[["Phew, it's finally over."

After getting off the taxi, Lihua rubbed her shoulders.

Obviously he is still a college student, but in fact he has already started his career as a social animal.

For business negotiations, she had to put on mature makeup, flat glasses, an office worker's outfit and flesh-colored pantyhose to make herself more mature, like a social animal... cough, a social elite.

This is also where Lihua has always been troubled.

With the increase of age, Lihua Jixiangyuan not only did not become more mature, on the contrary, she also felt a little "reverse growth".

If I put on a sailor suit now, maybe I can pretend to be JK.

"I'm back."

There is no one at home.

But Lihua thinks this is just right.

A quiet space allows you to relax.

She pulled off her high heels, let go of them with difficulty, and walked into the room.

Lihua didn't wear slippers, she just stepped on the shredded meat, her feet lightly stepped on the wooden floor.

The cool feeling is conveyed to the soles of the feet through the nylon, and the refreshing feeling, as if the body and mind are liberated together, makes Lihua come alive.

"Well... it's better to be at home."

She fell down on the sofa tiredly.

"at home……"

Lihua whispered again.

Jixiangyuan Lihua, Qianyu Qianjia, Tianhai Senxia.

The three of them are not a family, but they have the same homeland.

Well, there is actually Mori Xia’s younger sister, Yukino, but it’s out of this specification, so it’s not counted for the time being.

"In the future... who will be with Senxia..."

Lihua murmured.

She knew that Senxia was very popular with girls.

But she was a little worried about who would win the battle.

Some time ago in Northern Europe, Lihua felt a little uneasy.

Especially the meaningful look in her niece Christina's eyes made Lihua feel a little uneasy even now.

"Of course I want everything!" Senxia's voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Eh? All of them? Senxia, ​​it's enough to have me, that kind of thing is not allowed—" Lihua raised her head, and subconsciously replied.

"Huh? Lihua, you're back. Welcome back. What did you just say is not allowed?"

Senxia was discussing something with Qianjia at this time, and they walked down the stairs while talking.


Lihua immediately realized what she just said.

Because she was too exhausted, she had emptied her mind and subconsciously said a bold sentence.

Lihua blushed immediately: "Nothing!"

She shrank back and hugged the pillow. Sobbing, as if she just saw the innocent little girl who had a crush on the boy smiling at her.

"You, what are you talking about?" Lihua asked stiffly.

"Of course it's a game. A game for tablets and future smartphones." Qian Jia walked over with her eyes narrowed and a smile.

The two are girlfriends.

As the person who knows Lihua best, Qianjia subconsciously feels that what Lihua said just now, "I am enough" seems to be something interesting. .... Qianjia, who is a fun person by nature and a non-citizen, has no psychological burden at all to tease her girlfriends.

She can even tease her own sister.

"Okay, let Lihua rest for a while." Senxia shook her head, "Lihua, you didn't tell us when you came back."

"Well, it's nothing. Because things were settled in advance, I came back a while earlier."

Because I couldn't see my sweetheart, I was a little nervous, and finally, at the instigation of Christina, I took a special plane back ahead of time—how could I say such a thing!

The real world is not a romantic comedy!

"Smartphone, is that the one you mentioned earlier?" Lihua changed the subject again.

Escaping is shameful but useful.

"Ah, yes." Regarding the concept of smartphones, Mori Xia and the mobile phone department of the Order of the Phoenix have repeatedly discussed.

"Is performance the key issue?" Lihua asked.

"The performance is not bad." Senxia didn't know why Lihua was changing the subject - Lihua's attitude was too obvious - but this aspect is indeed worth talking about, "The key now is the baseband, antenna and so on."

The baseband is more troublesome on mobile phones.

The chip and the like are actually okay, and now it is not ten years later, Nihong still has a lot of background in design. After taking over Sega's hardware, the chip designed by Mori Xia is not bad.

But the performance of the game console is enough, but the mobile phone needs to pay more attention to more things.

Fortunately, it is still in the 2G era, and it would be nice to make up a little bit of lessons in this regard.

If you wait until the 3G and 4G era, if you want to catch up at that time, you can basically only use other people's mature solutions.

It's not good to be controlled by others.

In this regard, Senxia is preparing to learn from his ancestors. In case of "Central Plains change", he will jump back and become a second-five boy.

Although there may be a wave of losses in the lighthouse country, Senxia doesn't care about it.

"Currently the prototype is almost finished. The Order of the Phoenix is ​​coordinating with suppliers and suppliers. After our product is finalized, production can begin there. It is expected to be released in September 2005." Senxia said.

"Didn't you say that battery life was not enough?" Before Lihua left here, she still remembered that Senxia was complaining about waiting for the next generation and battery life.

Although a certain fruit phone in history was released in 2007, Mori Xia was a year and a few months ahead of schedule.

But Senxia feels that there is no need to be the same as in history.

The performance of the chip in 2005 is also sufficient - don't you see that the PSP can still play "God of War"?

It's just that with the chip manufacturing process of this era, there is a slight problem with battery life.

As for the failure of the initial Android, it is because the system itself is a semi-finished gadget, and it also uses a JAVA virtual machine, so it is strange that the performance is good.

But Senxia patted his head—it’s not an open platform, and its performance is amazing, I can grasp it.

"Ah, half a day of battery life is enough."

——What is battery life, can it be eaten?

Senxia doesn't care about this.

The more we step into the age of intelligence, the more Senxia feels itchy.

Senxia doesn't care what other people think.

But Senxia just wants to use a touch screen machine, to rub glass, and to draw a card.

I! Senxia! Two-dimensional! gentleman!

Why should I care what other people do if I want to play Krypton Gold mobile games in the second dimension? !

Don't have a smartphone? !

Then I krypton gold myself, do it myself!

Battery life or something, can I eat it?

I am happy to be a smart phone and play krypton gold mobile games by myself, there is no problem at all!

Rich and willful!

Then, Senxia sat next to Lihua.


Looking at Senxia who was approaching, Lihua, who had just lost her mind, turned redder at this moment.

And Mori Xia patted Lihua on the shoulder righteously: "Lihua."

Li Hua: "Hmm...?"

"You come to be the CEO!"

"...Huh?">Remember the URL of this site, for the convenience of reading next time, or enter "" to enter this site


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