"Hey, it seems that I will have to write the plot in the future."

After the movie ended, Senxia began to look for comments on the Internet.

The online reviews these days are all high-quality reviews, and some of the content is very pertinent.

"You really have a leisurely heart."

Qianjia, who had just taken a shower, walked to Senxia's side while wiping her hair.

"It's in Chinese? Shouldn't we read European and American reviews first for this kind of Hollywood masterpiece?"

"Because the people here are nice and funny, I like this place the most."

Senxia didn't say anything, just browsing the content on the Internet. Walk

But after seeing the first comment, Senxia broke the defense.

"Zhang Hope: Generally very good. But I still have to say something, don't shoot if you don't know how to shoot. The F22 is the most elite fighter in the Lighthouse country, and it can't hit a few balloons. What a lack of common sense! And , I know this is a sci-fi movie, but sci-fi still needs to respect reality. A machine with Skynet-level computing power is actually condensed to such a small size. Adaptation is not random editing, let’s respect reality. Newton’s coffin can’t hold back gone."

——By the way, in this world line, the stalk of "Newton's coffin board" was carried forward by Senxia himself in this world.

"What the hell!"

"You think the comments are not very good?" Qianjia asked.

"No, I just think that even if it's a live-action adaptation next time, I still have to take care of the script a little bit. I think the taste of Hollywood is still too strong for this kind of big-scene doomsday disaster mecha sci-fi movie." Hun couldn't hold back anymore, "Although the action scenes and scenes are pretty good, the final plot is really...too...forget it, I won't talk about it."

Strictly speaking, whether it is special effects or big scenes, the movie version of MUV is qualified. Walk

But some adaptations are just outrageous.

F22 can't hit the balloon? How is this possible!

And this movie still invited help from there... Perhaps, in the eyes of the soldiers of the Lighthouse Country, this is actually quite normal?

Sen Xia shook his head, he felt that he had made a mistake.

He continues to read the comments below.

"The special effects are top-notch. The reproduction of BT is super high! Although Huang Weiyi is great, Natalie's real-life version is also very good! I have seen the movie Resident Evil and Final Fantasy that are also game adaptations, and the Final Fantasy stuff Er is the author's own high, although Resident Evil is very good, but... I'm sorry, I choose Natalie."

"Holy shit, I didn't realize that the mainland is the Special Attack version after I finished reading it, with a layer of filters added. I heard that the original version of the battle suit is semi-transparent!"

"I watched the gun version, and what the above said is correct, but the quality of the gun version is too poor. I suggest you go to the cinema to see it. It's really shocking."

These days, the box office of the movie next door is really worrying. If you pick up a bad movie twenty years later, you might be able to become the box office champion.

But Senxia doesn't care about this. What he sees is the future.

So now for the layout.

Coincidentally, the favorite of the next door these days is the special effects blockbuster of the Lighthouse Kingdom, and the reputation of the family has been established.

"Look at the Omi region..."

Senxia logged into the English forum again. Walk

"The live-action version of MUV is great! But rather than the original story, I want to see a work that completely restores the game."

"Go watch the animated version. The animated version has a high degree of restoration, but it doesn't have such cool special effects."

"BT is so cool! The feeling like first love is so wonderful! I want to tear that nasty woman off, and then sit on BT myself!"

Serious forum, the discussion about the plot is quite interesting.

However, some anonymous forums are more subtle. Most people are talking about battle suits.

"It's no wonder it's Mr. Xia Sen! It's amazing that combatants can wear semi-transparent combat uniforms for such a noble reason!"

"I made my girlfriend wear a latex combat suit, isn't this COS great? [Picture 1] [Picture 2]..." Go

"I have a question, what should combatants do when they go to the bathroom?"

Compared with serious forums, discussions in this anonymous forum are much more open, even to a somewhat unrestrained level.

"What are you thinking?" Qianjia noticed that Mori Xia was looking fascinated, "New inspiration?"

"Well, it's not about gentlemen."

Mori Xia solemnly changed to another Japanese forum interface.

This is a real-name system forum. The people here speak nicely and politely, and all they say are praises. Senxia likes it very much.

Of course, on an anonymous website like 2CH, the above content may be more gentlemanly than that in the European and American anonymous areas. Walk

Many people are protesting that in the live-action version of the work, a very important shake is missing.

Well, the driver sits in the machine, and then shakes due to large movements and impacts. It's in the anime version and in the game, but not in the live-action version.

"I can't help it. Natalie is too young after all. Even though it's cushioned, it can't shake if it can't shake."

"Even if this kind of shaking is a special effect, right?"

"I think this is entirely the production team's mistake. Why use breast pads? Isn't it enough to replace it with jelly?!"

"I was looking forward to it before, but why did it become more and more tasteless the more I watched it?" Senxia sighed.

"Because everyone is discussing the battle suit. Therefore, it is really a big mistake not to shake." Qianjia complained. Walk

"The live-action version is for special effects. Don't you think the big scene is great?"

Using 3D and special effects to express science fiction, the effect is really great, much stronger than 2D. It's not that 2D can't do such a thing, but that if 2D wants to achieve the same texture and scene, there are too many things that need to be depicted.

In other words, the funding will explode.

2D and 3D have their own strengths.

"Besides, the plot line always feels too bland... No, it's not very bland, it just feels... um... routine?"

Chika tilted her head.

Qian Jia, who does not follow the usual path, is the least interested in routines. Walk

For live-action works, because people are needed to shoot, compared with animation, many places are restricted.

At the same time, the Hollywood-style plot made the whole story seem a bit routine, so Qian Jia didn't feel very right.

Senxia shrugged, he thought so too, but audiences who couldn't hold back in this era, just let it go. If you really follow Qianjia's imagination to shoot, sudden death would not be too easy.

Although Senxia is rich and self-willed, since she has decided to be self-willed on her mobile phone, she has to restrain herself a little in other places.

"But movies come first, but ordinary TV dramas may be able to have something interesting..."

Senxia muttered.



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