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"Oh no, I'm afraid the bamboo raft has hit another trap hidden in the river.……"

As soon as Qin Yan finished speaking,

"Click! Click! Click!......"

There was a series of sounds of broken iron chains.

Everyone looked up and gasped.

They saw that the densely packed terracotta figures hanging on the top of the cave with iron chains were tilting downwards and swaying, and it felt like they could fall down at any time.

"Be careful!"

Before everyone could react, the sound of people falling into the water came from the river.

"Plop! Plop! Plop!……"

The sounds became more and more frequent, until in the end, there was almost no space between the sounds of falling into the water.

Hu Bayi quickly used a searchlight to shine in all directions, illuminating the river ahead. He saw that the chains hanging the terracotta figures in front of him fell off one after another, and one by one, the terracotta figures fell into the river like bombs dropped from a bomber.

He cursed to himself:"Damn it, King Xian is really cruel. He actually made terracotta bombs!"

This time, almost everyone was sure that this river, which was used to transport materials when building King Xian's tomb, had a mechanism set up in the river after King Xian was buried to prevent others from emptying his tomb. The terracotta figures above the river fell like bombs, one after another, like a bomb rain.

Everyone was dumbfounded. How many water pig bees would it take to have thousands of terracotta figures?

Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.……

"Oh no! If this thing falls on the bamboo raft, it will definitely sink the raft."

Qin Yan hurriedly reminded the stunned crowd.

The others then realized that the bamboo raft was already overloaded. If one or two more human figurines were knocked down, it would definitely sink completely.

When it falls into the water, the situation will be a hundred times more complicated than it is now.

Thinking of this, everyone was frightened and dared not speak nonsense, and hurried to act.

Hu Ba picked up the bamboo pole and increased the speed of paddling to increase the auxiliary force for the bamboo raft to move forward, wanting to rush out of this section of the river as soon as possible.

The others were always on guard against the human figurines bombs falling from the sky.

Some of the human figurines bombs could not be avoided, so Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling used bamboo poles to directly knock the human figurines away.

The human figurines were the same size as real people, but not strong. There was only a layer of dried human skin on the outside, and the middle was completely empty. They were broken into several fragments by the two people. What fell out of it were densely packed white insect eggs. Many of the insect eggs were directly beaten to pieces, and a lot of green liquid flowed out, which looked quite disgusting.

Countless human figurines fell into the river, The entire calm river surface was in turmoil. A large pool of water was boiling, bubbling continuously.

The fat man didn't dare to talk nonsense at this time. He took out the engineer shovel and used it as a paddle. He quickly accelerated the speed of the bamboo raft, wanting to get out of this area of water before the eggs exploded.

The bamboo raft quickly moved a long distance in the water, and it was almost out of the range of the human-shaped bomb.

Hu Bayi couldn't help but shine the strong light searchlight behind him. He saw countless white water pig bees pouring out from the inside of the human-shaped bomb. It's hard to count them all, but I can't even look at them.

They are so densely packed, one layer on top of another, I don't know how many layers there are.

The entire surface of the river has turned into a disgusting dark green color, and countless twisting bodies are wriggling rapidly on it, which makes people's scalps numb.

Fortunately, Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling are agile, and the human figures can't hit the bamboo raft at all, otherwise they would have fallen into the water and died.

However, everyone has gradually walked out of the area of the human figure bomb, and the situation has stabilized.

Hu Bayi took out the compass and measured the direction:

"The bamboo raft was drifting southwest, which meant that the direction was correct. As long as the raft continued to drift over there, it would eventually pass through the huge cave under Zhalong Mountain and flow into the Snake River in the Worm Valley."

Hu Bayi's news excited the depressed crowd. Qin Yan also took out the human skin map and took a look:

"We have probably already traveled two-thirds of the way down the Zhalong Mountain since we entered the ghost cave. As long as we hold on, we will be out of the mountain and there will be no more mess in the water once we get ashore."

Qin Yan's words once again cheered up everyone.

But Qin Yan was still a little worried, because there was a terrifying giant python hiding in the water, and it would be best to avoid it if possible.

However, the more you worry, the more it will come.

At this moment, a chilling hissing sound suddenly came from the darkness ahead.

The sound was very loud, and it sounded like not just one sound, but a series of sounds.

"Snap! Snap! Snap!……"

It was like the sound of something huge grinding on a rock.

Everyone was stunned for a moment and quickly pricked up their ears to listen.

"It's a snake!"

Zhang Qiling's face changed slightly and he exclaimed.

The expressions of the others froze. Shirley Yang couldn't help but whispered:"The sound is so loud, it's probably a python's nest."

Qin Yan remembered that there was only one giant snake in there, but what he heard was obviously much bigger than the python.

Has something changed?

When he was thinking about it, the friction sound became louder, like the sound of two huge pieces of iron rubbing violently, echoing in the cave, and the sound made people feel cold on the back of their necks.

Everyone's eyes shrank and they observed their surroundings vigilantly.

At this moment, there was a sound of stones falling into the water in the corner of the cave.

"Plop! Plop!……"(bjbd)

A large splash of water showed how big the stone was.

In the darkness, there seemed to be some huge creature, moving slowly among the rocks at the edge of the cave.

""Old Hu, quickly shine the searchlight over there!"

Qin Yan reminded him, because he was afraid that others could not see and would be accidentally swept into the water by the giant snake.

Hu Bayi reacted and quickly turned the strong searchlight over there. When the beam of light swept over there, the sound of the rolling boulders stopped abruptly, and they saw a green snake head on a naturally formed smooth lava terrace, with its head held high and its body coiled towards them.


Everyone gasped and swallowed, trying not to shiver.

The snake's head was so big.

It was as big as their bamboo raft. It felt like it could swallow them and the raft together.


Everyone couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

Even Qin Yan, who knew the plot, was shocked. He didn't expect a snake to grow so big.

Two red eyeballs hung on the huge snake's head, like two lanterns, emitting a faint red light in the dark cave.

It was unknown how long the whole body was, and half of it was hovering in the river, almost filling up a river several meters wide at the exit of the cave in front. Only the moving part of the body could be seen, which was as thick as a truck tire.

The head was green, but the scales on the body were black, emitting a dark and shiny luster, slowly wriggling, stirring up a muffled sound of water.

"Did I see that right?!"

"Holy shit, this... this is too big!"

"Are you sure this is a snake, not a dragon?!"

Everyone paused for a while before exclaiming in amazement.

Even Zhang Qiling stared at the giant snake in front of him with wide eyes, his voice trembling slightly:

"This... is this a snake repairer?!"

Snake repairer?"

Everyone looked at Zhang Qiling in surprise.

Zhang Qiling bit his tongue and whispered:

"Xiushe is also called Bashe. It is a giant snake in mythology. It lives in the Dongting Lake area. It is very large and is said to be able to swallow an elephant alive!"


Swallow an elephant alive!

Everyone was a little confused, but they had to believe it, because the giant snake in front of them, judging from its appearance, could indeed swallow an elephant.

Zhang Qiling continued:

"Legend has it that the Xiu snake attacked humans, so the emperor sent Dayi to kill it. Dayi first shot it with an arrow, then chased it to the far west and cut it in two. The rest of the tribe were also killed by Dayi. They became extinct thousands of years ago. How come there is still one here?!"

Everyone was fascinated by what he heard.

Even Qin Yan was secretly surprised that the legendary things appeared here.

Zhang Qiling continued:

"This snake is so big, I don't know how many years it has lived. Have you noticed that its eyes are horizontal? The two we see now are the main eyes. There is another eye growing below this eye, which is called the Yin eye."

"Legend has it that the thousand-year-old snake has become a spirit, with yin-yang eyes connected to hell. If you are stared at by it, you will be possessed by an evil spirit, and after a long time you will turn into a monster with a human head and a snake body!"

""Fuck, so weird?!"

The more Zhang Qiling said this, the more people couldn't help but look at its eyes.

They saw a pair of red eyes full of throbbing bloodshot, which looked extremely weird.

Everyone felt as if their souls were being pulled out of them by it, and they felt a little dizzy.

The peacock was like being possessed by a demon, staring straight at the bloodshot eyes, motionless.


Qin Yan called her twice but she didn't move. Knowing that her eyes had seen something horrible, she quickly slapped Peacock to wake her up.

Peacock instantly seemed to have come back to life, her face was pale, and her clothes were all wet with sweat..._

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