"Did you hear it? Dense hissing sounds came from all directions, as if there were snakes crawling all over the ground."Peacock said with some fear. The fat man smiled and said,"Don't make a fuss. Do you think we are all as sharp as Master Qin ?……"

But before he could finish his words, he was slapped in the face, because he also heard the hissing sound getting louder and louder, and more and more frequent. He had no idea how many things were crawling towards them.

""Shit, it can't be a snake."

The fat man took a breath of cold air. He was most afraid of snakes, and hurriedly turned on the flashlight to shine around.

Everyone also looked in the direction of the sound...

The scene around them made everyone's face pale.

The place where the mosquitoes gathered before was now full of countless snakes. There were all kinds of snakes, including grass snakes, pythons, cobras, etc.

Large and small bodies were moving through the grass, rustling, which made people's scalps numb.

However, these densely packed snakes did not seem to come towards them, but were circling around the place where the mosquitoes gathered, and occasionally pounced on those mosquitoes.

Hu Bayi said with some surprise:"These snakes are obviously attracted by the mosquitoes."

At this time, Peacock suddenly screamed:"There are many more behind!"

Everyone looked, and sure enough, new poisonous snakes kept swimming towards this side quickly from all directions, one after another, so many that they couldn't be counted.

Seeing this scene, Hu Bayi couldn't help cursing:"Avoiding the mosquitoes, but instead attracting these hateful poisonous snakes."

Qin Yan sighed:"Misfortunes often lie behind blessings, and blessings often lie behind misfortunes. Everything in the world has two sides, so don't take it lightly at any time."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The fat man smiled and said,"Mr. Qin is really good at speaking!"

There were more and more poisonous snakes, almost surrounding them. Everyone was in a state of panic. They originally wanted to have a good rest, but they didn't expect to attract so many troublesome things.

Gradually, restless poisonous snakes began to rush towards them.

Since there were only a few of them, they were easily killed by everyone with a single knife. What really scared them was the group of poisonous snakes behind them.

If the army of poisonous snakes all pounced on them at once, they would still find it difficult to cope with them for a while.

Hu Bayi said at this time:"It seems that we still have some snake repellent in our backpacks. Take it out quickly to prevent these hateful guys from rushing over?" As soon as this proposal came out, it was immediately rejected by everyone.

Shirley Yang said:"Don't use any snake repellent. Even if they dare not come forward, God knows these poisonous snakes gathered here, will they attract something more terrifying?!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, but the fat man asked:"What should we do if the army of poisonous snakes pounces on us?"

This question stumped everyone. Are they going to fight hard again?

But before they could come up with any good ideas, the poisonous snakes had become more and more numerous, and the mosquitoes that were almost tangled into a ball before had been eaten up, leaving only a few sparse ones. They looked very hateful at first, but now they looked very pitiful. After the poisonous snake army had eaten the mosquitoes, it was obviously far from being satisfied. The eyes of those big pythons began to wander around Qin Yan and his group.

The poisonous snakes had no interest in Qin Yan and his group at first, but they instinctively felt threatened, so they also swam towards Qin Yan and his group silently...

For a moment, everyone was surrounded by a sea of snakes, and the snakes spit out long tongues and slowly swam towards them. It swam over and could suddenly deliver a fatal blow at any time.

Everyone had to be extremely vigilant. If they were bitten by this poisonous snake unexpectedly, they would not be able to enter the Worm Valley unless they died.

The fat man was so nervous that his palms were sweating. The handle of the Chicago typewriter in his hand was wet and looked a little slippery.

The others were also highly focused. They stood back to back, holding their weapons tightly, keeping an eye on these insidious poisonous snakes at all times.

The army of poisonous snakes was getting denser and louder, but the circle surrounding everyone was getting smaller and smaller.

When everyone was determined to fight the army of poisonous snakes, Qin Yan suddenly activated his Di Ting bloodline, exuding a strong aura of a divine beast.

""Looking for death!"

Qin Yan said lightly, his voice was not loud.

But the strange thing was.

In the dark woods, it suddenly became quiet.

What was even more exaggerated was that after the venomous snakes that stopped were stunned for a while, they all crawled towards Qin Yan, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

The fat man said in surprise:"Fuck, Master Qin is really awesome, even the venomous snakes have to pay homage to him when they see him."

Even Zhang Qiling's eyes when looking at Qin Yan changed...

Qin Yan smiled slightly:"These venomous snakes are afraid of me, they do whatever I tell them to do."

The fat man deliberately said seriously:"Wow, so awesome, is it true?"

Qin Yan did not answer, but waved his hand lightly, and the group of venomous snakes immediately swarmed up and surrounded the fat man, one layer after another, spitting out long tongues, but not biting the fat man. The fat man was most afraid of poisonous insects and snakes in his life. His face turned pale with fright, and he begged for mercy:

""Master Qin, I believe it, I believe it, tell them to disperse!"

Master Qin nodded and waved his hand gently.

The army of poisonous snakes dispersed as if they were liberated. They ran very fast and soon disappeared without a trace...

The fat man stroked his chest:"Oh my god, Master Qin, your ability is a bit similar to the majesty of the fierce beasts in mythological novels!"

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