His sister's words, in an instant let in addition to Yi Ji other girls instant not calm.

"It's not like that." Ji Ye waved her hand with a smile. "Although senxia Jun's type pursues me, I'll probably be happy to accept it, but compared with me, there are several people who are more likely than me."

Worthy of being sisters, two people at this time, can be said to be the same frank.

"Ah?" After hearing his sister's words, Xiao Guang turned his head and looked at Sen Xia.

“…… Ah At this time, he Mingguang seemed to suddenly realize, "in fact, you are a girl!"

After saying this, her hostility to senxia seems to have become more intense.

“…… Ah? "

This time, it's Mori Xia's turn.

What the hell is this

Why is her brain circuit so strange?

"Because if you are a boy, my sister would like to see you with other boys, so you must be a girl!" After saying this sentence, he Mingguang still holds his chest, and then looks at Sen Xia with the expression of "I have seen through".

Senxia was looked at by the other side's expression, immediately had a kind of silly eye feeling.

This logic I can't understand.

Rotten girl playing Lily?

What exactly is this routine?

You guys are so good at playing. I'm a Hokkaido countryman who doesn't understand your big city routines

"Senxia Jun is a boy, and he is a very lovely boy." What helps senxia explain is Ji ye, because other girls are as surprised as Sen Xia.

Among all the people present, Ji Ye is the only one in the strict sense. Although the others are straight or crooked, they are not corrupt.

At this time, they are all understanding what kind of brain circuit is here, so that they can associate putu and Lily together.

"Is a rotten girl a lily This seems to be a very good point... " Qianjia suddenly poked the senxia next to her, "I feel like this animation will be very interesting."

"If this kind of animation can be made, it can only show that Japan must be finished." Tucao thousand good is next to make complaints about Lihua.

Well, in the eyes of upright Lihua, if this kind of thing can happen, then the country will surely have no salvation.

, however, when she was in Lihua Tucao, she did not make complaints about it. She was looking at herself with a very subtle look at this time. Although

is just a Tucao, but Lihua just said this sentence, it seems that the real words make complaints about it.

"Ah, Li Hua, do you like something more unique? But the kind of content you want to see, I'm afraid, can't be broadcast on TV. "Qianjia's smile becomes very delicate.


As soon as she heard Qian Jia's words, Lihua's face turned red almost immediately.

Obviously, Qianjia's words made Lihua think of what happened when she was playing the game called "beautiful new world".

Although Sen Xia didn't see it, Qianjia had already seen what kind of ending Lihua had chosen

That's not a serious thing

Senxia looks at Lihua, whose face is red. Although he doesn't know the meaning of the two people's words, he also knows that this is what Lihua has to do. In Qianjia's hands, the play of bullying and being bullied by the two people is already a routine.

“…… Xiaoguang, are you an annual student in primary school this year Fortunately, at this time, there is a normal person xuenai on senxia's side. After hearing each other's words, xuenai's reaction is most normal, "but you seem to know a lot of things..."

Indeed, compared with a primary school freshman, she knows too much.

"Rotten girl" is such a thing, you can see that it is absolutely not something that primary school students should understand.

"I am a genius

The little girl is very smelly

No, it's not bullshit.

Sen Xia noticed that when he Mingguang was talking, he always glanced at Sato Ichiro, who was confused by his face.

After noticing this, Mori probably understood what he wanted to do - this little guy was just showing uncle Sato what he knew.

Sure enough, he was still a child.

Senxia understood it all at once.

"It's amazing, Xiaoguang. You're only born one year, but you're so good. It's amazing!"

Xuenai also understood this at this time. The eyes of her brother and sister glanced at Uncle Sato.

After all, Ichiro Sato is the uncle of the two of them. As brothers and sisters, they have been used to seeing all kinds of Lori, and are luring their uncle with various postures, although it is useless.After hearing xuenai's praise, the little guy was obviously more happy. She lifted her head with pride. The funny appearance really made people laugh.

"I see." at this time, Xiao Guang seemed to realize something, "sure enough, you should be a boy..."

At this time, Xiao Guang seems to be at ease.

But at this moment, her face suddenly became alert: "wait a minute! Boys and boys together That's more dangerous

This little Lori's brain circuit, I don't know what's wrong with it, turns out to be crooked again.

What is the matter with this inexplicable idea! Lolita make complaints about make complaints about

. But when she saw the innocent face of loli, she felt like a "Tucao you lost."

Why did this happen?

"That Xiaoguang, things are not the same as you think. " Senxia felt that it was necessary for her, as an elder, to impart some life experience to this young man.

"I don't listen! I don't listen! Explanation is cover up. I will never believe you He Mingguang stubbornly covered his ears.

Then he stood in front of Ichiro Sato, as if he wanted to use his own eyes to cut off the line of sight between the two people.

"That's why there is no such thing! It's strange that boys and boys are together. You are just a primary school student. Explanation is to cover up something. Where do you hear this kind of words! What's more, why do I have to compete with a little Lori

make complaints about the summer's Tucao, and at this time, it finally erupted.

Hikaru Siina seemed to be confused by the Tucao of Sen Xia. She heard the words of Sen Xia, but her head turned off. But after turning around and looking at Misaki Sato Ichiro, she seemed to make complaints about her courage. She said, "of course, it is seen from the cartoon of her sister."

“——!!!” Lolita make complaints about make complaints about poker faced by


"Every time slag man goes out to attract bees and butterflies, and after being seen by the hero, the protagonist will say the same thing about that person, but slag man's explanation will succeed every time, and then the two people will hold together with the people who are OK again! You must want to convince me with your fallacies, but I just won't listen. I just want to let your conspiracy fail in the first place

Eh? Scum man? hero?

Is it the book of a rotten girl?

Senxia was shocked.

What's more, they should not be seen by a little girl! If she really becomes a rotten girl, what can I do? This is a super high-quality and rare sister paper resource!

"- you saw my comics?"

Ji ye, the name of vertebrae, has always been like watching the excitement. She is smiling and watching everyone speak interesting words here.

But after hearing this sentence, it is obvious that Ji Ye has no way to keep calm.

Looking at his sister, he Mingguang immediately realized something: "no, no I just skim to two pages occasionally. I didn't mean to! "

"But this content is not something that can be seen from time to time." Ji Ye looked at her sister with a kind smile on her face.

Well, just looking, it's really nice.

"Sorry, senxia Jun. I don't allow Xiaoguang to see that kind of thing, but I didn't expect that she had already seen it. It's really troublesome. " Ji Ye shook her head.

"Ah? But you didn't seem to have any reaction just now After hearing the words of Ji ye, Qian Qian, who had heard the words make complaints about Li Hua, turned to Shiina Ki leaf.

Ji Ye shook her head and said, "well, it's Xiaoguang's own preference after all. Even if it's me, there's no way to interfere. What's more, since I was in kindergarten, I like to watch boys and boys together. It's just that I didn't tell anyone about this news at that time. "

If Xiaoguang likes boys and boys together, it's "nature", but if she's like Ji Ye's cartoon, it's not OK - this is probably Ji Ye's attitude towards her sister.

She had no problem with Xiao Guang's saying that "boys and boys should be together". However, she did not think that her sister should go to see cartoons in that area, especially the cartoons drawn by Ji ye, which are aimed at adults. If Xiaoluo Li read too much, I'm afraid it will be polluted.

"Xiao Guang," Ji Ye looked at her sister, and she said earnestly, "you don't think you can read my comics any more. You know, you're too young now."


Xiao Guang immediately nodded, obviously desperately trying to agree. But the credibility of children Maybe by turning around, they can forget everything.But of course, Ji Ye is not a vegetarian. At this time, she continued with a smile, "then you can make a promise with your uncle sugar."

The Japanese pronunciation of "Sato" is the same as that of "sugar". Therefore, although many little girls call it "Sato", in fact, in their cognition, they are all "sugar". Ji Ye seems to understand her sister very well, so at this time, she also means "sugar" - though it can't be heard out.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

When she heard her sister's words, little Lori was shocked.

Obviously, she just wanted to ignore Ji Ye's words. That's for sure. But Ji ye asked Xiao Guang to make a promise in front of her favorite people. Xiaoguang was probably really calm.

Although she could ignore her sister's words, when Xiaoguang turned his head and looked at Ichiro Sato, and then saw that the other party was smiling at him, Xiaoguang resolutely nodded: "mmm..."

After finishing this sentence, Xiaoguang turned his head and looked at Ichiro Sato over there.

"Uncle sugar, I I will never peep at my sister's cartoons in the future... "

After hearing the other party's words, Ichiro Sato also smiles, then reaches out his right hand and pats his head, which can be regarded as encouraging the little guy: "your guarantee, I really received it."

Hearing Sato Ichiro's words of consolation to himself, Xiaoguang, who was already in a lost state, became much more energetic at this time, just as if he had been resurrected from his original state of full blood.

"Well It's almost noon. " Xuenai took out her watch from her handbag and took a look at it. She found that it was almost noon.

She put the watch back in her handbag, then put the bag aside, and then took the Bento basket that had been prepared before: "everyone, now we've finished our meal first!" Although

is tucking up what is necessary, it make complaints about this.

After all, in order to come here to enjoy the cherry trees, we got up early in the morning. We had breakfast early. In the morning, we only ate a few dumplings. Now we are already hungry.

The main lunch was sandwiches, which were prepared by Yi Ji and Xue Nai together. They were large in weight and had different tastes.

Besides sandwiches, xuenai also brought milk and rice balls and other snacks.

In fact, Yi Ji wanted to make a big meal yesterday. Today, everyone can have a big meal. But senxia and xuenai work together to stop each other. After all, sandwiches are the best food for a picnic.

"Come on, brother..." xuenai handed the milk to senxia.

"Thank you." Senxia took the milk with a smile.

Then, senxia found that at this time, the little Lori was looking at Sen Xia with very strange eyes.

"What?" Senxia asked.

"But it's strange that you're with boys, aren't you?" When Xiaoguang saw the movements of these two people, he seemed to be inspired.

"That's right." Senxia is a little confused.

"If you like a girl, then you kiss's target must be a girl - well, as long as you kiss her, I'll believe you!"


White albums play too much, such as "why is this" are subconsciously typed out, see too many words, please don't blame

Today's update, two in one chapter.

It's as good as ever.

Meow meow (to be continued. )

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