"Let's have a group photo first."

It was not miss torret who made the first suggestion, but Qianjia.

Although people have taken so many photos before, it was at that time that they took so many photos, but after all, they were not professional, it was just a game between lovers. But miss torret is going to shoot a photo album for them, which is totally different from the previous concept.

"Just a moment, please. We need something else necessary." But miss torret asked them to wait a moment.

Coincidentally, Ichiro kurima also followed, she simply walked over: "this gentleman, I wonder if you can get me some reflectors?"

"Ha..." "Why did you come to me?" he asked

"Because I'm going to shoot a photo album for the two miss tomotaka and Miss Ling Boli, I think it's necessary."

Ah, the goddess needs it!

Heishimao felt his brain hot, then patted his chest and said, "give it to me."

Looking at Heidao Ichiro running away, senxia sighed, so said the house of death

"Well, now we can start." Torret came to them with a smile.

"Please, miss torret." Qian Jia waved to each other. When she was open to foreigners, she didn't care so much about the so-called etiquette.

"Miss Ling Bo, please lie down here." Torret pointed to the lawn next to it.

Senxia nodded and lay on the ground.

I don't know what they're going to do. But the other side's face is serious, a look of professional let Sen Xia awe.

After lying down obediently, miss torret said, "miss tomotaka, you lie on the left side of Miss Ling Bo and face her side. Hold it with her left hand and her right hand

After hearing the other party's order, Qianjia was stunned.

Well, miss torret didn't know that senxia was a boy. Although miss torret's opinion was normal, a boy and a girl made such a move Why is there a feeling of loss?

Qianjia looks at Sen Xia, her eyes are a little red. But she was lying next to Sonia.

"Miss tomotaka, please put your left leg on the right side of Miss Ling Bo's left leg." Torret continues to direct Chika's movements.

"Hello, sister, if you are reluctant, forget it." Senxia noticed that Qian Jia's face turned red.

"It's OK. Anyway, senxia Jun, you are not an outsider. Why do you care more about this now than I do? " Qian Jia shook her head and turned to her side. Her right chest was facing senxia's left chest. She was half a body lower than senxia, and her left leg was pressed on her right leg.

"Well Miss Ling Bo, your body is a little bit like this... " Torret looked at it for a moment, and then came over in person. She raised senxia's right leg up to her chest, forming a half-m-shaped shape, and then used senxia's upper body in vain to let it slightly side.

After fiddling with senxia, she went to Qianjia's side and made her head closer to senxia. Two people could feel each other's breath almost face-to-face. At this time, senxia is lying, and Qianjia is almost half lying on senxia's body. Fortunately, Sen Xia is wearing Ling poli's clothes at this time. Otherwise, if it is replaced by a strong Chinese paper, this picture can even be used as the cover of Lifan.

But then again, the two girls as the cover of some comics and books, it seems nothing

"Please point your head here." When torret saw it, she picked up the camera and snapped a picture.

"Is that all right?" Senxia feels Qianjia's breath vomit on his body, he feels a little itchy.

"No, I'm just trying to see how it works. There's not enough lighting right now. We have to wait."

As soon as her voice dropped, Ichiro kurima came running over with the reflector he didn't know where he had come from. As soon as he came here, he saw the wonderful and shocking pictures of tomotaka and Ayanami, and the whole person was stunned.

"Too Beautiful... "

This kind of picture is simply perfect, the pure Lily blooms in an instant, and the whole world seems to have turned into a warm spring at this time.

"Come here, stand here..."

After losing his mind, Ichiro kurima completely became torette's props, so he listened to the other party's orders and began to give them all.

After feeling that the light was almost the same, torret brought a picture of them. However, this is not over. In order to pursue the effect, miss torret took several photos, then fiddled with the light plate, and then took photos again.

And senxia and Qianjia are so close together that they can't move for half a day.

Although still taking photos, Sen Xia's attention has shifted to Qianjia.

The temperature outside is a little low, but the temperature of Qianjia's body is conveyed to her body surface through the clothes, so they look at each other without saying a word."Miss tomotaka and Miss Ling Boli are OK. Let's change our posture now." Torret came up.

"My name is Qianyu Qianjia. You can call me Qianjia directly. She's Tianhai senxia. Just call her senxia." Qianjia nods to each other.

Although their cos are the characters in EVA, it is still strange that COS is cos, and they are always called "tomorrow incense" and "Ling Bo Li".

"Well, that's good, qianjiasang, senxiasang." Although torret's Japanese is not standard, it sounds like it has a special flavor.

Torret first asked Qianjia to stand up and then called Ichiro kurima next to him to help. Unconsciously, the dead house had become the drudgery of miss torret, and now he is still following each other.

After Qianjia separated from senxia, she let go a lot, and the whole person was involved in the shooting, which was much better.

It has to be said that this miss torret seems to have two hands. When senxia sees the other party's gesture of fiddling with Qianjia, she also nods frequently. These movements are especially harmonious and have a kind of "style".

How to say that, when senxia saw Qianjia, who was doing the action, she thought of those green tea bitches in front of the lens of her previous life - don't misunderstand, this is not derogatory. After all, those pure and lovely photos of green tea people are also a big symbol of them.

At this time, Sen Xia was a little curious. In this era when PS was not popular, what kind of photos would miss torret take


After reading the information of C89 for a day, it's a pity that I'm in akalim province. I'm learning Japanese hard

In fact, the first action happened to be seen when looking for the book. The cover of Poka ^ 2 in EVA book. If you don't know the latex coat, you can see the texture of the cover. Cough

(to be continued). )

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