This year, tomorrow incense is also called "Yiliu" instead of "Shibo". Ling Bo's smile is still the "goddess's smile" in everyone's mind.

The mushrooms, which were mixed in the crowd, also came to this side.

It's not easy to get out of work. How can mushrooms get the chance of cm? Although he has been lining up since the early hours of the morning, his enthusiasm has not diminished.

"The guy of qingbingwei is too strict. He asked me to write a script even though he was so important today At such a time, you should come to the venue and buy a lot of money! "

Mushroom spent a lot of effort to escape the pursuit of Qing soldiers and Wunei. Kung Fu pays off. In the exhibition hall, mushroom harvest is quite rich. It's a pity that when he found Mr. Xia Sen, they had already left, and only Lao Xu was there. However, he was out of his mind at that time. After mushroom started an EVA retake, he continued his own saint war. Just after coming out, the mushroom found a commotion in the cosplay photo area, and then the mushroom came up.

"It's like a real person. It's amazing." These two roles of tomotaka and Ayanami are perfect, and mushroom is also very amazing.

"Wait, this one seems to be Miss Qianjia? That "Ling Bo"... "

It seems to be a little familiar!

"Ah, ah! Nassau

At this moment, however, a hand is slapped on the back of naisu.

"Qing Qingbingwei - "mushroom shivered, then turned stiffly.

"Nai sho sang. Why are you in such a place? " There was a kind smile on the face of qingbingwei.

Mushrooms fall like ice caves.

"No! My St. war is not over yet The mushroom screamed.

"Questions and answers are useless!" Qingbing Wei left the meeting with a strong drag of mushrooms

The mushrooms were pulled out of the crowd, but there were countless people trying to get in.

Ichiro kurima crowded in the crowd, in order to capture his mind of tomorrow, he made enough efforts to maintain his position. Take a lot of pictures.

But he was not happy because there was a foreign woman standing beside him. This guy, like himself, was trying to squeeze in front of him. When he saw this guy, Ichiro kurima was angry. Hey, tomorrow incense and Ling Bo Li are mine. I will never give them to others!

Therefore, how can a homestead man live a lonely life? Ichiro kurima doesn't care about his beautiful sister paper, which is very good-looking and protruding behind. Instead, he keeps crowding out each other and tries to monopolize this position.

Torret was huddled next to the fat house. As a foreigner, he is actually very favored in Japan, at least on the surface. Now this guy dares to be so blatantly trying to push himself away. It's unreasonable!

The two men ran against each other, forgetting to take pictures. They didn't realize what they had missed until it was getting dark and the crowd dispersed.

"No!" After realizing that the wonderful scenery slipped away from his face, Ichiro kurima no longer wanted to compete with this woman for a place.

And at this time, he suddenly found that the foreign woman around him ran up like this to the two people.

Yes, although there is no chance now. But you can also find them to shoot alone!

However, it is not only Ichiro kurima and torret who have this idea. There are also many people nearby who have this idea. The "tomotaka" and "Ling Boli" are obviously aware of this. They are also running away very fast for fear of being overtaken.

The two people's movements were very fast, and these people were thrown away at once.

When Ichiro kurima was ready to give up, he suddenly found that the foreign sister did not seem to give up, but went to the other side.


Ichiro kurima was a little surprised. He immediately followed the man


"Well, I finally got rid of those guys. It's not good to be too enthusiastic..."

After senxia and Qianjia slipped behind the crowd, they were finally relieved.

Although at the beginning, they were very happy that they could be so popular, but what happened later was beyond their expectation.

Those people It's so warm.

There is a feeling called "gentleman" in the enthusiasm of the homestead men. If we continue, this "dirty" atmosphere is really unbearable. Even Qianjia feels very heavy.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people in this place, so it's easy to get rid of them.

"Just a moment, please."

However, at this time, a voice came from a distance.

"Well, again?" Senxia has been fed up with, just now he has sold the integrity completely. Now, after regaining the discipline, senxia doesn't want to continue to throw it away."Oh, wait a minute. It seems to be a girl. Listen to this voice Well, sure enough. "

It's a foreigner.

Towards senxia and Qianjia is a foreigner with a camera.

"Hello, my name is mitt torret. I'm a fan of EVA. Miss tomotaka and Miss Ling Boli are very professional. Can I take a set of pictures for you?" The woman named torret seems a little strange, but the Japanese she speaks is also within the scope of understanding.

"You two, I can make a photo album for you for free In Japanese, photos are read as "photo".

"Oh? Do you have a photo album? " Probably because the other side is female, so Qianjia is quite generous at this time.

"Miss tomotaka, Miss Ling Boli!" At this time, a voice came over, two people follow this voice to see a typical Japanese otaku.

Then senxia and Qianjia all step back without trace.

I can't help it. The clothes on this brother are so strong that they can't help it. A coat is printed with tomotaka and ayangpoli on it. This feeling is really very daunting for these two "tomotaka" and "Ling Boli".

What, do you mean Shinji? I'm sorry, we all subconsciously ignored this one.

"Well, Hello, my name is Ichiro kurima. I'm a senior fan of EVA. Your COS is really amazing. It's just like a real person coming out of animation. It's amazing!"

Kurima Ichiro said while walking towards senxia. Senxia and Qianjia only felt Alexander at this time and could not help but continued to step back two steps.

It turns out that even boys don't take care of their houses

"Ladies and gentlemen, can I take a photo of you?" Ichiro kurima asked the same thing as torret.

But how to say the same thing from the mouth of dead house and sister paper, the persuasiveness is naturally different

"I'm sorry, Mr. Black island. We've agreed to this foreign lady's request." Qian Jia points to torret with a smile.

"Er -" the whole face of Ichiro kurima was not good.

If it was someone else, Ichiro kurima would have expressed regret, but this guy Anyway, he felt rather upset.

Obviously, she is a woman of three dimensions, and she is robbing Ling Bo and tomorrow incense here. This is absolutely unreasonable!

"That one!" He took another step forward, "Ling posan, my goddess!"

"Well Eh... "

Senxia and Qianjia step back again, no way, the other side to their own lethality is too strong, senxia they have been unable to look directly at each other.

So, dead house or something

"Wait, I mean it!" Heishimao Ichiro did not want to give up, he quickly stood out, "I can help you out a photo album at my own expense!"

In Sao Nian, you are still too young. The foreign friend of others proposed this condition as soon as he arrived

"I'm sorry, but we've agreed to miss torret's request." Qianjia refused the other party again.

"That," said Ichiro kurima, who seems to have reacted. His "St. war robe" seems to have gone too far. "I'm not a good person, really!"

No, the more you say, the more suspicious

Seeing the other party's refusal, Ichiro kurima didn't give up. He was shouting, "please, whatever you ask me to do, whatever you want me to do!"

"What can you do?" At this time, Qianjia finally let go.

"Well, I know all the things related to the house system. No matter how to cover the cruel angel's action program or EVA information, I can give you all Of course, it's not easy for me to make the silk sauce

Er, well, this guy may not be a strange guy at present. It's just a dead house

Since it's just a dead house, then ignore it completely. Qian Jia looks at torret and smiles, "miss torret, what do you want to shoot?"

Miss torret also smiles at Chika, then looks at Ichiro kurima with disdain, and then says to Mori and Chika, "please follow me. We'll change places."

"It's not fair. I also want to shoot ayama! Why don't you let me do it, goddess Heishimao yells in frustration beside him, but it's a pity that there will be no one to regret the death of the house.

Idiots, you are a man, others are sister paper, even if sister paper wipe, this is also a very cool thing, you understand?

Senxia shakes her head beside her. Even if it's a salty pig's hand, even boys will have a kind of psychological nausea. But if it's a younger sister's hand, even if it's just above the average level, it won't make people feel disgusted. This is the natural advantage of Mei paper.

If you want to blame, you are otaku, and not sister paperMori took a pitiful look at the pitiful schoolmate Ichiro kurima and left with Miss torret


It's still 3K. With yesterday's 3k, it's two shifts!

Cough, I continue to code words, and strive to recover. Both shifts are 3K. If I can't hold up, I will go to rest, so I don't have to wait. (to be continued. )

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