Gain two evolution points.

Further bloodline evolution only requires one evolution point.

So it's more than enough.


As Qin Yan's mind moved, a warm feeling burst out from his heart.

The heart was beating like a drum.

The warmth in the blood soon spread to his limbs. It felt numb.

It seemed to be transforming every inch of his bones... Unlike the comfortable enjoyment on his body, his chest was extremely hot, as if something was being generated.

One warm, one hot!

The intertwined feelings did not last long, and they all disappeared.

Qin Yan subconsciously looked at his chest.

He saw that there was originally a lonely claw on his chest, but now it has become four.

The claws are like dragon claws. A closer look will tell that they are not dragon claws, but unicorn claws!

Legend has it that Di Ting is a beast with a tiger head, a single horn, dog ears, a dragon body, a lion tail, and unicorn feet.

It is a group of beasts in one body, gathering the advantages of many things into one.!

The four Qilin claws are magnificent, and there are lightning patterns connecting the four feet, as if standing on the nine-day thundercloud, which makes it more majestic and domineering.

Just looking at the four feet, Qin Yan's heart is already surging, and he can't wait for the Diting tattoo to appear.

At the same time.

Qin Yan can also clearly feel the changes in his body.

The strength has increased again, and it is as strong as twelve adults.

However, what makes Qin Yan most happy is the change in his feet.

It was as if a certain shackle was torn apart.

A powerful energy was released between the feet, permeating the entire thigh.

The two legs suddenly became light, as if they had escaped from the mud, and they were extremely comfortable.

The whole person became extremely light.

Even he himself was secretly surprised that his current speed might be beyond his expectations...

At this time.

The spider spirit had its inner elixir removed by Qin Yan, and had fallen into a state of madness.

""Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The spider spirit let out a sharp and piercing roar and began to spit silk madly at Qin Yan.

"Puff! Puff!……"

White spider silk spewed out from the mouth of the spider spirit and shot towards Qin Yan fiercely.

The speed of the spider silk was extremely fast, and it arrived in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yan intended to test his own speed, so he did not use his sword to resist.

Instead, he dodged and dodged the spider silk that kept shooting at him.

Sure enough.

With this increase in speed, Qin Yan left a residual image on the spot, and the next moment he appeared a few meters away.

The speed was so horrifying that he himself could not believe it.

Dozens of spider silks were shot in a row and none of them hit the target, which made the spider spirit completely furious.

"Puff! Puff!……"

The spider silk suddenly seemed like a rain of arrows, dense and overwhelming, making it almost impossible to avoid it.

It made people feel as if they had entered a cave of silk threads!

Seeing this, Shirley Yang couldn't help but change her expression and shouted:

"Qin Yan, use your sword to block it!"

She knew that the ancient sword in Qin Yan's hand was not an ordinary object, so she quickly reminded him.

Then Qin Yan seemed to be deaf and continued to dodge with his body.

Shirley Yang was anxious, and hurriedly took the diamond umbrella, wanting to rush over to help Qin Yan block the rain of spider silk.

However, the next scene stunned her.

Qin Yan's figure was like a flying swallow, light and agile, like a swan, shuttling back and forth in the rain of spider silk.

It was really like passing through a bush of flowers without getting a single leaf on it!

Even the spider spirit was dumbfounded.

The spider that has become a spirit naturally has humanity and can think.

At this moment, in its eyes, the speed of this mortal seemed to be more than twice as fast as before.

And seeing the other party's self-assured look, the spider spirit couldn't help but show a touch of fear in its red eyes.

This mortal is very dangerous!

The spider spirit's mind at this moment is no longer on that Instead of thinking about the inner elixir that had been taken away, a strong thought emerged.

That is to escape!

Saving one's life is the most important thing...

The spider spirit's silk-spinning speed has slowed down. It knows that these spider silks are no longer useful to that person, and now it can only be used to cover its own escape.

On the other side, Qin Yan has obviously realized that the spider spirit wants to escape.

So he didn't have time to be surprised at his increased speed. He clenched the ancient sword in his hand and rushed towards the spider spirit.

Seeing this, the spider spirit hurriedly fled.

However, at this time, Qin Yan's speed was already better than that of the spider spirit.

A cold light flashed in the darkness.

It blocked the spider spirit's escape route.

In desperation.

The spider spirit had to swing its pillar-like legs and sweep towards Qin Yan.

However, the increase in speed has allowed Qin Yan's strength to be fully exerted, and it can even be said to be extraordinary.


There was a crisp sound in the darkness, and a pillar-like spider leg was cut into two pieces by Qin Yan's powerful sword.


The spider spirit felt the pain and roared again, all its potential bursting out, trying to turn around and run away.

How could Qin Yan give it a chance to escape?

He kicked his feet hard and soared into the sky like a cannonball.

In a flash, the ancient sword fell from the sky and pierced the spider spirit's head, which was as big as a basket.


The ancient sword was extremely sharp and pierced through the spider spirit's head directly.


Before the spider spirit could even let out a scream, its eight legs suddenly tumbled.

Its lantern-like eyes were filled with fear and disbelief.

Soon, they slowly dimmed...

Shirley Yang, who had watched the entire battle, was stunned, staring blankly at Qin Yan, who was like a god of war in front of her.

This man might be as powerful as her grandfather was back then.

Partridge Whistle was the person Shirley Yang admired most in her life.

She seemed to see in Qin Yan the high-spirited and invincible Partridge Whistle back then.

However, this man gave her a completely different feeling from Partridge Whistle.

She couldn't tell what it was exactly.

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