After the exercise, Yang Xueli's internal Qi grew stronger.

People with magical bloodlines always have some advantages in cultivation, otherwise the bloodline would be too unimpressive.

The original wisp of Qi has grown into a trickle.

In future cultivation, the help of the Zhulong bloodline will still be of great help. After the practice, Yang Xueli did not feel tired at all, but refreshed and clear-headed.

She opened her eyes and saw Feng Yuanqing silently guarding beside her, and her heart was moved.

He is powerful, gentle and considerate, worthy of being the man I like.

Yang Xueli smiled, and the lights seemed to be brighter.

"Finished your training? It's late at night, get ready to rest. I happen to have a special set of exercises, so I'll teach you."Feng Yuanqing raised his eyebrows and said to Yang Xueli.

""Okay." Yang Xueli smiled and rushed forward to hold Feng Yuanqing's neck.

"The bed in your bedroom is so big, it must be very comfortable to sleep on. I want to sleep in your bed!"

"Come on then."Feng Yuanqing's mouth curled up slightly.

He picked up Yang Xueli, one hand around her waist and the other hand under her buttocks.

Yang Xueli hung on Feng Yuanqing like a koala.

Holding the beauty, Feng Yuanqing rushed into the room quickly.

The place that occupied a quarter of the room was the next battlefield.

The thunder and lightning struck the earth, and a fierce racing battle began.

Feng Yuanqing started the ignition, the manual transmission car, the clutch, the gear shift, the accelerator, took turns to operate.

This is a brand new car, which perfectly combines the advanced technology of the East and the West.

Perfect body shape, leather cushions, huge and dazzling headlights, and the taillights are round and perfect.

The new car went to fifth gear all the way on the road. The original speed limit was 80, but it went directly to 180 miles.

Although Feng Yuanqing is not an old driver, he is better than an old driver. The teaching documentary in the previous life was not watched in vain.

After a night of racing, the rain finally stopped at dawn and they returned to the garage and stopped.

Yang Xueli finally couldn't resist the deep sleepiness and fell asleep.

Time passed quietly.

It wasn't until the sun was high in the sky that the two woke up from their sleep.

The sun shone through the gauze curtains onto the big bed, exposing their delicate white skin to the sun.

The two stayed together for a while before getting up to wash.

Last night, Feng Yuanqing tried the Xuansu Sutra, a dual cultivation method. Although Yang Xueli had just started practicing Qi, the effect was still powerful. The Qi of both of them grew stronger, and Yang Xueli benefited more. Her Qi was full, and for the first time last night, The injuries from driving have almost recovered.

He had a simple lunch.

In the afternoon, Feng Yuanqing brought Yang Xueli to the martial arts field in the middle courtyard, a marble space of more than 30 square meters.

Although Yang Xueli has started to practice, she lacks the means.

So Feng Yuanqing plans to teach her some self-defense skills.

Feng Yuanqing currently only knows a set of Xingyiquan, which he has practiced to perfection.

The strengthening brought by Qi training makes it easier for him to practice boxing.

Now he can freely emit bright and dark forces.

As for the higher level of Huajin, the integration of bright and dark, it will be available after a while.

Can break through.

Boxing, or Chinese martial arts, can also be regarded as a kind of body training method, which can make people control their own strength more finely.

It is a very good means before the Qi training becomes stronger.

First, Feng Yuanqing taught Yang Xueli to stand.

Xingyi three-body posture.

There are three tops, three buckles, three circles, three poisons, three hugs, three hangs, three bends, and three straightens.

Feng Yuanqing explained them one by one.

It is the basic skill for entry.

The force must achieve the unity of three plates, that is, the whole strength.

All the movements of Xingyi boxing afterwards are inseparable from the basic rules of this posture.

First, Feng Yuanqing posed for Yang Xueli to observe, Recorded in the mind.

Then Yang Xueli posed the action like this.

Feng Yuanqing looked at her posture himself, it was good, very standard, only minor parts needed to be adjusted.

Then he explained some invisible movements.

Such as muscle strength, abdominal qi sinking, waist collapse and back stretching, anal traction and hip contraction, etc.

Yang Xueli slowly adjusted according to Feng Yuanqing's explanation, and soon, she adjusted it.

Practice frequently in the future and develop a habit.

Feng Yuanqing had previously taught Fatty and Hu Bayi to practice martial arts.

They were also in the stage of standing in a pile.

In addition to coming to Feng Yuanqing to stand in a pile and adjust their postures at the beginning, they practiced at home after becoming familiar with it.

They would come to Feng Yuanqing to check the results of their practice after a period of time.

I don't know how they are practicing now.

They didn't practice during the period in Jingjue Ancient City.

Yang Xueli stood in a pile alone in silence.

Feng Yuanqing was not idle either.

Recently, I signed in and got another Baguazhang.

Xingyiquan is more fierce, and it is not suitable for girls to practice.

It is more suitable for Wing Chun, Baguazhang, Taijiquan and other boxing.

His basic stance also has three postures.

It was just right.

When Yang Xueli stood well and got her strength ready, he could teach her.

With Feng Yuanqing's current strength, he could master boxing after practicing a few times.

With a good foundation, he could get twice the result with half the effort.

So he practiced according to the boxing manual.

Baguazhang, also known as Baguaquan, is known for its flexible and changeable palm and footwork, which is soft but strong.

There are walking stances and mud-walking stances for beginners.

Feng Yuanqing mastered them quickly after a little practice.

There are also fixed-step stances and Bagua stances, and the footwork of Baguazhang is based on them.

When walking and turning, the eight directions are crisscrossed, resembling the Bagua diagram, and the boxing theory is explained by the hexagram theory.

Feng Yuanqing practiced around the wooden stakes several times, from unfamiliar to fluent, and after just a few practices, he mastered most of it.

Yang Xueli was still standing still at this time.

She started to practice standing still after her physical fitness improved greatly.

Although she felt some back pain and leg pain, and was restless, she still persisted.

"Okay, take a break, and then do the standing posture again at night. In the early stage, it is not advisable to stand for too long. After you practice for a while, get used to it, and get your strength right, you will not feel tired or sore. Instead, you will feel more energetic the more you practice."

"After practicing the three-body posture, practice the eight-diagram stance and the mud-walking step. When you are proficient, you can officially start practicing the eight-diagram palm!"

Yang Xueli rubbed her arms and thighs, and felt a soreness.

The two went to the bathroom to take a bath together. They stayed in the bathtub for two hours, and the whole afternoon passed.

Finally, Yang Xueli collapsed and was carried back to the bedroom by Feng Yuanqing.

After getting dressed, the two went out for a date between lovers, eating, walking, watching movies, and shopping.

The night market here is pretty good, with many good snacks.

I bought a lot of things in the mall.

Even with Feng Yuanqing's current physique, he would feel tired when shopping.

I am tired.

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