Night gradually fell, covering the entire earth.

As darkness came, insects in the forest increased, especially mosquitoes in the dark valleys, which were particularly terrifying.


Just hearing this sound makes people's scalps numb.

These vampires in the jungle rushed to people in groups regardless of their lives.

Even spraying the mosquito repellent prepared beforehand didn't help much.

There were more and more mosquitoes, and everyone was very uncomfortable. They could kill a few mosquitoes with a pinch.

""Shit, I can't sit still anymore, I'd better get into the sleeping bag quickly."

The fat man cursed and tried to get into the sleeping bag.

But at this moment, Qin Yan tried to emit a faint majesty of the Di Ting divine beast.

Sure enough.

The effect was very significant, and no mosquitoes dared to approach within a few meters.

Several people were amazed that even mosquitoes did not dare to bite Qin Yan.

However, those hateful mosquitoes still refused to leave, buzzing around, coveting everyone's flesh.

But because of the majesty of the divine beast, they dared not get too close, so they had to gather in piles a few meters away. It was so dense that they were almost forming a ball.

Hu Bayi sighed:"If Master Qin hadn't been here, I don't think we could sit down for a minute, let alone taste the craftsmanship of the Peacock Girl."

The fat man sneered at the mosquitoes:"Bugs, you are brave enough to come and bite Master Fatty, you are a bunch of cowards!"

Everyone couldn't help but smile at the fat man's funny look.

The atmosphere was much more relaxed at this time, and everyone completely relaxed and enjoyed this rare quiet moment.

Because starting tomorrow, there will inevitably be many life-threatening activities. Tonight may be the last chance to rest, and you must restore your physical and mental state to the best state.

Soon, Peacock had prepared the food, and the aroma was so fragrant that everyone couldn't help but salivate and quickly surrounded it. The most famous delicacy in Miaojiang is sour soup, but due to limited ingredients, everyone didn't Have a chance to taste it.

Kong Que said that after returning, he must make a pot of authentic sour soup fish for everyone, which made Hu Bayi and the others look forward to it.

But even without sour soup fish, the other dishes looked quite delicious.

Everyone quickly picked up simple bowls and chopsticks and gathered together to eat...

What Hu Bayi and the others praised the most was the wild vegetable dish, which was made from wild vegetables growing on the hills and ridges along the way, such as Houttuynia cordata, August bamboo shoots, and bracken.

Hu Bayi smiled and said,"This is natural food, a pollution-free famous dish, the king of mountain delicacies, haha"


"Miss Peacock's cooking skills are really good!"

Others also praised while eating, which made Peacock a little embarrassed.

Especially the fat man said:"Miss Peacock, whoever marries you in the future will be blessed!"

Peacock was at the age of falling in love, her face turned red, and she secretly glanced at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan pretended not to see it, because he didn't want to get involved in the cause and effect again. After all, it would not be good to delay others.

While everyone was feasting on the food, they were also discussing the itinerary for the next day.

Qin Yan said:"Let's find the place marked by the toad in the valley early tomorrow morning and see if we can find the secret passage through the mountain miasma."

Hu Bayi nodded and said:"Mr. Qin is right. The tomb of King Xian has been in operation for many years and is very carefully arranged. Even if there is a secret passage through the barrier on the ground, I am afraid this secret passage is not so easy to walk, so everyone should be prepared and make sure to get enough rest tonight."

Everyone nodded and took out the map to plan the route for the next day.

While everyone was chatting animatedly, Shirley Yang kept staring at the entrance to the Insect Valley not far away. The more she looked, the more she felt something was wrong. Shirley Yang seemed to have noticed something and suddenly exclaimed,"Look, there's something here!"

"What is that?!"

Everyone looked at Shirley Yang reflexively. They had encountered too many monsters along the way, so they all asked hurriedly.

Shirley Yang was very calm and said,"Look at the entrance of the Worm Valley. The terrain seems to be quite extraordinary."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. They thought they had encountered some evil spirits, but it turned out to be a problem of Feng Shui and terrain. The fat man couldn't help but complain:

"I said, Chief of Staff Yang, why can't you stay calm, you are so shocked."

Shirley Yang ignored him.

Then everyone didn't waste any words and carefully observed the terrain of the entrance to the Worm Valley.

Several people had some knowledge of Feng Shui, so they naturally saw it quickly.

Hu Ba said,"It's true. This should be a very famous Feng Shui."

Qin Yan nodded and said,"Well, this terrain should be called"Qinglong Dunbi" in Feng Shui. You see, there are oxen running on the left, elephants dancing on the right, and the situation in the middle is like a hanging bell and star gate. It is a"city position" that can distinguish the clear and the turbid, distinguish the yin and yang, and wipe the evil sand.""

Everyone nodded.

Hu Bayi couldn't help but ask,"Why did the old man Xian Wang place such a Qinglong Dunbi Feng Shui terrain here?"

Others were also confused, only Qin Yan was clear.

He remembered that in the original book, the coffin of Xian Wang was the dead body of a ten thousand year old meat fungus, which is the so-called Tai Sui.

And it was far more than that. The cruel Xian Wang also filled it with countless corpses, making a terrifying corpse hole.

And this corpse hole can be said to have almost no shortcomings.

According to Shirley Yang, in Paris, France, the Papal Court of Fendigang also sealed a"corpse hole" that can devour everything. The heroine in Notre Dame de Paris was thrown on the upper layer of the Ten Thousand Corpse Cave after her death. It is said that because there are too many dead people, the world has corroded a"gap", which is located in this world. The"gap" between life and death, positive and negative, black and white.

There are countless human hands in the corpse cave. Anything caught by these hands will be pulled into the"corpse cave" and then become part of the"corpse cave". If it is allowed to expand endlessly and cause the most terrifying"corpse cave effect", the consequences will be unimaginable.

This matter in France is a secret of the Vatican. Outsiders can only know a rough idea. As for the cause of the formation of this corpse cave, there has never been an official public conclusion. Even the fact that the corpse cave exists has always been covered up.

In fact, it is not that they are unwilling to deal with it, but that they cannot deal with it. This thing can devour anything and there is no way to deal with it. It is very likely that it still exists now.

The corpse cave in the tomb of King Xian is the same. Due to the great changes in the natural feng shui pattern nearby, a chaotic zone with no distinction between yin and yang, clear and turbid has been formed. However, its"corpse cave effect" has not yet completely occurred, so everything outside has not been devoured.

Qin Yan is not sure about this terrifying corpse cave. After all, this thing is too mysterious. Legend has it that it can devour everything, and even he may not be sure to deal with it.

Fortunately, Hu Bayi recorded in Ghost Blowing Lamp that this terrifying corpse cave has a weakness.

That has something to do with the"Qinglong Dunbi" terrain in front of us.

Once the terrifying corpse cave moves to the"Qinglong Dunbi", the chaotic energy in it will be disintegrated. In the original book, Hu Ba Yi and others solved the corpse cave that was chasing them in this way.

Qin Yan was thinking about this matter, and suddenly felt that something was wrong around him.

Others were chatting and found something wrong.

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