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"Oh my god, there are all these saber-toothed vipers down there!"

Hu Bayi's face suddenly changed color and he cursed.

The fat man asked timidly,"Old Hu, can this thing bite a living person?"

"If they were normal size and there were only a few of them, at most they would bite your butt off."

Hu Ba paused:

"But look at these heads, and the number of them. If you fall into the water, I dare say you will turn into a pile of bones in less than half a minute!"

Fatty and others couldn't help but shudder.

Shirley Yang was relatively calm and asked Qin Yan:"Where did so many corpses come from?"

Qin Yan replied:"Most of these corpses should have floated down from upstream and then stranded here. Everyone be careful and pay attention to whether there are any strange things around!"

However, Qin Yan was the only one with the best eyesight present. Now he is almost unaffected by light-absorbing materials, which is why he didn't see it just now.

The others also turned on strong searchlights and carefully observed the surroundings.

The number of the schools of"740" knife-toothed vipers around could be described as huge, enough to be tens of thousands.

They rolled over the corpses like evil spirits, and soon gnawed a corpse until only a layer of human skin and a skeleton were left.

After gnawing on one corpse, they quickly pounced on another corpse...

Everyone was terrified, and Huba couldn't help but cursed:"Damn, in the eyes of these knife-toothed vipers, we are probably just a turkey dinner!"

The others couldn't laugh at this time, because facing such a large number of piranhas, they estimated that they had no room for resistance.

Fortunately, these saber-toothed vipers had no feet and could only swim in the water, otherwise they would be hard to resist. With so many of them, even if Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling fell into the water, it would be very difficult to fight head-on.

God knows how many of these saber-toothed vipers there are.

At this time, Qin Yan told the stunned people:

"These fish will become extremely crazy when they see blood, no matter if it is other fish's blood or their own, so the more they kill, the more they will come. It's very scary!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at the water with lingering fear, and was very careful for fear that they would fall into the water.

"I'll push aside the floating corpses blocking the way ahead. Lao Hu, you and Fatty use bamboo poles to prop up the cave walls on both sides to slow down the raft. Brother, you and your sister-in-law, watch out for the knife-tooth viperfish underwater, don't let them jump out to attack us."

Qin Yan made arrangements directly to everyone, and everyone nodded to carry out the plan.

The bamboo raft went against the current, moving slowly forward as if being pulled by some force.

Qin Yan stood at the bow and carefully used a bamboo pole to push away the bodies that blocked the raft.

The bodies were not moved at all, and the surroundings were like boiling water, exploding. It was obvious that countless saber-toothed vipers were running around.

Those saber-toothed vipers were like mad dogs. As soon as the bamboo pole in Qin Yan's hand touched the water, it was bitten by a large group of saber-toothed vipers.

Qin Yan raised his hand and swung it away, but he was shocked to find that the bamboo pole had been bitten open in several holes.

The bamboo raft gradually went deeper into the group of bodies that looked like steamed buns.

There were even more saber-toothed vipers here, hundreds of thousands, and the bamboo pole was full of blood. The raft was already heavily surrounded. If anyone accidentally fell into the water, they would definitely be bitten to pieces in an instant.

Everyone was sweating coldly.

The knife-tooth viperfish had obviously been led by several large fish and jumped up.

Everyone standing on the bamboo raft was on high alert, fearing that the jumping fish would bite them accidentally.

Zhang Qiling was paying attention to his surroundings, but he was not at all.

Suddenly, a large knife-tooth viperfish suddenly jumped onto the bamboo raft, causing Peacock to scream and his face turned pale.

Fortunately, Zhang Qiling was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and he could cut the jumping knife-tooth viperfish in half with one knife.

However, the severed fish head still took advantage of the momentum to bite the people on the bamboo raft. Zhang Qiling kicked the fish head directly They were kicked back into the water.

With one fish taking the lead, the other fish also rushed onto the bamboo raft like mad dogs.

Zhang Qiling killed them one by one with his knife.

On the other side, Shirley Yang also shot back the knife-toothed vipers that wanted to jump onto the boat.

However, the knife-toothed vipers that were killed by them fell back into the water, and the river water was instantly dyed red with fish blood.

The knife-toothed vipers around saw the blood, and they rushed over to bite the injured or dead ones regardless of whether they were of the same species or not.

It seemed that the hot blood attracted them more than the blood on the corpses.

For a moment, the water surface around the bamboo raft boiled directly, like boiling water, surging up and down.

The knife-toothed vipers jumped up and down. , countless schools of fish were surging behind.

Everyone was stunned.

Fortunately, these saber-tooth vipers are extremely sensitive to blood. They bite each other without hesitation. More and more saber-tooth vipers are bitten, and more blood flows out, making them more and more crazy.

For a moment, the whole river was filled with the scarlet and warm blood of saber-tooth vipers, and the saber-tooth vipers almost covered the water surface like a wall...

Now the bamboo raft is almost in the center of the entire pile of floating corpses, and it is still more than ten meters away from the exit of the huge cave.

But now it is completely surrounded by saber-tooth vipers, but the bamboo raft is still floating slowly strangely.

As if something is pulling it.

The last ten or so meters are really as long and far as hell..........

There were many knife-toothed vipers jumping onto the bamboo raft in the chaos, but they were quickly dealt with by everyone.

Hu Bayi and Fatty used an extended engineer shovel to hold the wall of the cave to keep the bamboo raft balanced and prevent it from being overturned by the terrifying school of fish.

Several people worked together, and although they were scared all the way, they finally passed the waters with the densest floating corpses without any danger.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after passing this section of water, the speed of the water flow unexpectedly changed.

It suddenly accelerated a lot, and the speed of the bamboo raft also increased. The river channel was more tortuous than before, with large turns from time to time.

In order to avoid accidents, Hu Bayi quickly turned on the searchlight.

The searchlight was very strong, and it seemed that he had walked out of the dark area here.

In this way, everything in the distance could be seen clearly.

Everyone realized that the scenery deep in the cave was so strange that it was unimaginable.

In addition, the beam of light from the strong searchlight swept past, and those strange and rugged stalactites only flashed and then disappeared into the darkness, which made everyone feel that they had entered a bizarre dream maze.

"How beautiful!" Shirley Yang couldn't help but sigh.

This made everyone forget the horror just now, and couldn't help but appreciate the wonders in the cave.

The scenery in the cave is much more magnificent than the scenic spots developed outside.

Hu Ba smiled and said,"This is more profitable than spending money to see the scenic spots!"

However, the deeper you go in the cave, the cooler the wind is.

Although the wind is not as cold as the cold wind when the ghost soldiers borrowed the road, it is also cold and whistling, and it makes people feel goose bumps when it blows on people.

And from time to time, you can see groups of phosphorous fire flickering in the distance.

Peacock couldn't help but ask weakly:"Then......Is that the legendary will-o'-the-wisp?"

Everyone smiled.

Qin Yan explained to Kong Que:

"It's not a ghost fire, it's just the fire produced by the floating corpses we just saw. After a person dies, the phosphorus in the body changes after the corpse decays, and it will produce phosphine. Once phosphine comes into contact with air, it will spontaneously ignite, which is the ghost fire we see now."

Peacock said with some admiration:"Brother Qin knows a lot!" The fat man smiled and said:"More than that, your brother Qin is a genius, you will slowly understand it in the future……"


As they were talking, the water flow slowed down and the searchlight in front of them was no longer shaking as much as before.

Under the light, a huge beast head with a bloody mouth appeared in front of them...

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