[[The horizon on the boundary line of the super magic reform... No, it is the horizon line on the boundary line of the second creation, which gradually began to take shape in the hands of Mori Xia.

Since there is no need to consider the original work, let's start thinking about it from the current situation.

"In the future earth, for some reason, it was blanked out and became a desolate place. After the development of the future, human beings can only leave the earth and live in space. After a long, long time, after the disaster subsided, human beings finally returned to the world. Arrived on the earth. In order to save the earth that has been turned into a blank, human beings started the so-called 'sacred spectrum replay', which is to reenact human history through a device called 'sacred spectrum'."

"As the history is reconstructed, the blank earth has finally begun to recover its original appearance. Of course, this is only a small part - in order to restore the vitality of the earth as soon as possible, human beings have selected a relatively small place to reproduce the earth History. That is, let us mudbomb to simulate the entire earth..."

"Everything was good at the beginning, but for some reason, the Holy Book stopped updating in the 17th century, like a eunuch. And if the Holy Book can't continue to repeat itself, no one knows what will happen, Some people say that everything will return to normal, but others say that the doomsday will strike again. Human beings no longer have the power to go to space again in order to make the Holy Book. And when misfortunes never come singly, in this restored area, began to One by one, the repertoire fields appeared, and the monsters inside—"noises"—started to attack humans..."

"The story begins with our heroine Hellesen. Before the beginning of the story, Helleson's own emotions were dissociated by Cheap Daddy and made into a crime weapon. Every emotion has become a weapon. Scattered all over the world, and I myself became a three-person puppet with no emotions..."

By the way, the original "Horizon" of the work "Horizon on the Boundary" actually uses Japanese kana instead of Chinese characters, and its translation can also be "Horizon", so the original work of this work can also be It's called "Hellesen on the Boundary".

Senxia has some impressions of this work, and it is also because of this reason.

"Of course, as players, we didn't know about this at the beginning. At the beginning, Helaisen only appeared in the form of an 'automatic figure'. Our protagonist was transferred to the training academy of the battleship Musashi Transfer Students……"

Senxia tapped the words bit by bit.


Qian Jia was baffled by this description.

"Musashi is a battleship. People in this world live on similar battleships, and the Academy of Education is like a school for battleships, but it is said to be an academy, but it actually controls the military and political affairs on the battleship. Activities and so on."

Senxia was talking nonsense.

"Wait, isn't this kind of student ruling the country too nonsense?"

Chika felt very delicate.

"Well, it's okay. Maybe you can see some high school students Jianguo in the future..." Senxia said nonsense.

I just don’t know if that Da Da Da Hanoi Yilou-san will be able to create such peculiar works in the future. …. "To sum up, our protagonist is a transfer student who can choose male or female. In the beginning, our protagonist rented a place called Qinglei Pavilion, and our heroine, Helaisen, is the P-01s Automata , is the waiter here. And our protagonist is also working here, the male is the waiter, and the female wears the same rusty uniform as Helaisen..."

Senxia was muttering.


Chika felt weird.

Although these elements do not seem to have any problems.

But Qianjia always felt that there seemed to be an unknown number of elements in Morixia's short sentence.

But after thinking about it carefully, Qianjia couldn't tell what Morixia had sewed up.

——Of course she doesn't know, because it's an element of another world line.

Stitching monster Morisha is still sewing.

"And at this time, Musashi encountered the 'Ensemble Field', countless monsters attacked from the field, and our protagonist was also attacked by monsters, and then ran to the warehouse of Qinglei Pavilion in a panic, and it happened to be activated..."

"Etc., etc!!"

This time Chika couldn't bear it anymore.

The inexplicable stitching feeling before is okay. But at this time, Senxia is already blatant.

"Is this the plot of FATE? Is it really okay for you to stitch like this?" Qian Jia couldn't help asking.

"Hey, me and Mushroom, who is with whom! And this is not called stitching, this is called tribute! Salute, you know?"

Although he said so, Qian Jia's words still had some effect.

Senxia restrained herself a little.

"Well... right here, our protagonist activates a 'big crime weapon' placed here, and life is linked with Helaisen, becoming a de facto contract..."

Senxia adjusted it a little.

The plot of the original book, Mori Xia, is still a bit clearer, and I have watched all the animations. But now that you have decided to discard it, just use the original work to make adjustments.

To put it simply, Senxia is equivalent to tearing down a fortress, and then using the materials of the fortress to rebuild it into a skyscraper.

Although they are still buildings, they are actually two completely different things.

Senxia wrote the beginning with ease.

"Well, the beginning is almost like this. After that, the protagonist became the representative of the academy by mistake. As for the card draw, it is 'enrollment' in the game. There can be international students, exchange students, or local recruits. ..."

Although it is a card-drawing game, Senxia also wants to add some features to the card-drawing game.

Since it is a school, it is naturally "enrollment". So Senxia directly turned card drawing into enrollment.

"Then the guild battle is the strategy between different battle groups and the encirclement and suppression of the ensemble field. There are five bosses in each game, and the strategy is cycled. Every few weeks, the difficulty is raised by a level, becoming A side, B side, and so on. Side C and the like..."

Senxia muttered.

"Well, I understand everything else. But in this card-drawing game, the protagonist can also choose women, and then be with those heroines?" Qianjia re-read what Mori Xia wrote, and noticed a glitch.

"Maybe the players like to read the posts of the protagonists." Senxia shrugged.

Don't worry about Brother Long, it's my younger sister who is the one who falls.

But in any case, with the gameplay, background, story and characters gradually taking shape, a new game has slowly formed under Senxia's keyboard...


Finished this chapter before my birthday is over, and I am one year older. A couple of books here should also be on track. There is also Tianmu...>Remember the URL of this site, so that you can read it next time, or enter "" to enter this site


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