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Tải ảnh: 0.320s Scan: 0.029sStone tablet?

Everyone followed Zhang Qiling's gaze and could only see an outline.

Qin Yan had night vision, so he could see clearly. He knew that it should be the stone tablet that everyone encountered in the original book, which was also the entrance to the main hall.

Seeing this, everyone unconsciously quickened their pace.

After only walking up ten steps, everyone entered a thick fog, and visibility dropped sharply.

Everyone was surrounded by clouds and fog, and could only see less than half a meter forward, backward, and to the right. This feeling of being able to see but not clearly was more uncomfortable than being in absolute darkness.

"Ah, what is that?!"

Li Si screamed, and everyone quickly shone the flashlight.

It seemed like there was a blurry face!

Qin Yan saw it clearly, so as not to startle them, he said:

"That was just a human face created by the mist under the illumination of the flashlight."

But they were still cautious and walked very slowly in the mist, fearing that something would suddenly rush out.

After walking a few steps, Qi Yu suddenly shouted again:"There is a monster in there!"

This shout made everyone's nerves tense.

Qin Yan sighed and said:"That is the Dinghai Stone Monkey, which is usually sunk to the bottom of the pond to ward off evil spirits."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Huo Ling looked at the calm Qin Yan and couldn't help but say to others:

"Look at you guys, you're all so startled, isn't it embarrassing?!"

Li Sidi and Qi Yu were at the age of full of vigor and vitality. When Huo Ling said this, their blood boiled up immediately, their old faces turned red, and they were completely desperate.

Everyone sped up, and soon they arrived in front of the stone tablet.

They saw that the stone tablet was engraved with dense words, and they hurriedly gathered forward to check. The stone tablet was in small regular script ancient Chinese characters, so there was no need for Qi Yu to translate, and everyone could understand most of it.

However, after seeing this, everyone was deeply shocked.

Although the stone tablet in front of them was not spectacular, the words on it were of extraordinary significance.

The general meaning of the words on the stone tablet was:

The owner of the tomb built a heavenly palace, and the door to the heavenly palace was inside this stone tablet. If you are destined to be with you, this door will open.

The last sentence of the stone tablet was:

This tablet will show the door to the heavenly palace to those who are destined to be with you. Enter it and you will reach the fairyland.

Heavenly palace, fairyland.

These two words deeply shocked everyone.

Even Chen Wenjin was so surprised that he couldn't speak, and murmured:

"My God, these things are too incredible. If we can get in, it will definitely become another milestone in the Chinese archaeological community!"

Qi Yu also said in surprise:

"Such words cannot be written here for no reason. Maybe we can really enter the Heavenly Palace!"

Everyone nodded blankly.

"But where is the door to the heavenly palace in the stone tablet? How can we be considered to be destined to find it?"The fat man was still quite sober. He didn't care about the heavenly palace or the fairyland. He only cared about the artifacts. As he spoke, he stood in front of the stone tablet, touching it here and knocking on it there.

The others also searched inch by inch, but the stone tablet was just a stone tablet, without any trace of any mechanism or secret text.

"Damn it, is there a door?!"

The fat man was getting impatient and slapped the engineer monument in anger.

This slap was terrible.

There was a"crack" sound.

The stone monument was actually cracked by the fat man's slap!


The fat man exclaimed, and suddenly felt several pairs of murderous eyes falling on him.

He felt guilty, but his face remained calm:

"I didn't expect this stone tablet to be so fragile. I just tapped it lightly and it cracked......."

Chen Wenjin was so angry that he couldn't help but curse:

"Do you know that this stone tablet has immeasurable archaeological value? You are a sinner of the country......."

Just halfway through the conversation,......


Qin Yan also hit the stone tablet with his palm, and it burst into pieces.


Chen Wenjin was immediately as if he had been hit by a club, and was completely stunned, and couldn't even speak straight:


Huo Ling, Qi Yu and others were also stunned. What on earth was Qin Yan doing?

In the eyes of everyone who was incredulous, Qin Yan slowly took something out of the stone tablet.

Looking closely , it turned out to be an eight-treasure box!

After everyone was stunned, they were ecstatic again.

It turned out that there was a secret hidden in the stone tablet!

The fat man was still aggrieved just now, but now he looked at it and his tail was raised again:

"Fatty, I'm telling you guys from the archaeological team, what do you mean by a sinner of the country? Fatty is a contributor to the country, but you are blind!"

Chen Wenjin smiled apologetically:

"Sorry, Fatty, I'll make you another banner later!"


The fat man didn't want to talk anymore, but cursed in his heart: There is no good person in the archaeological team!......

········Asking for flowers. The Eight Treasures Heavy Box was taken out.

Everyone gathered around, but the Eight Treasures Heavy Box was locked.

After touching it several times, no one found a way to crack it, and even Zhang Qiling frowned deeply.

Wang Canghai must have done all this for a reason, and there must be an unusual secret hidden in the Eight Treasures Heavy Box.

But everyone could do nothing about the Eight Treasures Heavy Box.

Chen Wenjin finally said:"This Eight Treasures Heavy Box is a first-class cultural relic. I will take it back and hand it over to the country. The country will definitely send experts to study it carefully."

When he heard that it was going to be handed over to the country.

The fat man suddenly got anxious and hurriedly winked at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan knew what this guy meant, and without saying a word, he drew out the ancient sword and pointed it at the Eight Treasures Heavy Box............0

Seeing this, Chen Wenjin quickly said:

"It's useless. This eight-treasure heavy box is made of bronze and is very strong......"

Before he could finish his words, a cold light flashed, and the eight-treasure box was split in two.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.......

Qin Yan raised his sword tip and picked an object from the treasure box.

It was a roll of brocade.

The brocade was quite exquisite, but everyone's mind was not on it.

Qin Yan slowly opened the brocade, and it turned out to be Jurchen language.

Everyone couldn't understand it, so they naturally handed it to Qi Yu......

Qi Yu looked at it for a long time, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and finally he could only say helplessly:

"This is ancient Jurchen language, I can't understand it either......"

At this time, a voice sounded:

"Let me take a look."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and saw a girl walking out from behind the archaeological team.

It was Yin Mei, who had been inconspicuous along the way.

Yin Mei was not outstanding in appearance and did not talk much, so she seemed more marginalized against the backdrop of the two beauties Chen Wenjin and Huo Ling.

However, at this time, she suddenly stood out.

This made everyone secretly surprised.

Qin Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew that Yin Mei was not a descendant of the Nine Gates.

But this woman was able to follow here safely, and she seemed to understand the ancient Jurchen language that no one in the archaeological team could understand.

And the Jurchen language in the snake-browed bronze fish seemed to be this kind of ancient Jurchen language that almost no one understood.

It seems that this is not a coincidence.

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