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Everyone followed the direction of the sound, walked forward for a distance, and then used the searchlight to shine.

I saw a black ship floating quietly on the river...

The ancient ship was more than ten meters long and dark all over. It looked like a ship from the Ming Dynasty. The sails on it had rotted, leaving only a tall mast.

The distance was a bit far, so everyone couldn't see clearly what was on it. They could only vaguely see that there were a few black cannons on it, which were already rusty. The ancient warship just floated quietly on the water, motionless, and indescribably weird.

But what shocked everyone more than the ancient warship was that the clear river water suddenly disappeared here, as if it had been cut off.

Instead, it was replaced by black river water!

The river water was black, like ink, but there was no odor. It didn't look like seriously polluted river water, as if it was originally black.

The black river water did not flow, but formed a thin layer of black ice on the surface.

The two colors of river water were clearly separated, each occupying half, and the strange thing was that neither invaded the other, as if they could not blend together.

The river channel became extremely wide here, several hundred meters long, and the upper part was occupied by black ice, a vast expanse, like a huge ink pool.

In the lower part, a waterfall came down from nowhere, and everyone now understood how appropriate Li Bai's description of"a waterfall falling three thousand feet straight down, like the Milky Way falling from the sky" was.

The waterfall was like river water pouring down from the sky, falling on the riverbed, and suddenly roaring and roaring, making a rumbling sound.

One moving and one still, one black and one clear!

Fatty 703 was shocked by the elephant in front of him and licked his dry lips:"Damn it, this is a super big brothel."

Hu Bayi laughed:"Fatty, this magnificent scene is completely lost when you describe it like this!"

Everyone smiled. Although the description of the fat man was not in line with the artistic conception, it was still quite appropriate.

Suddenly, Peacock sneezed and couldn't help shaking all over.

""Shit, why is it getting colder and colder? This is like ice and fire!" The fat man hugged his body with both hands and cursed.

Everyone also felt that the cold seemed to be colder than before, and felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

In the cave, the temperature seemed to be getting lower and lower. Although there was no wind, the coldness continued to attack everyone.

Although the fat man was shivering with cold, his attention was still on the warship:

"This is an ancient warship from the Ming Dynasty, but how could such a warship appear here? Was it brought in by Wang Canghai? What was his purpose?"

No one could answer the fat man's question for him, because everyone's heart was full of doubts.

Qin Yan hugged Shirley Yang tightly and glanced at the black warship:"Anyway, I think we should go up and take a look."

The fat man quickly agreed:"Master Qin is right, the fat man has been on the ghost ship, and he is taking pictures of this small warship?"

But how to get on the ancient ship became a problem.

The fat man picked up a stone and threw it hard towards the ancient ship.


The stone smashed the ice on the surface of the black water and fell into it, creating a whirlpool. It was unknown how deep it fell.

"The ice is too thin, and people can't stand on it at all." Hu Bayi, who was standing by, made his judgment.

The fat man was still not giving up, and he checked the temperature of the black water again. As soon as he put his hand in the black water, he shouted:

""Fuck, it's so cold!"

Hu Bayi also tried it and found that the fat man's shouting was not exaggerated. The black water seemed to be much colder than ordinary ice water. As soon as his hand touched it, the biting cold immediately penetrated and his hand was paralyzed.

When everyone was marveling at it, suddenly a gust of cold wind blew towards them fiercely.

The cold wind was very cold, it was a strange north wind in winter, even more biting, making people's scalps numb, and they felt the cold energy from the bottom of their hearts.

The torch in his hand swayed a few times and blew out.

The cave suddenly fell into endless darkness, with only the beam of light flickering, and it was impossible to see far away.

The fat man shook his flashlight forward and took a breath of cold air. He saw smoke in front of him, as if there were human figures flowing, and there seemed to be many people, and there was a faint fire flickering.

"Damn, it’s the ghost soldiers again!"

"Damn, these ghost soldiers appear too often!"

Everyone complained and hid, using the branches of a hundred-year-old locust tree to cover their bodies and conceal their breath...

The ghost soldiers walked very fast and disappeared into the darkness in an instant. No one knew where they were going...

Until they could no longer see the green ghost fire, everyone came out from behind the big rock.

""Shit, look!" the fat man who came out first shouted.

Everyone looked and saw that the dark ancient warship had floated to the shore at some point.

Only then did they realize that the ancient warship was larger than they had imagined. The deck on top had been corroded beyond recognition, and even the outer hull had several large holes, as if it had been hit by a cannonball.

But even so, the ancient warship still floated safely on the inky black water.

This made everyone feel weird. Peacock was obviously frightened by the ghost soldiers who appeared several times, and said:

"This can't be the warship of those ghost soldiers, why don't we look for another way?"

The implication is obvious, that is, they don't want to get on this dilapidated ancient warship.

Fatty was not willing to do that. He just tried every way to get on it, and now it happened that the ghost blew the ship over, so he had to go up and take a look.

Hu Bayi also agreed with Fatty.

Seeing that Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling didn't say anything, Peacock didn't say anything.

Qin Yan didn't say anything because the voice of the system sounded in his mind:

【Ding, trigger the god-level choice!】

【Option 1: Be fearless and board the ancient ship!】

【Choice 2: Be careful and take everyone away!

Qin Yan chose the first one without a doubt...

Everyone stepped onto the ancient warship. As soon as they stepped onto the deck, there was a creaking sound, as if it was about to break.

The deck was also covered with a layer of black stuff. It was sticky and quite disgusting when stepped on.

Everyone used flashlights to look at it, but they couldn't tell what it was.

The fat man was also bold. He directly scooped a ball of it and put it to his nose to smell it, and immediately heaved:

""Shit, cough, cough, this is fucking shit!!!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, but at the same time they were also curious about what kind of feces this was.

Because they had been here for so long, and they hadn't seen any living creatures.

Qin Yan felt vaguely that something seemed to be wrong, and it should be an evil thing, because his Nine Nether Ancient Sword had the ability to sense these evil things.

He glanced at Zhang Qiling and found that the latter also had a frown on his face and a serious face.

I think Zhang Qiling also noticed it.

At this time, there was a sudden click.

The fat man seemed to have stepped on something. He looked down and was immediately shocked.

It turned out that there was a skeleton under his feet.

It seemed that something had eaten all the meat on his body.

Everyone looked around casually and found more bones, and some were rotten and shapeless, and turned into ashes with a light touch.

Seeing this, everyone's backs were cold, The ancient warship seemed more and more eerie and strange.

Although they had not encountered any danger yet, they had to be extremely alert.

They checked the deck and found that there were only a few rusty cannons besides the filth.

After finding nothing on the deck, they began to move into the cabin. The cabin was pitch black, and the light from the flashlight was not enough, so they hurriedly turned on the searchlight.

The filth in the cabin was even worse, and it was not up to their heels when they stepped down.

The filth was also full of dead bones, and there were some hissing sounds of big hamsters as big as piglets on it.

This scene not only made everyone feel sick, but also made their scalps numb.

But the strange thing was that the wooden cabin was still very strong, and it made a bang bang sound when knocked on.

The fat man sighed and said,"If we pull this back to make a wooden sofa for the ship, it will definitely be top-notch."

The filth in the cabin covered almost everything. When they pushed some of it aside, they could see some items used for ancient navigation, including some daily necessities, but they had rotted away and only their shapes were left. After a look around, they didn't find anything creepy except the bones and filth. They searched the cabin thoroughly but didn't find anything special.

The fat man was a little disappointed and cursed,"This damn ancient warship is so mysterious, but there's nothing at all. It's a good thing our Comrade Peacock was still worried about it.……"

Before the fat man could finish his words, he was slapped in the face.

Because outside the cabin, a strange cry suddenly came.……

"There is something!"_

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