Senxia made up her mind to make a new work.

However, Company A has been short of production capacity recently.

Company a is different from other small workshops in that it has stronger production capacity, better management ability, stable painting and relatively uniform style. And different from other companies, company A's works are all their own, so they produce and sell themselves, and their profits are healthy.

But even so, the current situation of Club A is not very good.

Morixia's earliest "masterpiece", "Guilty Crown", is preparing for animation. This work has been a few years ago, but as a more iconic work than Lelouch, the animation can not be sloppy.

In addition, "Young Girl War" and "Near Moon Girl" have also begun to progress towards animation.

Well, the Chronicle of the Young Girl has not been finished yet, and the girl has only published a few volumes in recent months.

But it doesn't matter, the amount of content is enough for animation, then the animation is done.

Teacher Xia Sen's works are all fine works.

Morixia's version of "Young Girl's War" is different from another world line. This work is really a collection of political jokes, and all kinds of outrageous operations and absurd stories make people laugh. But because of this, the adaptation of this work is also very difficult.

Senxia let herself go when she wrote it, but when she adapted it, she made the staff bald.

The latter is also under great pressure, because before again, Club A has such a masterpiece "Girl in Love with My Sister" in front of it. Although "Girl Near the Moon" may not be exactly the same, in the eyes of the audience, this is Compared with works of the same type, it is certain. The staff here are also bald.

In addition to these three releases, Club A also collaborated in the production, such as Risheng's Gundam Seed-Disney, also known as "Seed Destiny", among which many mecha animations were made by Club A.

Belonging has tasted the sweetness before.

The remaining production capacity was handed over to another animated film-"The Other Side of the Cloud".

Hmm... Xin Haicheng of this world line is currently working under Mori Xia. With Mori Xia's investment, the other party now has a special production team, preparing to produce his own animation film.

"Yes. As a result, I, the boss, can't do anything by myself."

After wandering around in Club A, Mori Xia realized that he is really not good at messing around now.

Company A's production capacity is already full, and a new project is suddenly added, not to mention this year, and even next year's plan may be messed up.

Moreover, Club A has no way to expand at will. The current scale of Club A is just right. If it expands a little bit, I'm afraid it will suffer from the "over-expansion" debuff.

"Otherwise, find someone else to do it? Isn't the production factory over there in Shanghai okay?" Qianjia thought of the next door.

The film version of "The Voice of the Sky" co-produced before, the effect is very good.

"The situation over there is similar. Pleasant Goat Medicine can't be stopped... Cough, I mean the continuity of this work needs to be maintained. If it is more mature, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" basically takes up the remaining production capacity."

The animated version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", in another world line, this work is still very good, but because of the limited space and production problems, it has many flaws.

However, Senxia still likes this work very much, and the songs of the film inherit the fine traditions of the old Three Kingdoms, "Clouds travel in the sky, waves travel in Sichuan", "It's so long, this round of four seasons will take a hundred years Mori Xia can still hum lines such as "replacement".

So after starting the cooperation with the neighbor next door, the two sides took advantage of the good effect of the movie version of "The Voice of the Sky", so they started the production of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Although it is "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", under Morixia's request, many parts of this work respect "Three Kingdoms", and the costumes are slightly beautified and adjusted while conducting textual research... Anyway, it is similar to the Japanese style of the old TV series Armor and the bullshit armor of the new TV series, it doesn't exist.

"The production capacity next door is even more limited than Company A, and I can't help it."

In these years, Senxia couldn't even find more outsourcing. In this day and age, outsourcing has not yet evolved into what the future will look like.

"Then... find another family to help?" Qian Jia asked.

There are actually quite a few animation companies.

But if the performance is stable... that's hard to say.

"No," Qian Jia had just finished speaking, and then thought of something, "So, what kind of animation do you want to make?"

"There are so many things I want to do. But I need to confirm what I can do first."

Senxia's idea was originally aroused by the movie version of the mv Moonfall, and what he wanted to do most was actually science fiction.

But this kind of work requires cooking and financial resources to be piled up.

As long as the money is less, the things that come out will not work.

It's impossible to make a cute science fiction work, right?


It seems that it is really possible?

As far as science fiction is concerned, such works cannot be regarded as complete science fiction, but if they are not science fiction, they are all steel cannons.


That is the ship girl.

Not to mention, the strongest masterpiece among the current browser games is really the Ship Girl series.

It just so happens that Senxia likes magic changes, and the "animation" of Jianniang, Senxia thinks it is also a type that can be super magic changes... No, there is no need for super magic changes, just throw away the animation, just remake it .

Anyway, Senxia feels that such a work, in the original world, would definitely not have a second season.

No, no, can the ship girl still produce a second season of animation? Can it be worse?

impossible! This is not Beast Girl Zoo 2.

"...Well, let's forget it."

Senxia himself rejected this idea in his heart.

On the one hand, it is still too early, and the concept of ship girls has not yet been popularized. It may be more appropriate to wait two years. On the other hand, it is the choice of ships, which is also a troublesome place.

In addition, Senxia also has a lot of ideas.

Thinking of science fiction, Senxia suddenly thought of Pacific Rim.

Although it is a movie, there are also animations. It's a pity that although the picture is good, the plot is a mess. It's a pity that the characters and pictures are too bad. But anyway, there are still human designs, which is better than the Pacific Rim 2 movie.

Fine-tuning the first part is enough, and the second part needs to be modified.

But Senxia mainly felt that there was no challenge at all. The plot of the second part, in Senxia's view, as long as it is a carbon-based organism, basically nothing will go wrong. The reason why it ended badly is entirely because the production of this not a carbon-based organism at all. Well, it's a bad job that most people can't handle.

"So what are you struggling with?"

Qianjia saw Morixia laughing here for a while, and thinking for a while, a little inexplicable.

"Sometimes too much inspiration is also troublesome."

Senxia shook her head.

Senxia's Versailles made Qianjia roll her eyes.

"So, what should we do..."

Senxia was lost in thought.

I can't even order fries...
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