"No way!"

"This is not allowed!"


After Li Hua finished speaking, she almost finished speaking with her.

"Hello, senxia, don't set a bad example for Xiaoguang -" Qian Jia looked at Sen Xia with lost eyes, as if senxia had done something heinous. What's more, in other people's seemingly normal things, I don't know why, this sentence from Qianjia's mouth gives people a very unreliable feeling.

"Senxia Jun, Xiao Guang is still a child, such things This is absolutely not allowed! "

Look, it's like this.

Well, the premise is that Lihua, you don't have to blush and blush

"Brother, in order to let Xiaoguang grow up healthily, for love and true justice, let's show Xiaoguang a little bit!" Xuenai looked at Sen Xia with expectant eyes at this time.

…… So, why does this happen

Sen Xia looks confused.

It's just because of Uncle Sato's young daughter aura, and now the whole thing has evolved into a kiss with snow?

This is lying down and shot!

It's a delicate feeling of broken eggs.

Senxia doesn't exclude the so-called kiss, and girls, especially the beautiful and lovely girl kiss like he xuenai. Of course, this is a very anticipated thing.

But this kind of private thing It's not something that should be shown to outsiders.

In Mori's opinion, some things, close the door, do what you want to do, but outside, senxia naturally moral + 50 points, in addition to the object is xuenai, integrity needs to be + 50.

In other words, even if Sen Xia had no integrity at all, he would be at the top of 100 at this time.

Unless senxia's discipline falls to - 100 points, otherwise, there are some things that senxia is determined not to do.

Senxia put her eyes on her uncle.

But when saw Sen Xia's eyes focused on "Uncle sugar", little Lori blew hair, she immediately stopped in front of each other.

Although Ichiro Sato was in high spirits when he was a lawyer, his tone would become very soft when he was facing Lori, just like his brother next door.

This strong contrast once even made Sen Xia feel that her uncle was the culprit for her attraction.

However, senxia understood the situation later.

At the beginning, Sato Ichiro didn't know how to communicate with the little girls, so he treated them with a cold and serious attitude, but that kind of cold attitude made the little girls more obsessed. If Sato faced them with that attitude, the Lauries would be more fanatical.

For this phenomenon, senxia can only say that The world is a bit of a mystery.

"Xiao Guang, don't make trouble," said Ji Ye. "Don't tease everyone."

"But sister --"

little Laurie quit.

But at this time, Kyle waved and let little Lori come over.

Vertebral name light reluctantly walked to the side of her sister, and then Ji ye put her mouth to Xiaoguang's ear and said something quietly.

After hearing her sister's words, little Lori immediately jumped up: "no! Absolutely not! No! Never! "

"If you don't want to, Xiaoguang, you'll just calm down, you know?" Ji Ye looks at her sister with a smile.

Although it is very reluctant, but after hearing his sister's words, Xiao Guang can only nod his head.

After that, she sat down quietly and stopped talking about it.

Senxia's side was relieved.

However, senxia still turned her head and looked at Ji Ye beside her. What did she say to this little Lori so that she could be quiet?

Although xiaoluoli no longer asked this question, she did not seem to be relieved of the matter. When senxia felt confused and strange, she gave him a fierce look.

I don't know why!

Fortunately, this episode did not affect everyone's mood to enjoy cherry blossoms, but in the afternoon, the weather began to turn overcast, and there was a wind, as if it was going to rain.

So after a while, everyone was ready to go home.

On weekends, senxia spent most of her time in the hot spring manor. After the cherry blossom appreciation, she went to the hot spring to enjoy it. It was obviously a very wonderful thing.

In addition to Sato Ichiro, who was eager to leave, all the rest followed senxia to the hot spring.

But fortunately, there is a lot of water in the hot spring, both open-air and indoor, so you can go to the bath freely, and that's no problem.Although at the beginning, everyone was embarrassed because of the difference between men and women, but later, everyone seemed to have a common feeling. After meeting Lihua in the bath, both Qianjia and xuenai were very calm.

…… Well, these two people are very calm from the beginning. Xue even often comes to find them, just to have a good bath with senxia.

But today is an exception.

Although xuenai has been a little bit lost after not giving Xiaoguang a "verification", Xiaoguang is a lovely girl and it's very interesting to tease her, so this little loss was taken away soon.

Now, xuenai, Qianjia and Lihua are taking a hot spring together with Jiye and Xiaoguang, while senxia, on the ground that she is a boy, is now alone in a leisurely journey.

As for sister Yi Ji, she is responsible for preparing afternoon tea and dinner.

"Well, sure enough, it's still the most comfortable. When you take a bath, you should be alone..."

The noise in his ears has all subsided. It is rare to be quiet. After that, what senxia feels is the peace in his heart.

In the corner of the city, there is such a remote and peaceful place, so that you can feel the pleasure from the heart. This feeling makes people feel relaxed all over the body.

"Today, everyone is going to accompany the sister Ji Ye. No one will come here today..."

Although in Mori's opinion, the best time to soak in the hot spring is after dinner in the evening, but it's not bad to be able to enjoy it in the afternoon.

"Ah? Is it senxia Jun? " At this time, senxia heard the voice from outside.

"Ah?! Master Ji ye? "

Ji Ye's voice is different from Qianjia and Lihua. It's a bit like coriander, but it's a little warmer than coriander.

It is because of some unique relationship that Mori's voice, no matter where she is, can almost be distinguished at once.

After seeing senxia, Ji ye did not leave the hot spring, but took her bath towel, and then walked to senxia's side, smiling at senxia and sitting down.


All of a sudden, there was a girl sitting by her side. Senxia's expression was a little subtle at this time.

Even for Qianjia and Lihua, if senxia wants to take a hot spring with each other, she will be embarrassed, but if she insists on coming, there will be no problem. After all, we are already familiar with each other. What's more, it's not good to hear. Anyway, what should I see and what I shouldn't see It seems that I have already seen it

However, although Sen Xia and Ji ye are very familiar, this is based on the standpoint that both sides are ordinary friends.

Kye is a beautiful girl, yes, but because of this, senxia is a little embarrassed now.

"Ah Lala, senxia Jun, are you sorry?"

Compared with Sen Xia, Ji Ye is quite open, and her eyes have always been on Sen Xia.

"Ah, a little bit." Senxia is a little uncomfortable with Ji Ye. Because now it's completely her own relationship, so senxia now put the bath towel beside

So, senxia is sorry, but it's a normal thing.

"I heard Qianjia say that she has bathed you many times. Mori Xiajun, are you still unable to adapt to it so far?"

Hearing Ji Ye's words, senxia's expression became very distorted.

"Elder sister..."

Indeed, before this, Qian Jia and Xue had bathed Sen Xia for a period of time, blindfolded Sen Xia's eyes, and then took advantage of her. However, Sen Xia never expected that Qianjia would tell others about this kind of thing

"Qianjia didn't mean to. She just let out her mouth occasionally." Ji Ye smiles, "well, don't worry, I won't tell others about this matter."

"I'm sorry to let you hear such an embarrassing thing..."

Is today your own execution day?

Senxia's heart is wailing.

"Nothing!" said Ji ye, still looking at mori.

"Well, may I venture to ask, elder, what are you looking at?" Senxia was curious.

"Of course, it's senxia Jun, your body. Although I've seen the pictures and the physical props, I'm a little curious about the real boy who appears in front of me."

“…… Ah? "

Probably because Ji Ye's words were too straightforward, senxia was shocked.

"But the real boy's body is completely different from the picture and the physical model. Senxia Jun, your figure is so good..."

When Ji Ye talks, her eyes are still like a scanner, constantly scanning senxia's body. This kind of professional and mixed with a little envious eyes constantly bombards Sen Xia's body, which makes him very uncomfortable In a sense, it's actually very comfortable."Master, please don't tease me." Senxia sighed.

"Ah, Lala, this is not teasing Sen Xiajun. What I said is true." Ji Ye looked at Sen Xia's body enviously, "Na Na, how do you maintain such a slender waist? Senxia Jun, do you have any secret? "

"I'm sorry, it's probably natural."

Although girls are very envious of slender waist, but in fact, men's body, thin waist is also very important, but there are subtle differences between men's and women's slender. It is said that some people have studied that the "slender waist" in "king of Chu likes slim waist" actually refers to the waist of a man, not a woman, because at that time, basic feelings were more popular.

, "as like as two peas, snow is the same body. Your brother and sister are two. Apart from gender differences, they are exactly the same." Ji ye had been with xuenai before, so she knew what xuenai's body looked like.

"Well, after all, it's brother and sister."

Although senxia has some complaints about her body shape, she seems to be like her sister xuenai, and I don't know whether this is an onion plot, but this is the case.

If senxia can have a strong body, but her sister xuenai is still like herself. Sen Xia thinks that considering from this aspect, she is actually quite good. Although her body is very delicate, at least Xue can have a good figure.

The above is just Mori Xia's self comfort.

"Speaking of it, master Ji ye, what did you say to Xiaoguang before? She was honest and honest all the time."

Although Xiaoguang has been looking at Sen Xia with resentment before, she has been honest indeed. Yes.

Senxia is curious. What did Ji ye say to Xiaoguang?

After hearing senxia's question, Ji Ye's smile became even more brilliant: "I told her that if she continues to mess around, I will draw a cartoon of you and Sato. Then, I'm going to sell this cartoon to other people. By the way, the comics I just mentioned are * yo ~ "

Dan, *?!

After hearing Ji Ye's words, senxia is not well.

"Don't worry, Xiaguang just didn't plan to draw it so well."

Ji ye said with a smile.

Sonia was relieved.

But then he asked, "what if Xiaoguang is still going on?"

"Well..." Ji Ye's expression became serious. "In that case, I'll have to draw it."

Then, moriha was even worse.

At this time, Ji Ye chuckled. She was very happy and even her bath towel fell off. However, Ji Ye didn't care much: "senxia Jun, your expression is really lovely. I just want to see your expression, that's what I said. Don't worry, I won't do such a thing. "

Master, if you are honest, my heart can't stand it

Senxia shook her head.

"By the way, master Ji ye..."


Before senxia's voice dropped, there was another sound. Then, a naked little girl ran towards the bath


Today's update.

Series, maybe it's a matchless series with the plot as the buying point. Type month is really independent in everything (to be continued. )

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