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Everyone was attracted at once, staring at Qi Yu eagerly.

Qi Yu did not keep anyone in suspense, and said directly:

"The jade plate first recorded Wang Canghai's life story, saying that he had participated in the construction of the Ming Emperor's Mausoleum at the order of Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. Later, when the Ming Dynasty moved its capital, he was appointed by Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty to directly design the entire Ming Palace.……"

The fat man interrupted quickly:"Okay, okay, Brother Qi Yu, I don't want to hear any amazing stories, I just want to know what the treasure is all about!"

Qi Yu looked around and found that everyone had the same idea, so he had to pick out the key points:

"Regarding the treasure, it is said on the jade plate that Wang Canghai left a treasure, which is almost all he had obtained in his life, and inside this treasure there is also a great secret he discovered!"

Everyone was deeply shocked after hearing this.

You know, the treasure that Wang Canghai obtained in his life is not simple?

Wang Canghai was highly regarded by the two emperors who founded the Ming Dynasty, and he was extremely powerful at the time.

And there is also a great secret of Wang Canghai hidden inside, what is that secret?

Immortality? Or Yunding Palace? Or something else...

Everyone can't help but imagine.

"Brother Qi, stop wasting time and tell me where the treasure is! 740?"The fat man's eyes lit up and he urged him impatiently.

Feeling the hot gazes of the crowd, Qi Yu could not delay any longer and continued:

"It didn't say where the treasure was, but only that he hid the secret of the treasure on four jade tablets. As long as you get the four jade tablets, you can uncover the great secret and great wealth he left behind."

Jade tablets?


Wang Canghai actually left such a huge treasure.

Everyone was stunned.

If they could find it, it would definitely be a unique and most incredible discovery in the history of Chinese archaeology.

Four jade tablets, which means they already have one in their hands.

Everyone couldn't suppress their excitement. This was discovered by them, so they were all ecstatic.

"The clue to the treasure may be on the map!"Chen Wenjin took a deep breath and calmed down.

Everyone hurriedly studied the map.

But after looking at it for a long time, they couldn't figure out where this map was.

The careful Qi Yu suddenly exclaimed,"What?"

"Look, there seem to be a few small fish engraved on this map, look here!"

Small fish?

Everyone's (bjbd) first reaction was the snake-browed bronze fish.

Huo Ling asked:"There are traces of snake-browed bronze fish everywhere in the underwater tomb. Why did Wang Canghai also leave traces of snake-browed bronze fish on the map?"

The fat man was thinking about the treasure and said subconsciously:

"This snake-browed bronze fish should be related to this treasure, maybe it is the clue to find these jade tablets!"

When everyone heard it, they all thought it made sense.

At this time, the fat man cursed:"Does his mother Wu Sansheng know? He actually embezzled the snake-browed bronze fish!"

Wu Sansheng?!

Everyone was stunned, and then they realized that Wu Sansheng said he was going to put away the diving equipment and had disappeared for a while.

Chen Wenjin showed a worried look:"Is Old Wu in trouble?"

Qin Yan smiled and said nothing.

The fat man cursed:"What can happen to that old fox Wu Sansheng?"

"I hope so."

After hearing what the fat man said, Chen Wenjin felt relieved.

Qin Yan sighed in his heart that Wu Sanxing really deserved to be single for life and failed such a good girl like Chen Wenjin.

At this time, the others studied the map on the jade card for a long time, but they couldn't figure it out.

In desperation, they had to find tools to copy the text and map on it, and then look for information and study it carefully when they got out.

"We have already wasted a lot of time here, let's go."

As the leader of the archaeological team, Chen Wenjin knew that they had to hurry up and leave this tomb.

Because the real main tomb has not been found yet, they can't spend too much time here.

Everyone quickly packed up their things and prepared to leave this tomb and find another way out.

However, at this time, Qin Yan called out to everyone:

"Wait a minute."

Everyone turned around and looked at Qin Yan, only to see him putting his hands on the wall of the tomb and saying:

"There is a mechanism here."

After saying that, Qin Yan continued to explore along the tomb wall, and suddenly pushed it in.


The tomb wall next to it suddenly moved, and a lot of smoke and dust rolled up.

After a while.

The stone door opened, and a stone staircase appeared in front of everyone. It was pitch black inside, and only the stone staircase could be seen going down.

Everyone cheered excitedly.

When the flashlight was shone inside, the stone staircase spiraled down, and no one knew where it led to.

There was no better choice at this time, so this road must be taken.

But the problem now is, what should we do with the jade plate?

Everyone knows that this jade plate is not simple, and it may even cause a sensation if taken out, but the problem is how to take it out.

The jade plate can be used as a coffin stone, and you can imagine its weight.

Li Sidi tried it, but he couldn't walk a few steps after carrying it on his back. He would definitely not be able to get out of the underwater tomb.

The others also looked embarrassed. Finally, after some discussion, they thought that it would be okay to have a rubbing, and the jade plate would be left here first.

Wait for the country to organize a large archaeological team to dig up the entire ancient tomb and then take it out.

Of course, this was said by Chen Wenjin.

The fat man kept hesitating and didn't want to give up. He tried several times, but in the end he could only curse and beat his chest.

Finally, everyone had no choice but to walk into the stone gate, with Zhang Qiling leading the way and Qin Yan following behind, and walked down the stone steps.......

Qin Yan asked to postpone the meeting. As one of the two strongest players in the team, his decision to postpone the meeting did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

Qin Yan postponed the meeting in order to store the jade token in his personal space......

Everyone walked down the stone steps carefully, but nothing unusual happened.

"What is that?!"

Following Zhang Qiling���Chen Wenjin behind him suddenly said.

Everyone looked in the direction she pointed, and saw that there was a pool at the end of the stone steps.

They walked closer and took a look.

They saw that the pool was bowl-shaped, wide on the top and narrow on the bottom, more than ten meters deep, and the bottom of the pool was shrouded in mist. Hidden in the misty darkness, everyone could not see anything clearly.

Chen Wenjin hurriedly asked everyone to take out the deep-water searchlight with extremely strong penetrating power, and adjusted the light to the maximum, shining it downward from different directions at the same time.

Everyone could barely see it clearly at this time.

The bottom of the pool is a circular plane with a diameter of 10 meters, surrounded by relief carvings.

No one could see what the specific pattern was.

However, Qin Yan could see it clearly. There were nine dragons with bared fangs and claws, which were quite realistic, and the dragon's mouth was the entrance to the water.

Zhang Qiling narrowed his eyes slightly:

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