A wonderful feeling went straight from my mouth to my heart.

A strange feeling filled the air.


This question lasted for a long while before it finally ended.

The four lips separated, pulling out a long crystal thread.

Yang Xueli lowered her head shyly, blushing.

Feng Yuanqing hugged Yang Xueli with both hands, and a faint body fragrance lingered in her nose.

Holding the beauty in his arms, Feng Yuanqing sat on the sofa behind him.

Put Yang Xueli on his thigh and sit sideways.

Yang Xueli was tall and upright.

When she sat down, Feng Yuanqing was shorter than Yang Xueli, and his face was just against her neck. The seductive body fragrance filled her nose.

Feng Yuanqing put one hand around her waist and the other hand on Yang Xueli's slender legs.

Feeling Feng Yuanqing's dishonest hands. Yang Xueli groaned and turned nine or eighteen bends.

"Oh~~, you little rascal, you are not honest"

"Hehe, Shirley, you will be my girlfriend from now on."Feng Yuanqing laughed.

Then, he took out a necklace from the space, on which hung a sapphire the size of a pigeon egg. It was an inconspicuous piece of the queen's many treasures.

"This is a token of love. From now on, she will be my woman."

Women have no resistance to such shiny things, just like the dragon in the West.

Yang Xueli lowered her head and kissed Feng Yuanqing on the lips, then took the necklace.

With seductive eyes, she said,"Before, you said you were moving and wanted to invite me to visit. What? Doesn't that count now?"

"How could that be? I've been remembering it all along. Why not go today? It's time to get off work now."

""Okay." Yang Xueli did not hesitate.

After the two of them had a casual meal at a nearby restaurant, Feng Yuanqing drove Yang Xueli all the way back to his luxurious courtyard house in Houhai.

Entering the courtyard from the back door of the garage.

The beautiful scenery in the courtyard amazed Yang Xueli.

Growing up in the United States, he was exposed to modern reinforced concrete buildings, full of modern industrial style.

Although it was dark, the small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and towers here gave people a sense of tranquility and comfort under the soft lights, which was completely different from the previous style.

She had only seen the style of Jiangnan gardens in some travel magazines, and had never seen them in person.

Cursed, she had no mind to care about these things anymore.

Now, only the scenery was in front of her, which made her feel very happy.

"Oh, Yuanqing, you have such a beautiful place here! What an amazing garden art!"

"Haha, you can come and enjoy the scenery anytime in the future." Feng Yuanqing said with a smile

"Let's go, this is only the first entrance, there are several more to come."

Feng Yuanqing held Yang Xueli's soft hand and walked through the corridor bridge to the second courtyard.

This is no longer a courtyard, but a whole flat.

Living room, kitchen, dining room, tea room.

It is full of modern atmosphere, while integrating the original classical elements. It combines

Chinese and Western, ancient and modern.

Yang Xueli fell in love with this place at first sight.

"Oh my god, Yuanqing, your new home is really amazing. The classical furniture, combined with the modern decoration, does not seem abrupt at all. Instead, it has a sense of harmony. Even if it is a Western-style decoration style, it does not give me a good feeling like your place."

"I like it here so much. I want to live here in the future, okay?"After Yang Xueli finished exclaiming, she hugged Feng Yuanqing's arm and said coquettishly.

The huge soft touch was transmitted from the arm to the brain.

Yang Xueli hugged Feng Yuanqing's arm and kept shaking

"Okay, of course you can. From now on, you can stay with me in China, and let professional managers take care of the affairs in the United States." Feng Yuanqing naturally had no reason to refuse.

Feng Yuanqing couldn't help but pull out his arms and hugged Yang Xueli.

With a beauty by the side, it's hard not to bite her. After a while of flirting, the two finally stopped.

There was more business to do next.

Feng Yuanqing asked:"Shirley, you have obtained the queen's inheritance. How do you practice it?"

"By constantly stimulating the blood through exercise, medicine, visualization, etc., you can gain various blood abilities and become stronger and stronger."Yang Xueli replied

"This kind of training method is too simple and crude, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to train in this era."Feng Yuanqing frowned.

"In this way, I will teach you the Taoist Qi training method. This way, you can improve your strength faster, and your strength will be better stimulated."

"Really?" Yang Xueli asked excitedly

"But didn’t you say that it requires very high qualifications? Can I do it?" She was a little worried

"Don't worry, you have awakened the Candle Dragon bloodline, and your aptitude is now a rare genius, so don't worry."

Feng Yuanqing didn't have the kind of aptitude test method in fantasy novels, but he was confident in Yang Xueli's aptitude.

《The Xiantian Yiqi Zhenjing was too profound, and even he himself needed systematic help to practice it.

So Feng Yuanqing decided to teach her the Guanshan Practicing Qi Jue, which was the Qi training method of Guanshan Taibao.

A pill appeared out of thin air in Feng Yuanqing's palm and was handed to Yang Xueli.

"This is a body-hardening pill that can remove hair and cleanse the marrow, improving your aptitude."

"After taking it, all the impurities in your body will be eliminated. Remember to take off your clothes before taking it."

"Then, brother, don't peek at your sister."Yang Xueli threw a coquettish eye at Feng Yuanqing.

Then she went to the bathroom leisurely.

Not long after, there was a sound of water flowing in the bathroom.

Not long after, Yang Xueli came out wearing a white bathrobe.

The whole person became radiant, and her skin became whiter and more tender.

"Good brother, please teach me kung fu���"Yes." Yang Xueli seemed a little impatient.

""Okay, come and sit cross-legged."

Yang Xueli did as she was told and sat cross-legged on the sofa.

Feng Yuanqing gave her the formula one by one and explained it in detail so that she could better understand the meaning of the technique.

Feng Yuanqing had been leaning against Yang Xueli's back and passed a wisp of Qi to her, so that she could get started faster.

Yang Xueli only felt a warm current flowing from Feng Yuanqing's palm into her body.

"Keep calm, remember the route of the Qi flow, and use your mind to guide the Qi into the Dantian."

Yang Xueli calmed down and silently imagined a stream of heat flowing through her body under her control.

Under Feng Yuanqing's guidance, Yang Xueli soon succeeded in controlling the Qi. After a cycle, it returned to the Dantian.

After that, it only took time to practice the exercises over and over again, refining the essence into Qi, and strengthening the Qi.

Then, Yang Xueli continued to move the Qi, but stopped after a few hours.

The way of cultivation is to relax and tighten, and not to overdo it, otherwise it will damage the foundation of the body.

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