It turns out that the sales volume of the book in the first week is just the beginning. With the coming of the weekend, the sales of the book are getting higher and higher.

According to the current situation, the book may sell 300000 copies in the current month.

For the first volume of a new man's first book, this can be said to be quite excellent.

Although the sales of light novels are often hundreds of thousands of sets or millions of sets, senxia is definitely a newcomer among the new people. Even Fuji was shocked to see the situation in the study.

It's a pity that Mori's other book "Earth Defense youth" is still in the process of award-winning, and the results will not be available until May. Otherwise, if this book is released now, the sales volume may be even more terrible. However, if the Earth Defense youth can win the prize, it will be even more terrifying if it comes out after the award.

On February 8, because of the strong sales of Sen Xia's novels, animic society decided to hold a celebration banquet for him.

As for the place where the celebration banquet was held, naturally it was the white bear Cafe downstairs. Although the staff on the scene, that is, all the members of animic club and the staff of model month, although they looked very spectacular, they were only a dozen.

"Senxia Jun, congratulations. The editor in chief is very optimistic about your novel. It's also good for your selection." Miss Xia Sen was invited to the scene.

"It was just a coincidence of timing, and I didn't expect this novel to be so powerful." Senxia also sighed.

He originally thought that "the battle of the young girl" was just an appetizer, and the future "Earth Defense youth" would be the main play. However, to our surprise, the "battle of the young girl" caused probably one of the earliest internet word-of-mouth effects on the Internet. As a result, the sales of the book have also been boosted.

Originally Sen Xia did not expect this contribution fee. But now, it seems that the fee for writing a book is really great.

"But senxia Jun, you handed in the manuscript of 400000 words in one breath. Is this really no problem? The following content should be changed according to the feedback from readers. You hand in so many manuscripts at one go. It may be detrimental to the later creation. " Miss Dahe kindly reminded me.

"Well, I know that, but I don't need it."

Whether it's dianniang's novels, Japanese light novels, even comics and animations, these books are more or less influenced by the will of readers and audiences. For example, the Dragon Ball series, which has been forced to extend, has been upgraded from half a year to adulthood, and then has been transformed into a long series of beautiful girls of light. There are even conspiracy theories that the original official matches of goldseed are Kira and carcarrie, Aslan and lax, but it is because lax is so popular that she gives it to Kyla. So Aslan wore a green hat, and Carrie forced herself from Princess to Kira's sister. In addition, the reason why Ono Xiuming is against the dead house people also has this part of the factor. As we all know, if we want to interfere with his will to change the plot by force, it will only cause adverse effects.

In the eyes of Miss Takasu Dahe, Sen Xia's novels are now very good. This should be a very good opportunity. If we take this opportunity to promote the book, the book is likely to be a big fire.

But the contrast between Sen and Xia is not compromised.

"My book is written according to what I want to write, not only this book, but also" Earth Defense youth ", which is the same Sen Xia also shakes her head. "The story of the young girl just came to develop my imagination, so I just want to play my imagination. As for the Earth Defense boy, the ending of the story has been decided, which can not be changed."

If it's to make money, senxia is certainly following the readers' fur. Why? In short, it's money and popularity.

Since we are not short of money now, of course, how to play willfully and how to play to death.

Of course, Sen Xia will never do things like AZ's forced feeding of excrement. Some writers think that the ending suddenly makes the heroine die or gives the protagonist a green hat, which is depth. However, feeding excrement is always just feeding excrement. Even if cooking with fancy techniques, it can only make the excrement stink.

For senxia, what readers want to eat is braised pork. What he serves on the plate may be a plate of braised pork, but it may also be stewed chicken or duck with beer. However, senxia will never do such things as feeding excrement. He thought that he would be more delicious if he poured some dung on his exquisite food. This kind of teasing behavior only makes people think that this guy is a fool.

But I don't know why, some people just like to do these funny things

"Well, I'm just your editor in chief. This kind of headache should be left to the chief editor." Miss Dahe doesn't say a word about it. In fact, as long as Sen Xia can deliver the manuscript, it's the most unforgivable act of urging and dragging the manuscript

"Did the teacher hand in so many manuscripts at one go?" After hearing the news, naisu mushroom was also shocked.

"The two books add up to 8.9 million words." Miss Dahe explained.Nai was surprised and speechless. At this time, the Qingbing guard sitting beside him patted Nai on the shoulder. Nai was stunned, and then he gave a smile to the Qingbing Wei.

"It's amazing that Mr. shawson can maintain such a high level of writing while ensuring the quality. This is really not something that ordinary people can do. What's more, these are the contents of two books..." Laoxu was also surprised by senxia's actions. You should know that senxia's nearly one million words is not the content of one book, but the content of two books. This is not something that ordinary people can do.

"Anyway, a toast to Mori Xia Jun!" Qianjia held up the cup towards the Mori Xia, because it was a minor, so it was coke inside.

After a drink, the atmosphere rose rapidly.

Zun put down his beer and felt very fresh.

"By the way, senxia Jun, next month," Plants vs. Zombies "will also be on sale Zun asked casually.

"Hi." Senxia nodded. "Two days ago, I received a notice from Sony. They have already started to promote."

"Ah, your game?" Ms. ohe doesn't know the specific information about Plants vs. Zombies.

"Hi, the games on PS, but this is just our trial works. After all, the next generation platform is coming. As an emerging club, our main goal is to target Sega's new platform and PS's second generation model." Senxia simply explained.

At the end of PS, all the works appeared were super masterpieces like Tomb Raider, biochemical crisis, and final fantasy. It was certain that they would become cannon fodder if they were killed at this time. However, senxia knew that the selling period of the new platform would be a good opportunity if it could take advantage of the selling period of the new platform.

Because of this, senxia and his team played a game of plants and zombies on PS.

"Yes, the game is very interesting. Although I don't play it very much, I'm looking forward to it." Nanai, next to me, knows this.

"Well, it turns out that you are ambitious." Miss Dahe exclaimed.

"Well, but we're not ready to sell."

After all, it's a PS platform. After all, it's just a platform at the end of the day. Senxia doesn't have many ideas about this old platform.

Of course, it is also possible to develop on this platform. After the sale of PS2, PS still sold for a period of time with a long service life. At this time, it is not a difficult thing to operate PS platform. However, for senxia, it is meaningless, because only new things have the value to pursue, and sometimes it is necessary to abandon them, What's more, the risk is even greater.

"By the way, senxia Jun, what are you going to do in the future? Your book is likely to win the prize, and now this one has a good future." Miss Dahe asked again. She was afraid that after senxia had a career, she would not write novels.

"I will have a new novel in the future, Miss Dahe, don't worry about it!" Senxia chuckled, and then he went on to ask, "by the way, can my present novel become a monthly one?"

"Well, once a month?" Miss Dahe was stunned.

Light novels are different from online novels. There are already many four or five copies a year, such as sickle pool and horse. They are already model workers. However, for online novelists, 3000 words a day is just lazy, and 200000 words a month. This is the normal level. The author who can watch twice a day is definitely a master. As Mori Xia, who came from the Internet age, his speed is actually very fast. What's more, his two books, one of which is reprint and the other is brain hole, are actually published without much.

"Well, it's not so exaggerated. It's just that I can hurry up. After the first half of the year, I can write a lot of time. Then I should speed up. I want to finish some works first and then open a new book." Senxia said simply.

"It's simple, senxia Jun, you can finish the script behind, and then we can publish it slowly." Miss Dahe thought of another way, "senxia Jun, after you finish writing one book, start writing the second one immediately No, as long as you can hand in the manuscript on time, you can write as much as you want! "

Model worker!

Miss Dahe sighed, which author did not have to die to urge, and then will hand in the manuscript? This is the real model worker! This is the gospel of everyone!

“……” Qingbing Wei patted Nai Shu mushroom on the shoulder, and the latter lowered his head in shame


I want to go with a crooked face.

The second QAQ (to be continued). )

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