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"Whoosh, whoosh——"

The peacock who was awakened by Qin Yan breathed rapidly, with a look of disbelief on his face. After a long pause, he said:

"Brother Qin, I... I just saw... a lot of evil spirits, mountains of swords and seas of fire, and desperate cries.……"

The more Kong Que spoke, the more excited she became. Her body couldn't stop shaking.

Qin Yan knew that she might have seen a scene from hell, so he comforted her:

"I know, you may have been caught in the illusion of the big snake just now, don't stare at its eyes."

The peacock nodded obediently and hid behind Qin Yan...

The snake had a green head and a black body.

It was so big that it was just a clawless green dragon. The black scales on its body flashed an ominous light under the searchlight. His emotionless eyes wandered over everyone.


Everyone gasped at the same time, swallowed their saliva, and tried not to shiver.

The repair snake paused for a moment, and suddenly a smelly whirlwind blew up. The snake swam down the mushroom rock. Its huge body full of wild power knocked the white mushroom rock into countless fine powders, which looked more like a giant dragon wrapped in white dust.

Carrying the swift wind, the repair snake rushed into the water at a very fast speed. With a bang.

For a moment, water splashed everywhere, and the big pool of water boiled like boiling water.

After the repair snake entered the water, the mushroom rock dust it rolled up had not completely fallen, and it had sunk deep into the water. It disappeared in an instant...

Everyone was terrified, fearing that the repair snake would suddenly rush out of the water and swallow them.

But after waiting for a while, no one saw the figure of the repair snake.

""Let's hurry up, we'll be fine once we pass this area of water!"

Qin Yan reminded the stunned crowd, and they quickly paddled the bamboo raft forward.

At this time, the terracotta warriors above their heads were still dropping bombs like fighter jets, and then foamed and turned into dense insects.

Everyone could only dodge the terracotta warriors while always being alert to the huge snake that had dived into the water and was nowhere to be found.

But at this time, everyone swung their arms, used the bamboo poles and gun butts in their hands, and paddled the bamboo raft desperately.

Unexpectedly, there were countless water boar bees hanging under the bamboo raft, which must have weighed more than a hundred pounds. The bamboo raft was too deep in the water and could not move fast at all. Come.

Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling had to help avoid the human figures and keep an eye on the big snake, so they had no hands to help them row the boat.

As long as the terrifying snake crushed the bamboo raft with its body and everyone fell into the river, it would increase the difficulty of escape countless times.

Hubayi and others paddled with bamboo poles like crazy, but they were too panicked and the force they used was neither balanced nor coordinated.

The bamboo raft was originally drifting forward slowly, but at this time it was spinning in place on the water due to several forces that offset each other.

Hubayi suddenly remembered something and shouted:

"During the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, I heard someone say that if a person even eats garlic, tigers and pythons will not bite him again!"

After saying that, he hurriedly took out mosquito repellent garlic from his backpack and gave one to each person.

Everyone looked at each other, but still ate it hurriedly. However, Qin Yan took out something that made everyone's eyes light up at this time.

Underwater flamethrower!

It was when he went to the underwater tomb that he asked Huo Ling for it. In the end, Qin Yan threw it into his personal space. He didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

Qin Yan threw the flamethrower to the fat man.

The fat man took it and laughed:

"Damn, we have a flamethrower, but we still need hairy garlic!"

Garlic was something I heard from others, and it sounded a bit weird.

Just using a garlic can make a python and a tiger retreat?

To be honest, Hu Bayi himself didn't believe it. It was just a helpless choice.

At this time, outside, the whole bamboo raft was covered with fat water boar bees.

The water boar bees were stacked layer by layer, filling the whole bamboo raft, making the edge of the whole bamboo raft turn white.

If someone with trypophobia saw it, they would definitely faint.

There was no telling how many were under the bamboo raft, which directly caused the bamboo raft to sink a lot.

""Watch me!"

The fat man yelled, and then he took the flamethrower and sprayed the water pig bees beside the bamboo raft.


The fire-breathing gun spewed out a long fire snake.

The water surface immediately burned violently, and countless water pig bees were instantly burned and exploded, shooting out streams of thick green liquid!

········Asking for flowers. The tens of thousands of water pig bees in the back seemed to be frightened, making strange squeaking sounds and fleeing like crazy.

The water pig bees hanging on the bottom of the bamboo raft seemed to be frightened and fled in all directions.

The bamboo raft suddenly reduced a lot of burden and slowly restored its normal draft.

The fire was still spreading, directly forcing a large number of water pig bees to retreat to the back, away from the bamboo raft and dare not approach...

This scene made everyone feel refreshed!

However, at this time, Zhang Qiling did not relax. His face was a little solemn, and he said in a low voice:

"No one knew where the giant snake had gone. There was no sound and no trace."

After hearing Zhang Qiling's words, the others thought they were safe and that the giant snake had also been scared away by the fire............0

But Qin Yan, who had more sensitive ears, could faintly hear the muffled sound of water splashing from underwater ahead.

"Don't be careless, be careful!"

The two people who were always calm were now seriously alert. Everyone knew that the situation must not be optimistic.



There was a loud sound of breaking water.

A large green head appeared in front of them, like a small mountain.

It seemed that if it suddenly pounced forward and opened its mouth wide, it would be able to swallow them and the bamboo raft together.

Everyone's heart suddenly rose to their throat.

However, to everyone's surprise, the repair snake did not move, and its emotionless eyes wandered around everyone.

Qin Yan knew that snakes had extremely sensitive senses of smell and vision, not to mention the legendary giant snake. There was no reason why they would not discover them.

The only explanation was that the giant snake was not in a hurry to bite them now.

Others seemed to have noticed this, and Huba lowered his voice and said:

"As far as I know, big snakes won't prey on small things. Look at how big it is, maybe it's not interested in people of our size?"

"If we just sit still and don't cause it to panic, it might just leave us alone?!"

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