"This is Tomb Raider 2..."

At the end of the celebration banquet, we did not leave, but took out the PS game machine inside the club.

Well, in addition to PS, there are SS, N64, SFC and other machines here. As a game club, you will not be unfamiliar with other platforms and games. This is necessary.

So in animic club, there are all kinds of game machines, and even bought a variety of handheld computers. However, these outdated machines will not cost too much money.

At this time, they were playing Tomb Raider 2, which was released not long ago. Although this game has been available for a long time, it is still a recent thing to sell it on PS.

"I think it would be more interesting to play with the age of navigation 2 or fight the boxer."

Senxia doesn't feel much about the game. 2D is OK, but this 3D image is really ugly. After seeing the "haifeisi" in Tomb Raider 9 and the exquisite pictures of generation 10, it's really touching to see the polygon of generation 2.

Although it's interesting to use it as a reference or nostalgia, when we are busy together, we should choose a good game.

"But this game is really great. Omey's decryption adventure game is very different from our game. It's also good to do reference occasionally." Thousands of good players make complaints about Sanger's Tucao.

"Yes, the game is very interesting." Nanai and Qianjia share the same view, "and watch laurassan venture in the tomb. Isn't it interesting? "

"I think the biggest bright spot of this game is to match a heroine to play the game." After reading for a long time, Sen Xia came to her biggest conclusion.

Anyway, Laura in the future is really stylish. In particular, the 9th generation of games, this Laura is almost the best look in history Well, except the chest is not big enough.

Although the Europeanism of the 2nd generation Laura is very big, on PS, these are just two cones, and the only way to do this is to fill the brain

"But the European school is really big..." Daisuke Ono was surprised.

"It's OMI's man, after all. That's what they like. " Laoxu murmured, "for example, girdling your waist or something is the custom from there."

"When it comes to corset, although it's really ugly if it's too tight, it's interesting to use it as decoration and special items." Qianjia doesn't forget to chat when playing games.

"Laura's Europeanism is just because she's a character. The modeler has adjusted the original Europa to 1.5 times Sen Xia waved her hand. "This is a generation of design, but because of the good response, it has been preserved."

Later, this design has been passed down, not only applied to tomb raider, but also this design scheme. It is also known as the "European 1.5-fold principle".

It can be seen that, between Feng and Ping, the public still chose the bigger one.

"Well, Mr. shawson, you know a lot." Naisu sighed.

"Well, it's just a little gossip." Sen Xia waved her hand, but how to say, in the game and animation, you can see the big European. It's really great

"Senxia Jun, do you think we can make this kind of game in the future? It seems so interesting!" Qian Jia turns her head and looks at Sen Xia.

"We don't have such powerful technology yet," Sen Xia shook her head. "If we want to do 3D, we have to double and double the number of people. Then it will become a big project."

Although this 3D 18x game will be fun, it's just that.

If you want to make money, the cost should not be too high. Although gentlemen are great, the minority is only a minority.

Unless you do a normal game, and then wait for the game to be popular, then do the gentleman mod

But this kind of troublesome thing, to do, is really not so simple thing, this is just piling up money and manpower.

In Mori's opinion, to do such a game, it's better to make a game like DNF.

"If we have a chance in the future, we will play this game too!" But Qianjia is obviously not willing.

"Maybe there will be a chance later." Mori is not sure. If there are various game engines in the future, 3D is easier than 2D, but now, at this time, there is no sense of rough 3D.

"Speaking of it, are we going to cooperate with Sega in game development later?" Zun asked.

"Yes, it's February now, and our game development is about to start." Although senxia didn't understand the situation of Sega, they said that they would come to negotiate with each other, and the time was almost up.

"Yes, Ayana sauce has been busy these days, and the development speed of our" crown of sin "RPG is also in progress Qian Jia said and put down the handle, and then pulled up the next Ling Nai."Why not develop it to PS and cooperate with Sega instead?" He asked curiously.

"Well, because we are going to a new generation platform of Sega, the function of PS is not enough to make our games keep up with But we're not sure we'll be on their new platform. " Senxia shrugged. "After all, if you want to express the idea of our works, it's better to use PC

Well, only PC can do mod, only PC can have 18x, only PC is the future of gentlemen

"Boone, do you think we can make a RPG or something?" Nai Shu comes to Wu Nei Chong's side.

"RPG Would it be troublesome? " Wu Nei thought for a moment, "we don't have enough manpower, and we don't have a good script..."

Although naisu mushroom is good at writing scripts, it's just that. To make an RPG, you need more than just scripts.

"But this kind of feeling seems to be very touching. I can also cooperate with the Congress society like Sega..." Naisu sighed.

"Yueji is a GALGAME, and it's 18x. It's impossible for this kind of game to go to the home computer platform." Takeuchi waved his hand.

No With naisu's writing level of 18x, maybe you can go to

Sen Xia in the side abdomen Fei a sentence.

Naisu is very good at writing stories. It is also a kind of skill to let people not read 18x in the 18x script. It is just like Sen Xia, when she met fate and Yueji's 18x, she was quick to skip, because the H story she wrote was really some Well, it's quiet.

In fact, after removing the 18x part, fat really went to PSV, PS2 and other platforms

Senxia also patted naisu on the shoulder: "come on, maybe there will be a chance!"

"I don't know why, but why do you have the meaning of" sympathy "in your eyes Why is it that the other party is so confused

"Illusion, this is your illusion!" Mori patted Nai on the shoulder and then chuckled.


Naisu murmurmured.

"Well, yes, you just have to go the way you want to go. Nathaniel, you will create great works in the future." Senxia said with a smile.

"-- ah, about it!" At this time, naisu mushroom seems to think of something, "Mr. shawson, I want to ask you about our games!"

"Ah, this, I know." Sen Xia nodded, "what's the matter?"

"Mr. shawson, did you say that before? When your game is finished, you will come and help us Naisu comes to senxia.

"Well, it has been said." Senxia nodded.

"In terms of the script, I have completed about 50kb. According to this progress, the content after that should be completed soon." Nai said with a smile.

"Oh, this is a very fast progress. Maybe we can finish it ahead of time." Senxia nodded.

Of course, that's the way to say it. But even the part written by Nai has to go through some minor modifications before it can be used. Otherwise, there is no way.

But this is not a problem. As long as Nai Su can finish his work, it is already a great help to senxia and his colleagues.

"Mr. Xiasen knows that we had a game called" Yueji "in our monthly club before. The story is divided into several lines. Please ask the teacher to help complete one of them." Naisu said his request.

"Oh, no problem." Senxia waved her hand, "don't say one, two will do!"

The process of Yueji is not as long as the crown of evil. Moreover, Xingyue is not only helping to write scripts. Even Wunei is now helping them draw CG. At this time, they are really helpful.

"I don't need this one. If we have a new one in the future, maybe we will invite teachers." Naisu smiles with embarrassment.

"Don't worry. Leave it to me." Senxia thumbs up, and then a bright smile appears on her face.

However, Yueji also has many routes, such as the vampire elquat route, the younger sister autumn leaf line, the younger sister amber emerald line, and the elder sister Hill line

I just don't know which route Nai will let himself write in this script

Senxia is curious about what kind of script to write, whether it is better to write according to the original content or to open his mind happily

Senxia looks at naisu mushroom. Although it's still a little early to say about it, senxia is really interested in this script


Today's first change ~

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