work, I want to make a theater version. "

——Then when you're done, you can do it, right?

Senxia vaguely remembers that the nunnery of another world line seems to have really done Godzilla and Altman. It's a pity that he hasn't seen it.

But senxia knows that the other party really has the mood to make special photos.

After all, the close-up is true love, EVA is an accident.

"Really ready?" Senxia asked again.

"Yes, really. It's more than just talking. " Nuno nodded.

... I always feel that Xiuming Ono seems calm recently. For example, the image of each other is much better than that of a year ago.

"In the past year, you feel a little new." Senxia said, "the main thing is... Well, it's a lot more peaceful."

"Well, probably because I'm married." Amano got married last year. After saying that, he looked at senxia again, "you can also try. Maybe after marriage, there will be different scenery and mood."

"Er..." senxia was embarrassed.

This is a little too difficult. It's not that there is no choice. Hungry is that there are too many choices, and some are not legal

So I just brought the topic back: "do you still want to make a new game?"

"At least when making animation, it can become a suitable source of money."

I'm afraid the intelligence of another world line is unreliable, so senxia can only consider it by herself.

He thought for a moment and said, "if you transplant past works to the handheld, this should be OK. But if it's completely new, it's a little troublesome. "

Senxia is not interested in re engraving the plot. If he can't change it by magic, he prefers to be original.

But originality is also the most time-consuming and laborious.

If senxia doesn't have a new work, he's willing to help.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not going to make it in one or two years. There's still some surplus." Nuno is not in a hurry.

As for the profit, he is not very worried. The game of evangelical soldiers will not lose money.

No way, this is the power of IP. Jpg.

"But do you have any ideas about the new story? After all, as a developer, it is impossible for me to develop Shinji with the same iron and steel ambition. "

In this work of evangelical warrior, an Ye's own personality is projected in it, so it's really difficult to adjust the character at will.

Adaptation is not random, and joking is not nonsense.

"You too. Although this setting seems interesting, it won't be a gospel warrior. "

The evangelical warrior is not the EVA itself, but the relationship between roles, stories and so on.

"If it's not a game... Why don't we animate the infinite echo?"

Senxia has produced animation derivative works before, and he has become a regular. Jpg.

Now that there is the first time, there is the second time, just like women's clothes.

However, the meaning of Nuno is obviously not to do it by himself, but to let Musashino do it.

"That's interesting."

Musashino animation has a lot of surplus. Although it is ready to transfer some people to its subsidiary, it still has time to make a new animation plan


The evangelical soldiers are also happy. Although there are still many holes to fill, they... Don't expect it. It's a reluctantly good ending.

In addition, long hair is beautiful. It's great. I want to give the new book such a woman! So I changed the outline to 0. 0, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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