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Tải ảnh: 0.067s Scan: 0.052sA huge beast head suddenly appeared, and everyone's breath was choked.

A closer look.

I saw a huge vermilion natural stone bead hanging upside down in the middle of the river. Behind the stone bead, the river water flowed into the mouth of a huge beast head. The huge beast head looked like a tiger or a lion, as if it was opening its bloody mouth, roaring wildly, revealing a mouthful of sharp fangs, trying to swallow the stone bead.

And time seemed to freeze at this moment, its posture was frozen, and it might have remained here for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Even though they knew it was just a sculpture, everyone was still shocked.

"If the searchlight hadn't been turned on, I would have thought it was some giant monster that was going to swallow us!"

Hu Bayi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Peacock said with some fear:"This... is this the gate to hell?!"

The fat man imitated Hu Bayi's tone and said:"Miss Peacock, superstition is not good. When the light shines on us, these superstitious ideas must be abandoned!"

Peacock stammered and replied:"But... but it looks like it, otherwise how could such a thing appear here for no reason?"

The fat man didn't want to talk, but after hearing what Peacock said, he actually felt a little scared.

The moment the bamboo raft entered the giant mouth, his heartbeat accelerated, his breathing became heavy, and he held the bamboo pole in his hand for balance tighter.

At this time.

Several people exclaimed almost at the same time


With a loud sound of water flowing, everyone rushed into the bloody mouth of the giant beast.

Unexpectedly, there was a drop in the water, forming a small waterfall. When everyone rushed in with the bamboo raft, they were suddenly shaken violently.

Screams continued.

Shirley Yang hugged Qin Yan19 tightly, and at the same time, another delicate body was tightly pressed...

The fat man hugged Zhang Qiling, but Zhang Qiling frowned and did not dare to push the fat man away, otherwise the consequences of falling into the water would be disastrous.

Even though Hu Ba was extraordinary, he was almost thrown into the water...

After passing this small waterfall, there was a bang, and they entered a larger water area. The water splashes almost submerged everyone, which was a hundred times more exciting than rafting.

The fat man hugged Zhang Qiling tightly, screaming with excitement...

Shirley Yang also Very excited, but secretly pinched Qin Yan, making Qin Yan not sure whether he was enjoying it or helpless.

However, Qin Yan seemed to see a huge black shadow flashing by at the bottom of the water. He couldn't see it clearly, but he was sure it was not a school of knife-toothed vipers.

What on earth is it? A giant python?!

Qin Yan was not sure, because it didn't look like...

The water flow behind the giant mouth was very calm, as if it had entered a large lake.

The bamboo raft shook for a long time before it stabilized.

After a burst of excitement, everyone looked around and saw nothing unusual, and then they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The searchlight also shook violently before providing everyone with stable light.

The fat man laughed and said,"Comrades, I just said that nothing happened, and you also talked about the entrance to hell, it's really... Damn it!"

Before he finished speaking, the fat man cursed and pointed at the back of the beast gate in astonishment.

Everyone looked over and was stunned.

They saw a beam of light from a strong searchlight directly hitting the back of the beast gate. What appeared in front of everyone was a human-shaped thing, hanging upside down on it, like a corpse hanging upside down on it.

"What the hell is this?!"Hu Ba cursed in disbelief.

These things don't look like real people, but their size is like real people. They look like stone sculptures, but they are more realistic than sculptures. From a distance, they are no different from real people.

Everyone's scalps tingled. Peacock didn't dare to look at it any more. She moved her eyes to the other side. She couldn't stand it any more.

Because this thing was so shocking.

These stone figures all had their hands behind their backs, posing as if they were tied up. Due to the damp and cold underground environment, the surface of the stone figures had turned gray-brown, and the contours of the facial features were a little blurred, as if there was a layer of moldy substance on the surface.

Everyone had a half-smile on his face, and his eyes were dark, as if he was staring at them.

The most important thing is that there are a lot of these stone men, hanging upside down above the cave, densely packed, as if countless living people were hung upside down on them.

Hu Ba looked at them for a while, frowned and said,"These stone men look so familiar. Oh, by the way, it seems that this is what we encountered on the way here!"

When the fat man thought of the two human figurines, he shuddered subconsciously:"Damn, that thing is disgusting, let's go quickly."

Hu Bayi raised his hand to express his disagreement:"These may be related to King Xian, let's find out first."

Everyone nodded and began to observe these stone figurines carefully.

From their appearance, it was basically impossible to tell whether the stone figurines were male or female.

Judging from their body shape alone, some were tall, some were short, and some were fat and some were thin. It seemed that in addition to the middle-aged people, there were some boys and girls who had not yet grown up, and they were not arranged according to uniform standards.

On the top of the cave, copper chains with green traces suspended these stone figurines on both sides. Some of the chains had fallen off, and some were empty. Perhaps over the years, many of the stone figurines had fallen into the water.

Everyone was scared at first, but now they have gradually calmed down.

Hu Bayi was famous for his boldness and courage. He asked Fatty to stop the bamboo raft on the shore, because next to the river, there was a stone figurine that had fallen off the copper chain and fell to the ground.

Hu Bayi pointed at the stone figurine and said,"What the hell is this thing? I'll go down and take a look!"

As he said this, he adjusted the searchlight on his head to focus more, then jumped off the bamboo raft and squatted down to look at the stone figurine on the ground.

Others were also on the boat, or directly on the ground to watch.

Hu Bayi went to tombs all year round, so he naturally knew that the stone figurine must have unpredictable bacteria. If infected by these bacteria, he would not die or lose an arm.

So he took out a rubber glove from his backpack and put it on, then took out a military knife, gently scratched the stone figurine a few times, then turned the military knife upside down and raised it to his eyes. His eyes widened immediately.

""What's wrong? Lao Hu!" the fat man asked hurriedly.

Hu Ba turned around and looked at everyone in surprise:


"Oh my god, these stone figurines are actually made of real people!"

Everyone's brains exploded. So many figurines are actually made of real people. It's incredible!

Shirley Yang sat on the bamboo raft and said,"Old Hu, use a knife to cut open a part and see what's inside the figurine."

Then Shirley Yang added:

"Chen Xiazi's human skin map clearly records that there are several burial pits near King Xian's tomb, but the specific location is not marked. Maybe this Longkou Cave is one of the burial pits."

Hu Ba nodded and was about to take action, but was stopped by Qin Yan:

"Wait, as far as I know, there is an ancient evil and notorious witchcraft in the ancient Dian Kingdom."


Everyone was stunned and looked at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan was familiar with the plot.���Patiently explained to everyone:

"The so-called witchcraft is to use a secret pill. After a living person swallows it, the larvae will parasitize and lay eggs in the body. It only takes about three to five days for the eggs to be laid more and more. The blood, flesh and internal organs of the human body will all become nutrients for the larvae, filling up the body."

"Since the human skin loses water quickly in a short period of time, it will dry up quickly and become as hard as tree bark and stone shells.

In the shell formed by the human corpse, when the eggs absorb all the juice and bone marrow in the human body, a vacuum environment will be formed.

The eggs will not turn into larvae without air and will always remain in hibernation.

In a cool environment, it can last for more than a thousand years.

"When everyone heard this, they felt their scalps tingling.

There was such a cruel evil magic!

Qin Yan continued to remind:"So until now, as long as you cut through the human skin, there is still a possibility that countless living maggot-like larvae will appear immediately inside, and you will be possessed if you are not careful, so don't cut the human figurine hastily!"

"Of course, it is also possible that there are already dried insect eggs in it."

After hearing what Qin Yan said, Hu Ba's face turned pale, and he was frightened. He silently withdrew the saber in his hand and quickly returned to the bamboo raft.

Shirley Yang frowned and asked,"So, everything here should be related to the tomb of King Xian?"

Qin Yan nodded and said,"This must be related to King Xian. As far as I know, King Xian was a witch king in the ancient Dian period. His witchcraft uses the souls of the dead as a medium, and the more wronged souls there are, the more powerful this witchcraft is. There are many processes and methods to use the dead to make"witchcraft"."

"You see, these living figurines in the cave, from the strange way of death and the degree of decay, are consistent with the methods of King Xian. These people are likely to be slaves and craftsmen who built the royal mausoleum."

Qin Yan's analysis was very logical, and everyone secretly admired him.

Before coming, Hu Bayi and others also carefully studied the information of King Xian, but they did not understand it as clearly as Qin Yan.

Hu Bayi was also a very smart person. After hearing what Qin Yan said, he judged:

"Could it be that this river that runs through the mountain was built when King Xian was building the mausoleum? The natural cave was used and then repaired and dredged by manpower to transport materials for the construction of the mausoleum. Using water transportation here should be the most appropriate shortcut."

The more Hu Ba spoke, the more he thought about it, and he guessed:

"Therefore, in order to keep the secret of King Xian's tomb, these people were tied up tightly by King Xian's loyal subordinates after the project was completed or King Xian's body was buried. They were forced to swallow a kind of"痋引", and their seven orifices were sealed. They were then hung in the cave with large chains and suffocated to death!"

"First, we can keep the secrets in the king's tomb, and second, we can use them in this secret waterway to scare away outsiders who stray into it!"

Under Qin Yan's guidance, everyone basically understood the origin of the countless human figurines hanging upside down in the cave, but they all had goose bumps on their bodies.

The most shocked person here was Peacock. She had always heard the old people in the village say that this was a ghost cave. It turned out to be such an origin. It seemed that her choice to risk her life to follow them in was right.

The more everyone thought about it, the more they felt that this practice was too cruel. Hu Bayi couldn't help but curse:

"Damn, these ancient princes really don’t treat people as human beings. In the eyes of the nobles, those slaves are not even as good as cattle and horses."

Others also sighed.

However, Qin Yan remembered that in Hu Bayi's later records, there would be a huge snake appearing here, and there would also be terrifying human-shaped bomb mechanisms.

But now, these have not appeared yet, and it seems that things are going a little too smoothly.

This made Qin Yan feel a little abnormal, and he couldn't help but remind him:"Don't relax, it's better to be safe than sorry."

""Mr. Qin is right!"

Everyone nodded and became alert again. But at this moment……


With a muffled sound, the bamboo raft that was slowly moving upstream suddenly seemed to have scraped against something in the river and shook violently.

A huge black shadow flashed across the water......

Everyone was shocked!

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