"I've been wondering since before, Senxia, ​​do you just like to eat well-done steak?"

Mori Xia asked Erika out the next day.

Although it was to discuss business, Senxia decided to have a good meal first.

Just after ordering food in the western restaurant, Erika noticed a flaw in Morixia.

"Because fully-cooked steak is the most test of the chef's skills. During the process of fully-cooking, the one who can still maintain the freshness and gravy of the ingredients is the real chef."

Senxia only hates that the real world doesn't have special effects of the second dimension, otherwise he must order a plate of glowing dishes.

"And actually, I really like to eat that kind of hard texture, chewy."

It's the same as tearing apart the cold steamed buns, and then stir-fried meat with chili peppers in the middle.

"You make me look so weird."

Erika looked at the stern-looking Mori Xia, and then at her medium-rare steak.

Although it is quite normal, but in front of Senxia, ​​she feels that her normal self has become abnormal.

"Ah, that's not right. I mean, you called me out behind Lihua and Qianjia's backs, just to give me a hard meal?!"

Erika noticed that both of them were getting off topic.

"How can this be called soft rice hard food. They all know it." Senxia said.

"What, what new style are you guys playing again?!" Erika was startled, and then she looked at Senxia again, and after that honest look, she seemed to have anticipation again.

It seems that he really wants to see what interesting work Senxia wants to do here.

"Actually, it's about work... Woohoo!"

Before Morisha could speak, Erika kicked her.

"What's the matter?" Erika supported her head and looked at Morixia with cold eyes.

"It's so scary, even the tone of voice has changed... Woohoo!"

Erika couldn't help but kick him again at Morixia's complaints.

"Ahem. It's some small business related to mobile phones." Senxia said.

"Oh. Then go to my dad directly, you should have his contact information." Erika looked down at her chest.

Her eyes were unhindered, and she saw the tablecloth and plate directly below, as well as the steak inside.

Is it because of this reason?

Erika was lost in thought.

"Don't say that," Senxia sighed, and then took out his trump card. He took out two Disney tickets, "And I asked the monitor out because there happened to be two Disney tickets here."

"Uh..." Erika looked at Morixia with sick eyes, "You don't think such a cheap method will be useful, do you? Not everyone likes to go to an amusement park."

"Then, don't you want it?"

"Give me!"

Just as Senxia was about to take back the ticket, Erika snatched the ticket.

Then she said: "It's no fun to go in the afternoon. You can go in the morning and play all day. Or you can just go for two days and one night."

"Didn't you say you're not interested... Woohoo!"

This is the third time Senxia has been kicked today.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you? Recently, my father often asks me to help. I still know some business matters."

"Oh, that's right." Morixia said, "The Order of the Phoenix is ​​going to set up an independent subsidiary company, and then develop a smart mobile device. It will focus on smart phones and mobile networks. Although the Order of the Phoenix is ​​reasonable in terms of hardware, but in terms of market , we also need allies.”

In fact, we need to talk not only at home, but also abroad.

For example next door...

"Mobile Internet access?"

"To be more precise, it is a high-speed network."

Hearing what Senxia said, Erika tilted her head: "Although it's a bit strange for me to say this, does it have any meaning?"

"Not to mention business. If you can handle texts and emails anytime, anywhere, this is actually very attractive. Not to mention games. Well, if there is anything that cannot be separated, in fact I have some ideas, such as the lightness of the mobile phone."

Watching the Internet with a mobile phone is not the privilege of the next door.

It also exists in this country, and even if you want to trace the development, it is even popular earlier than the next door.

But how should I put it... Both the routine and the content are ten years behind.

But it's not all bad.

Although there are many wonderful ideas on the network next door, if you want to transform them into animations or games, the probability is actually very small, and the quality is hard to describe.

However, Senxia has heard of the effect of the animation of the three-body animation before.

He only hated himself for not seeing the animation of the three-body problem before.

That must be a perfect work!

Another advantage here is the works of gentlemen. In terms of the freedom of subject matter and content, it is very powerful here. All kinds of super edge ball or straight ball light.

Ah, this is simply heaven!

Erika dug out her flip phone GX10 from Sharp with a color screen.

"Is it really no problem to look at a mobile phone with such a small screen?"

This phone is a color screen phone with a resolution of 128×160. It can only display 65535 colors, which in terms of computer screens is "16-bit enhanced color", which is not even 32-bit true color.

However, this mobile phone has a camera, which is quite rare in this era, but it can only be used to take some sloppy photos.

"Hmph~ This is not the case with mobile phones in the future." Mori Xia raised her head proudly.

"Hey, what kind of clamshell machine?" Erika became interested.

"Uh..." Senxia was stuck.

Because what I make is not a clamshell machine.

"What, it's not a clamshell phone?" Erika looked at Morixia's expression and immediately came to a conclusion.

"Ahem, it's better than a clamshell phone." Senxia said hastily.

"But if it's not a clamshell phone, would everyone like it?" Erika felt strange.

Flip machine.

Although it is nonsense, in this country, there are indeed many people who have a soft spot for clamshell phones. Even in some sci-fi works involving the future these days, as long as there are devices similar to mobile phones, most of them are clamshell phones. .

In this country, the clamshell machine has a unique status.JPG.

In another world line, even the fruit phone, in fact, did not gnaw this bone for a while.

"We are global-oriented." Senxia said, "And we are smart phones, and tablets are the best and most fashionable."

In fact, it is not impossible to make a clamshell.

But with the current technical reserves of the Order of the Phoenix, making a flip cover...then the weight must be increased by 100 million points, and the people in other places are not like here, the flip cover is too wise, it is really not worth the candle.

"Well, can I take a look first?" Erika asked.

"Of course." Senxia said hurriedly, "I'll bring you this good thing, Kangkang, later~"


Thank you leader for the reward... Now I have to change it, cover my face...
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