After a false alarm, everyone continued to enjoy the Yunnan specialties made by the peacock.

The plate of wild vegetables was quickly eaten by several people, and the remaining was some eagle owl meat.

Although eagle owl meat is delicious, everyone is a little tired of eating it three times a day.

The fat man couldn't help but sighed:"Our mouths have been spoiled by Mr. Qin. If it were in the past, we would have made do with some dry food to fill our stomachs, but now even eagle owl meat doesn't taste good."

Others were also so emotional.

At this time, Shirley Yang picked up a few big snakes that they had just killed. They were basically some big poisonous snakes, such as kraits, pit vipers, and even king cobras.

Shirley Yang smiled and said,"Don't sigh, I'll make snake soup for you!"


Shirley Yang had already made a pot of medicinal snake soup with her bottles and jars, and the waves of tempting fragrance attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone gathered around to take a look. The snake soup was slightly yellow, and the snake meat was rolling in the soup, giving off a delicious smell.

Hu Ba rubbed his hands, drooling:"This is the real snake soup, it's delicious just by looking at it!"

"We are in for a treat this time. First we had Peacock Girl's Yunnan specialty dishes, and then we had Staff Officer Yang's delicious snake soup. We are really here to enjoy ourselves, not to rob tombs."

Others also praised her.

Shirley Yang reduced the heat and finished the last step of the snake soup, while explaining to everyone:

"This is called Taishi Five Snake Soup, which is mainly made of Bungarus, Bungarus, Cobra, Water Snake and Elaphe. It has the effects of promoting blood circulation and replenishing Qi, strengthening nerves, relaxing tendons and activating collaterals, and removing wind and dampness."

Hu Bayi listened and once again demonstrated his expertise of being well-informed and having a strong memory:"Oh, it turns out to be the famous Taishi Five Snake Soup, we are really lucky to have it."

Seeing that Hu Bayi seemed to know something, the others hurriedly asked if there was any story behind the Taishi Five Snake Soup.

Shirley Yang smiled and introduced it to everyone:

"Taishi Five Snake Soup was invented by Jiang Kongyin, a Guangdong Hanlin in the late Qing Dynasty. Jiang Kongyin's nickname was Jiang Xia, and his ancestors were merchants. In 1904, he passed the last imperial examination and was selected as a second-class Jinshi. He was also selected as a Shujishi in the imperial examination and entered the Hanlin Academy. Therefore, he was called"Jiang Taishi". This snake soup was invented by him."

"It is said that in the sixth year of the Republic of China, Mr. Zhongsan came to the south to protect the law. The Extraordinary Congress was held in Guangzhou. Jiang Quanying, the third son of Jiang Taishi, was also a member of the House of Representatives. In order to keep in touch, he often held a family banquet and invited all the members to drink and chat.

On one occasion, the autumn wind blew, and Jiang Taishi's famous snake soup was used to entertain the members.

Most of the members were from other provinces.

Jiang Taishi and his son did not make it clear in advance that they were served snake soup.

The members ate and praised it as a fine product, and even praised it as a delicacy on earth.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Taishi smiled and said that the deliciousness of snakes was beyond any delicacies.

When the members of the House of Representatives suddenly heard that what they were eating was snake, they immediately felt sick and vomited.

One of the members was so scared that he ran to the hospital to wash his stomach immediately, which was quite embarrassing.

Jiang Taishi was amused and also understood that the members were delicate and precious, and they should not be messed with. From then on, if he entertained guests with snake soup, it would be written on the invitation, so that those who did not eat snakes would give up."

Everyone couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

The fat man cursed indignantly:"Some officials are either stupid or bad. They say it's delicious when they eat it, but they despise it after they finish eating."

"That's not true. Some people really can't accept snake soup psychologically. We are not like those who live outside all year round and eat all kinds of delicacies from land and sea."

Hu Bayi finished speaking, and then he said something more exaggerated:"It is said that the concubine of Su Dongpo, a great talent in the Song Dynasty, ate snake soup by mistake when she was in Huizhou, Guangdong. Afterwards, she found out that what she ate was snake, and died a few months later."

"Ah? That's all right!"

After hearing this, everyone was confused.

Qin Yan joked,"This kind of delicate woman is not good. If you want one, you have to be like our Shirley Yang, who is not only beautiful and heroic, but also very skilled. She is good at cracking the mechanisms of ancient tombs and making a good snake soup."

Shirley Yang, who was doing the finishing work, rolled her eyes at Qin Yan and said,"You talk the most nonsense, and even the snake soup can't stop you."

Everyone laughed.

While several people were talking and laughing, the delicious snake soup was already out of the pot.

Everyone couldn't wait, and hurriedly picked up the bowls and chopsticks to serve the snake soup, but was stopped by Shirley Yang.

She first served a bowl to Qin Yan, and then said,"You can all do whatever you want!"

"" Biased!"

The fat man muttered, and hurriedly served himself a large bowl, which was quite tempting.

He hurriedly scooped a spoonful into his mouth, and the taste was smooth and refreshing, which made him couldn't help but shout:"Delicious!"

Qin Yan also took a small sip while it was hot. It was really mellow and rich, with a hint of sweetness in the rich taste. It was soft and smooth in the mouth. After drinking a few spoonfuls, the fishy smell of the snake soup disappeared, and the mouth was full of lingering fragrance.

He couldn't help but admire:"Staff Officer Yang has good skills!"

At this time, the white eagle owl couldn't help but come forward. Shirley Yang served it a large bowl.

The white eagle rubbed Shirley Yang humanely to express gratitude, and then began to feast on it, eating happily...

Hu Ba couldn't help but sigh when he saw it:

"Although this guy is insidious, who would have thought that he could understand human nature? It is really rare. I think he is comparable to Yang Guo's eagle."

The fat man laughed and said,"Then ask it if it knows Dugu Qiubai's swordsmanship, or the Nine Yang Magic Skill. Just teach us a set!"

Hu Bayi cursed angrily,"You have read too many fucking martial arts novels, right?……"


Everyone was eating and chatting, and everyone was full of satisfaction.

After a short rest and a simple wash, they all went to sleep in their sleeping bags.

After all, there was a more mysterious worm valley waiting for them to explore the next day.

Qin Yan and Shirley Yang got into the same tent. The two of them got more and more tacit. Although they did nothing, Qin Yan felt that he slept very comfortably.

I don't know if this has anything to do with Shirley Yang's successor as a prophet...

Because of Qin Yan's divine beast majesty, no wild beast dared to approach within a radius of seven or eight meters, and it was absolutely safe.

So everyone didn't have to send someone to keep watch.

Since embarking on the journey to the tomb of King Xian, this was the first time that everyone had such a carefree and comfortable sleep.

Everyone rested their spirits, because no one knew what dangers were waiting for them the next day...

The first ray of morning light shone into the woods, and everyone woke up one after another.

Everyone slept comfortably all night, and Hu Ba stretched his waist:"It's rare to have a good sleep!"

At this time, Peacock had prepared a delicious breakfast.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh that it was good to go to the tomb with a woman, at least their living and eating were guaranteed, and they didn't have to sleep in the open.

After breakfast, everyone was full of energy and set off to the destination according to the predetermined plan, ready to find the place with the toad mark in the valley to see if they could find the secret path through the mountain miasma.

Entering the Worm Valley, the plants in the Worm Valley are much denser than those in the jungle, so it is narrow and difficult to walk.

Passing through the two huge meteorites with eyes painted on them in front of the valley, we move forward along the Snake Creek into the depths of the valley.

As the terrain gradually descends, there are more and more vine plants, and clusters of vines cover the top of the stream. Countless small plants of various shapes and colors are hung on the mountain walls on both sides, like colorful sky gardens.

Due to the narrow terrain, the survival competition here is particularly fierce. In order to get a little more light, various plants are desperately expanding outside the valley, so the terrain in the valley cannot be seen from a high place.

Qin Yan sighed,"This tomb of King Xian has been in operation for many years and is very well laid out. Even if there is a secret passage through the barrier on the ground, I'm afraid it's not that easy to walk through."

The valley was extremely humid and hot. As far as everyone could see, it was all rich green. After a long time, their eyes felt dizzy.

Mosquitoes were rampant here and old vines were overgrown, but fortunately Qin Yan's divine beast was majestic, so it was relatively smooth to move forward in the valley.

Hu Bayi sighed,"These are all poisonous mosquitoes. They are simply real blood-sucking demons in the jungle, and they are highly poisonous. Thank God we have Master Qin, otherwise we would have suffered."

As everyone continued to go deeper, there were more and more traces left by humans, and some collapsed stone statues and stone men were exposed from time to time.

Shirley Yang analyzed:"These should be the stone carvings on both sides of the royal tomb's sacred road. It can be seen that the tomb of King Xian, like other royal tombs, has a sacred road in front of the tomb for future generations to go to the Ming Tower to worship and pay homage."

Hu Ba nodded and smiled:"But King Xian probably didn't expect that less than seven or eight years after his death, his territories and subjects, including his hometown of the ancient Dian Kingdom, were all incorporated into the territory of the Han Dynasty.

The royal tomb that cost huge manpower and material resources and racked one's brains to build can only remain in the depths of this dark valley, forever sealed in the corner of history.

Only we, the tomb-robbers, will come to visit him despite the difficulties and dangers.


At this time, the careful Peacock suddenly said:"Brother Qin, there seem to be fewer and fewer poisonous mosquitoes along the way."

Everyone looked around and found that it was indeed the case. The mosquitoes that had almost gathered into a ball at the entrance were now only a few sparse ones here.���

Hu Ba thought for a moment and said,"Could it be because of Master Qin?"

"Well, it's possible."

After all, everyone had seen Qin Yan shouting away the poisonous snakes before, so they could only think so and didn't think much about it.

Everyone continued to walk in for about a few hours.

When they got here, there were no mosquitoes, or any other insects or animals.

Everyone felt that something was wrong. This place was like a death line.

Shirley Yang wondered:"The behavior of the insects in the valley is quite abnormal. Why don't they dare to move deeper?"

Qin Yan moved his eyes and looked into the valley. He saw that the terrain in front was gradually getting lower. If he walked further in, he would enter the poisonous miasma, so he said:

"Going deeper, there are no insects, which means there may be toxic substances inside. For safety reasons, let's prepare gas masks so that we can wear them at any time."

Everyone took out their gas masks after hearing this, except Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling.

At this time, Hu Bayi also took out a few black pills:"This is the secret recipe of the tomb raider,"Honglian Miaoxin Pills", which can reduce heart rate and breathing, and should be of some use."

Everyone didn't know if it would work, so they took some and continued to move forward.

Ten meters further ahead, the ground suddenly became bare, which was unusual in this valley covered with vines.

Everyone suspected that there was something wrong with the soil, so Hu Bayi used an engineer shovel to dig a shallow pit on the ground, squatted down to look at the substance in the soil, and said after looking for a while:

"It turns out that here, like Maoling, in order to prevent insects and ants from damaging the mausoleum, a long-lasting secret insect repellent was buried near the main tomb."

"This method is very common in the tombs of Han Dynasty emperors. The simplest method is to bury sulfur and mercury, and mix them with poisonous hemp powder, Xunhuangqi, lazy bodhi, etc. Because of the property hedge, it can be buried in the soil and will not evaporate completely for thousands of years."

Qin Yan looked at the human skin map, frowned and asked:"According to the map, this place is still far from the main tomb of King Xian, why is the insect-breaking road buried here?"

Everyone also felt a little strange, so they all put on masks and continued to move forward, observing the Feng Shui pattern in the insect valley as they moved forward.

Going further in, the miasma began to become thicker.

It was a vast expanse of white, and the thicker it got, it was almost condensed into substance, and it seemed that it could not be dissolved.

Even in the daytime, the sunlight could not penetrate, and the situation in the valley could not be seen clearly, except for Qin Yan, of course.

The fat man couldn't help but curse:"Fuck, King Xian is really cunning, and he has entered the maze again."

But because he was wearing a thick gas mask, his voice was muffled, and the others couldn't hear him clearly. They could only vaguely hear"fuck", some of his mother's words were heavier, and they often heard what the fat man said.

Hu Bayi asked:"Little Fatty, what's wrong, what are you scolding?!"

But he was also wearing a mask, and his voice was also muffled, and it was impossible to hear clearly in the thick miasma. The fat man asked back:"Old Hu, why the hell are you scolding me?!"

The two people were simply talking at cross purposes, thinking that the other party had something wrong and were very anxious.

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