The cliff was about ten meters high.

Qin Yan had amazing eyesight and scanned the entire cliff. There was nothing special except for the

"There is something there."

Everyone looked far ahead, but they couldn't see anything because it was pitch black ahead.

Hu Bayi asked hurriedly,"What's ahead?" Qin Yan shook his head slightly,"I can't see clearly either. It seems to be several huge buildings. It looks like a building complex, but it's too far away. I can't see clearly either."

Everyone else became interested when they heard it. A building complex must have a lot of good things in it.

Everyone couldn't wait any longer, but a cliff blocked them and prevented them from moving forward.

But this didn't bother Hu Bayi and Fatty.

Hu Bayi took out a soft rope ladder and said with a smile,"In ancient times, there was a Zhang Liang plan. I have a ladder to climb over the wall."

Hu Bayi and Fatty hooked themselves with a soft rope and climbed down the cliff. The broken stones and soil in the cracks of the pine rocks were scraped down by the soft rope.

The distance between the cliffs on both sides was narrow and close, and a small stone falling down could make a big noise.

There was a lot of slippery moss on the stone wall. As long as one of them was not careful, slipped and fell, or the soft rope was not hung firmly, they would fall into the deep valley and die.

This was a double test of mental and physical strength, but both of them were extraordinary people. They held their breath and climbed to the bottom of the cliff silently.

Of course, Peacock still couldn't do it. If she was asked to climb this soft rope, she would probably fall to her death.

Peacock looked at the dark cliff and didn't know what to do for a moment. If she followed Hu Bayi and the others to climb down, she might fall to her death. If she didn't climb down with them, there would be human bones everywhere. It could scare her to death.

Qin Yan had no choice but to take a look at the eagle owl.

The eagle owl immediately understood, and crawled to Shirley Yang and Peacock, letting the two women climb up.

With a whistle.

The eagle owl jumped and jumped off the cliff that was more than ten meters high...

Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling jumped directly and reached the bottom of the cliff.

Everyone gathered at the bottom of the cliff and did not delay, and hurried forward.

When you get here, it’s basically all natural caves underground. It’s foggy, and you can’t illuminate very far with a wolf-eye flashlight.

So Hu Bayi fired a flare into the air, and with a"bang", it broke through the darkness underground, and the pale light shone into the depths of the cave.

The flare shot to the end, and you could vaguely see the flash of water waves over there.

Hu Bayi guessed:"That should be the underground water system of the Snake River."

Everyone continued to move forward along the direction of the underground river. The rocks on the ground were very wet, so everyone was not moving very fast.

Gradually... the sound of water came from the front. After passing a few bends, the sound of water became louder, and it sounded like thousands of horses galloping. The water flow was very turbulent.

Everyone continued to move forward for about a quarter of an hour. The sound of the water flow became louder and louder. Soon, a rushing underground river appeared in front of everyone.

This underground river is about as wide as a basketball court. The top of the cave is about ten meters high. It extends infinitely on both sides. No one knows where it leads.

There are no stalactites on the top of the cave, but the stones around it have become very smooth after years of erosion. Looking at the scale of the cave, everyone knows that it was not artificially excavated.

However, everyone's attention was not on the cave, but on the huge building complex that Qin Yan had just mentioned.

It turned out that those huge buildings were originally It turned out not to be a group of buildings, but a huge ancient ship.

The ancient ships were lined up next to each other by the water. The hulls of the ancient ships were all black and looked very old. It was impossible to tell what era they were from. The sails on them had all rotted away. What shocked everyone the most was not how these ships were preserved, but that these ships were so huge.

The hulls exposed on the water were like black walls. Everyone estimated that the hulls were more than 100 meters long.

The tall masts went straight into the top of the cave, several dozen meters high, with huge sails that were basically tattered hanging on them.

Everyone could only look up to see the whole picture.

At this time, the white eagle owl cried out for some reason and flew into the ancient ship...

Everyone did not stop it, but looked at this magnificent ancient ship in surprise.

The fat man couldn't help asking,"My God, was it possible to build such a big ship at that time?"

Hu Bayi also said in disbelief:"There should be. During that period, didn't Xu Fu, a famous alchemist beside Qin Shihuang, once sailed east to look for the elixir of immortality? If there was no such a big ship, how could he sail to the Sakura Country on the sea?"

Zhang Qiling nodded:"Yes, Xu Fu took hundreds of craftsmen and 3,000 boys and girls on a ship to the sea. His ship was called Mirage, and it was bigger than the ships we see now.""

"The wisdom of the ancient Chinese is truly infinite!"

Everyone couldn't help but marvel at it.……


As everyone was talking, a white eagle suddenly came out of a large ship with a whoosh.

It had something in its mouth, which made everyone's eyes light up.......

The white eagle put the thing it had taken out into Qin Yan's hands.

Everyone gathered around and saw that it was a black bead, the size of an egg, and very round.

At first glance, it was impossible to tell what the bead was made of.

After the white eagle put the bead into Qin Yan's hands, it darted back to the huge ancient ship and disappeared into the dark hull.

"This bead should not be simple, otherwise, with the nature of the eagle owl, it is impossible for it to be interested in ordinary beads."

Everyone became interested and carefully examined the bead. It was black and very hard, but no one present could tell what material it was made of.

Zhang Qiling put it to the tip of his hand and smelled it, frowning slightly and said:"Could it be that this is the inner elixir formed by a beast that has become a spirit?""

Inner elixir?!

The fat man's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he wanted to go to the ancient ship to take a look.

But who would have thought that as soon as he stepped on the ancient ship, he immediately sank into it. The deck of the ancient ship was rotten like mud, and it rotted at the touch.

Fortunately, Qin Yan was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and he grabbed the fat man to prevent him from falling into the cold underground river. The fat man was scared and broke into a cold sweat, cursing:"Damn it, you still can't be greedy. This ancient ship that is more than two thousand years old is still soaked in water. Even if it is well-made, it is still rotten."

The ancient ship seemed intact, but it was actually completely rotten. Everyone could not keep up with the flying eagle owl, so they had to wait outside the ship.

Qin Yan also took the opportunity to carefully study the black bead. Is this really the inner elixir of the beast?

He activated his blood and looked at the bead carefully. He saw that under the black surface, it was actually bronze. It was actually a bronze bead, but the surface was covered with a layer of something similar to the inner elixir of a mature beast.

Moreover, there was an ancient character faintly engraved on the surface of the bronze ball. Qin Yan recognized that this ancient character was actually a number from ancient China.

He told everyone about his discovery, and everyone was surprised. Hu Bayi asked:

"So what is this bead used for? And what do the numbers on it represent?"

No one could give an answer, including Qin Yan, who was also confused.

After a while, the eagle owl took out another one, which was the same as the previous one. At first glance, it looked like the inner elixir of a wild beast, but in fact it was just a bronze bead, and it was also engraved with ancient numbers.

Then, the eagle owl ran back and took out several more beads.

One, two... until the ninth bead, the eagle owl said that it had finished taking them and stood still at Qin Yan's feet.

Everyone wanted to ask the eagle owl what these nine beads were used for, and the eagle owl shook its head. Obviously, it also relied on its instinct to take out these nine beads.

Hu Bayi guessed:"This won't be a hidden mechanism or something, that is, if we arrange these ancient numbers in a certain order, we can open something?"

Zhang Qiling nodded when he heard it:"It is very likely. Let's arrange them according to the principles of the Eight Diagrams and the Five Elements to see what will appear."

Both of them were experts in this area, so they arranged the nine beads back and forth according to the principles of the five elements.

But to their surprise, no matter how they arranged them, nothing special happened.

"Let 's study it later. It's more important to do business. We have wasted a lot of time here."

Zhang Qiling and Hu Bayi had no choice but to give up, returned the beads to Qin Yan, and prepared to move on.

But when they arrived here, apart from the constantly flowing river water, they did not find a way to move forward. There were slippery stones all around.

Qin Yan said:"These giant ships may be used to go to Minglou to worship the tomb of King Xian. People should have taken these ships back then, but now it's a long time, the ancient ships have completely rotted and are no longer difficult to use."

Hu Bayi nodded and said:"It seems that if we want to move forward from here, we must go swimming."

After that, Hu Bayi had to pull open the air bag tied to the big backpack, wanting to fill it with air, and then use it to transport some necessary supplies.

The others put away the wolf-eye flashlights, turned on the tactical spotlights on the helmets, and prepared to go into the water and wade forward.

But at this moment.

A gust of gloomy wind suddenly rose out of thin air, and suddenly blew in this natural cave.


The wind was very cold, a strange kind of cold, even more biting than the cold wind in the north in winter, making people's scalps numb and feeling the gloomy air from the bottom of their hearts.

""Shit, what the hell!"

Everyone quickly turned on their wolf-eye flashlights and shone them forward, only to see that layers of mist had appeared in front of them, and they couldn't see far.

And in the smoke ahead, there seemed to be human figures moving.

Everyone swallowed subconsciously and looked at each other.

Hu Ba cursed:"Damn it, could it be that those beads attracted some evil things?"

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