"Why do you look like you were squeezed dry?"

When Qianjia came home, she saw Morixia lying on the sofa, as if she had turned into a dried salted fish.

Lie on my stomach, speechless.

Hearing Qianjia's voice, Morixia didn't answer, but slowly stretched out her thumb, indicating that she had already negotiated.

"nailed it."

Senxia's muffled voice came.

"What was discussed with Erika?" Qianjia said.

"Yes. But Erika and her father will have to look at our products first."

Hearing Senxia's words, Qianjia suddenly realized something.

She walked over and sat directly on Senxia's waist.


Being crushed under Qianjia, Morixia let out an exaggerated cry. In fact, Qianjia is not heavy, and the sofa is also very soft.

"That is to say, our squad leader has finalized the cooperation plan before seeing the smartphone?"

"It's connections! I used connections!"

Senxia hurriedly explained.

"I think you're more like...forget it." Qian Jia didn't continue to discuss this topic.

Otherwise, you may become more and more angry.

"But the Aoi family really attaches great importance to our smartphones." Morixia said, "Using the mobile Internet to surf the Internet is a current trend, so it is very simple to reach a cooperation agreement."

"That's true. The market for contract phones is already very mature. If you add an Internet traffic tariff package, it doesn't seem to be a big problem."

Qian Jia felt that this was really no big problem.

Ni Hong here, the contract machine is quite fancy, in a sense, it can also be said to be quite "mature".

"Actually, as long as I can enjoy playing games, I'm already satisfied." Senxia's pursuit is not high.

"I have another question." Qianjia said.


"What if someone just wants to use our device to play games or listen to music, but doesn't want the communication function? The cost and price of this kind of smart device are very high, and there is no way to compare with handheld devices."

The price of a handheld is definitely not comparable to that of a mobile phone.

"For the handheld route, I plan to simplify the machine, remove those communication modules at that time, and then castrate some unnecessary performance, there will be no problem." Senxia said, "The cost can be reduced a lot."

Senxia learned this trick from the fruit company next door.

Although the itouch product is positioned as a music player, in fact, many people regard this device as a streamlined entry-level device for the iphone.

Games that can be played on mobile phones, this "music player" can also run.

Many people even started to fall in love with this "music player", and then gradually became a family bucket.

It's just that later, with the development of the tablet market and the popularity of smart phones, this transitional device began to become more and more marginalized.

However, for the present ten or twenty years ago, such a device with similar positioning is just right.

"Everyone can accept changing the battery of a handheld device every day, but it is still difficult to accept charging a mobile phone every day. And everyone has no concept of smart phones, so I think it is just right to have such a device to popularize the concept for everyone. .” Senxia explained.

"Is there no way to use a bigger and lighter battery?" Qianjia tilted her head.

"I think so too." Senxia was helpless, "But the products that can be found on the market are just like this."

Lithium batteries exist now, and even the power and battery density are not bad.

But compared with the other world line, there is still a gap.

Although there are many high-performance batteries now, there are some problems in stability and safety. Mori Xia also doesn't want her phone to suddenly BOOM one day! Lost.

This is not good for NOTE7.

"Don't worry, we develop power banks just for battery life. Qianjia, believe me, one day everyone will get used to smartphones that charge once a day, and one day everyone will be unsafe when they go out without a power bank. a feeling of."

Senxia's words made the corners of Qianjia's mouth twitch: "Why do I always feel that such a future is scary... such a big mobile phone, and then there is a mobile power supply..."

It's so nonsense, how can people use mobile phones like this in the future?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Compared to this, I actually care more about the ecology of mobile phones."

There is a very important question.

Although Senxia is making krypton gold games by herself, the only games she makes are really a bit... subtle.

It's like many people get itchy when touched by others, but they don't feel it at all when they touch themselves. Everyone knows what's inside the games they make. At this time, the sense of accomplishment of the krypton gold game will be slightly less.

This isn't a girl's skirt, the kind I really want to see even if I know it...

"If I want to make games, I hope that others can also make some interesting games for me to play."

Senxia sighed.

"Didn't we unite with many game manufacturers? Now that AVG has shown signs of decline, text adventures are somewhat limited after all. Why don't we bring them here together?" Qian Jia tilted her head.

Although it hasn't been mentioned for a long time, Senxia has a game platform "Mithril" in his hand.

To play games of Mori Xia's, such as Hero Tracks, etc., you need the support of this platform.


Senxia raised her head.

"The Senluo IV engine seems to have been approved, right?"

The "everything in the sky" game engine is also one of the game engines of the Senxia family. Skip the second generation and directly develop the third generation.

Now, Senluo IV is also in the project development stage. At first, this engine was led by Senxia and Qianjia, but it has since been handed over to others.

As for work, how can the boss and the boss's wife do it in person?

"In this generation of engines, we can strengthen the design for mobile devices. We can also gather those game manufacturers and see if we can make something."

Of course, it is the kind of gentleman.

For example, Azur Lane, Azur Lane, and Azur Lane.

Enough gentleman.JPG.

"Then let the club contact you first." Qianjia said, "By the way, you haven't said yet, you have made some ulterior transaction with Erika."

"Ahem, what is an ulterior transaction!" Senxia said, "It's just asking her to go to Disney... By the way, there is this."

Seeing that Qianjia went around and turned the topic back to Erika, Morixia skillfully began to change the topic.

He produced an invitation letter.

"The movie version of MUV Moonfall will be released in Tokyo soon, let's go see it together?"


It was positive some time ago, trying to recover ing
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