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It was like the sound of mice, but louder and more frequent. When they got out of the ancient ship, they smelled a foul odor.

The noise came from the cave.

The weirdest thing was that there were green lights flashing around the cave.

The fat man cursed and shone the searchlight above the cave. His face turned pale with fear, his jaw clicked for a long time, and he blurted out:

"Oh my god, where the hell are all those pig heads coming from?!"

Others also looked up and their scalps tingled. They saw that the green spots were actually a pair of eyes, and the eyes were on a round pig face with a round head, a round nose and a round nose.

The pig face was as fat as a sow, with two big diamond-shaped ears standing straight. The most obvious difference from an ordinary pig head was the mouth full of white fangs. The fat man swallowed his saliva and his voice was a little hoarse:"Damn it, the sows are flying!"

Hu Bayi was also startled, but for him, it was more of a shock than fear. The densely packed huge pig heads were hanging in the air, and they were clearly alive.

"This is not a sow, it's a pig-faced bat. It's so big, I'm afraid it's not artificially raised!"

Just when several people were surprised, Shirley Yang said:"Everyone be careful, this pig-faced bat is bloodthirsty. It not only likes to suck the blood of animals, but is also highly poisonous."

Qin Yan also recognized the pig-faced bat, but he didn't expect it to be so big, as big as an adult sow.

Peacock asked a question at this time:"Brother Hu, do you think this pig-faced bat is raised by humans?"

Hu Bayi nodded:"Yes, if it is wild, it won't be so smelly. These pig-faced bats should be fed with carrion for a long time." While several people were talking, the pig-faced bat suddenly made a strange cry, which was extremely harsh.

Then, they swooped down on everyone.......

In the dim light of the torch, you can see that the sky full of pig-faced bats almost occupied the entire cave. It really looks like a large group of flying pigs, which makes people's scalps numb.

The pig-faced bats are very ferocious, and they opened their claws to grab everyone.

Everyone quickly took out their guns and shot at the black pig-faced bats.

Facing such a smelly thing, Qin Yan didn't want to use a sword to deal with them, so he took out a shotgun from his backpack, clicked, pulled the bolt, and shot at the pig-faced bats rushing over.

This shotgun is not good at long distances, but it is very powerful at close range. After one shot, the faces of several pig-faced bats were smashed, bloody and bruised, and fell to the ground after two hits.

This pig-faced bat looks scary, but it is actually not that difficult to deal with. It can be killed directly with a gun.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang are superb marksmanship, and they can kill one with one shot.

Zhang Qiling also killed a large number of them with a black gold ancient knife.

The eagle owl seemed to be indifferent to these smelly pig-faced bats, and was too lazy to move. It just made a few claws when the pig-faced bat rushed to its front.

Just when everyone was killing happily, the peacock also wanted to try and show off his skills. He said to the fat man:"Fat man, give me a gun too!" The fat man glanced at the peacock:"You?"

The peacock was a little unconvinced, and his cheeks were slightly red with anxiety:"What's wrong with me? When I was a child, I was very accurate with a slingshot!"

The fat man curled his lips and took out a double-barreled shotgun and handed it over:"You can shoot two shots in total. You have to change the bullets after shooting. These are all shotguns, so they have no power at a distance. Aim and shoot."

The peacock picked up the shotgun with some excitement, took a look, and shot.

But this gun is a little different from shooting with a slingshot, so the peacock only shot down half of the pig-faced bat's face with one shot, and half of the face was completely rotten, which looked very bloody and terrifying.

Peacock couldn't help but gasp, but the pig-faced bat was not dead, and rushed towards Peacock with a face full of blood and flesh.

Peacock was so scared that he closed his eyes and fired randomly, but fortunately he smashed the remaining half of the pig-faced bat's face, and it fell straight down at his feet.

Peacock, who was familiar with the double-barreled shotgun, fired a few more shots and shot down several fat pig-faced bats.

Peacock wanted to show off with some pride. When he looked at the others, he was stunned. They saw that there were pig-faced bats lying like a hill beside them, so dense that they couldn't be counted. Even the eagle owl, who was too lazy to move, had pig-faced bats all over the ground beside him.

Gradually, everyone found something wrong, because there were too many pig-faced bats, and even if they ran out of bullets, they probably couldn't kill them all.

Qin Yan was too lazy to waste time, and directly took out the underwater flamethrower from the space.

Seeing this, the fat man's eyes lit up. Could it be:

""Master Qin, fuck them, burn these stinky things to death!"

As he spoke, the flames sprayed onto the pig-faced bats, which immediately let out a piercing scream. Due to the hair on their bodies, they were ignited in an instant.


The fire engulfed the pig-faced bats in an instant, leaving only waves of creepy screams.

No one expected that the fire would cause such great damage to these creatures that have lived in the dark for years.

A pig-faced bat caught fire and rushed around violently. When it hit its companion, it also ignited the other bats.......

Soon, a large area of densely packed pig-faced bats burned. The burning bats seemed to have lost their sense of direction and ran around in all directions, spreading the fire. For a moment, countless huge pig-faced bats were buried in the sea of fire in the entire natural cave, and the rest also hurriedly fled.......

Seeing this, the fat man laughed and said,"At the critical moment, we still have to look at Master Qin, haha!"

The air was filled with the smell of burning!

The pig-faced bats were burned to death, and some escaped, and they were quickly cleaned up.

But at this moment, a rough and hoarse voice came


The voice was very depressing and unpleasant, making people feel suffocated and uneasy.

Everyone shone their flashlights in the direction where the voice came from, and saw a crow appearing on the top of the tall mast on the bow... The crow was black all over and quite large, even larger than a vulture.

The strangest thing was that the crow had three eyes, and the eye on the top of its head was blood red, as if it was bleeding.

The three-eyed crow looked spooky, and everyone did not dare to act rashly for a while, even the fat man shut his mouth at this time.

At some point, the ancient warship floated back to the center of the black water.

Several people looked at each other, and Qin Yan noticed that Peacock seemed very scared, and his body was shaking slightly.

······Request flowers····

She urged anxiously in a low voice:"Let's hurry... find a way to row the boat back to the shore!"

Qin Yan knew that things were not that simple. Not only did Peacock, who was so high-spirited just now, behave abnormally, but he also felt the elusive evil thing, but it was not the three-eyed Yin Crow in front of him.

Peacock's urging made everyone helpless for a while, and Peacock was so anxious that he was running around.

At this time, Hu Bayi said:"Fatty, quickly take out the Luoyang shovel, lengthen it with an extension pole, and then use it as a boat to row back!"

When everyone heard it, they all thought it was a good idea and hurried to act...

Just as everyone was fumbling with the Luoyang product, the three eyes of the Yin Crow stared at them blankly. It made everyone's scalp numb.

In order to distract the attention of the three-eyed Yin Crow, the fat man picked up a piece of something from the deck and threw it into the black water from a distance.


Unexpectedly, this did not distract its attention, but suddenly made it dive towards everyone.……

"Damn it, all these ghosts want to bully me, do they think I’m easy to bully?".........0While cursing, the fat man raised his gun and shot at the three-eyed Yin crow.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang were also very cowardly and opened fire without saying a word.

But the three-eyed Yin crow was very flexible and easily dodged the bullets, rushing towards the crowd at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the three-eyed Yin crow swooped in front of the crowd.

Everyone was horrified to find that the three-eyed Yin crow was even bigger than they had imagined, and its wings were four or five meters long when spread.

It hovered over the cave, constantly making strange noises...

The fat man couldn't help but scold him:"Damn little crow, come down and fight your fat master if you have the guts!"

But the three-eyed Yin crow didn't seem to be provoked by the fat man, and was still hovering and screaming.

The heart-suffocating sound kept echoing in the cave. When everyone was helpless against the three-eyed Yin crow, they suddenly found...���A dark mass of things came towards them like a dark cloud.

Looking closely, they saw countless crows, with a sinister aura.


The unpleasant cries made everyone look solemn...

Qin Yan's attention was not on these crows, because he had always had a knot in his heart, that is, he vaguely felt that there was a terrifying existence hidden on this ancient warship.

That was the real deadly threat.

But where was that terrifying existence?

At this time, the three-eyed crow made a strange cry again, and under the cry, the black mass of crows seemed to be organized.

They rushed towards the people on the ancient warship in unison, like a black tide, and drowned everyone in an instant.

Everyone was in a panic, fighting each other, holding the weapons in their hands to deal with the dense crows in front of them.

The combat power of a single crow is not very good, but a large group is different.

Qin Yan swept down a large group of crows with a sword, but countless crows rushed over without fear of life and death.

Fatty and Hu Bayi were caught and screamed...

But with Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling, everyone gradually stabilized their position, step by step, and retreated while fighting.

Qin Yan suddenly realized something: it turned out that the crows were desperately driving them to the bow of the ancient warship... Chuan..._

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