After killing the spider spirit, Qin Yan held the mysterious ancient sword and stood there in a trance. He carefully experienced it.

The bloodline evolved further, and the increase in strength was within his expectations.

The five senses also became more acute.

Of course, the most important thing is speed.

His feet are now extremely light, as if he had broken free from some kind of shackles, and coupled with his own strength, he is full of explosive power.

Moreover, the increase in speed allows him to exert his strength and skills to the fullest.

The combat power can be said to have made a qualitative leap.

While Qin Yan was surprised, he also thought of another question.

That is, his bloodline has evolved, has the ancient sword also evolved?

When his eyes fell on the ancient sword, he couldn't help showing a surprised look.

I saw that the patterns on the mysterious ancient sword increased again, from the simple thunder cloud pattern at the beginning, to become more complex and exquisite, stretching endlessly and endlessly.

The blood groove also became deeper, as if it could accommodate everything in the world.

However, what shocked Qin Yan the most was that two ancient characters appeared on the hilt of the sword.

The two characters were in large seal characters.

They appeared on the hilt of the sword, as if they were originally here.

Although it was just two words, it was calm and lively, and it was extraordinary. It was obvious that it was not an ordinary handwriting.

However, Qin Yan observed it for a long time, but he couldn't tell what the words were.

He searched for information about these two words in the knowledge of tomb robbers in his mind... but found that from ancient times to the present, there was no relevant document about these two words.

This made him secretly surprised...

At the same time.

Because the spider spirit was killed, countless black sleeping worms with human faces around began to go wild.

Twisting the weird human face on its back, it rushed towards Qin Yan frantically, like a stream of water.

Even the big spiders that besieged Shirley Yang gave up on her and pounced on Qin Yan.

Qin Yan seemed to be the center of the vortex, absorbing countless black sleeping worms with human faces around. The huge human faces covering the sky made people's scalps numb...

At this time, Qin Yan was still immersed in the thinking of the two mysterious ancient words, as if he didn't know the situation around him, standing with a sword.

Shirley Yang on the side looked anxious. She didn't know what happened to Qin Yan. She wanted to rush over but was blocked by countless black sleeping worms with human faces.

Seeing a big black sleeper clam already falling on Qin Yan's face, Shirley Yang could only yell with a flushed face:

""Qin Yan, Qin Yan! Wake up!"

Qin Yan was not in a hurry. At this moment, his reaction and speed were no longer comparable to those of a black-faced sleeper.

Qin Yan swung the long sword in his hand lightly.


With a light sound, the big black sleeping clam that pounced half a meter in front of him was cut in half from head to tail.

A thick green slurry burst out!

Qin Yan moved his body and flexibly avoided the disgusting liquid.

The next second, the long sword in his hand was swung out!

A white light flashed in the air, and several big spiders that rushed in front of Qin Yan almost screamed at the same time, and were cut in half.

Qin Yan's murderous intention!

Qin Yan's speed and strength soared!

At this moment, there was no pause!

From beginning to end, in one go, all the surrounding black sleeping clam were chopped and exploded.

In an instant, wherever Qin Yan passed, the slurry was Limbs flew everywhere!

He was like a sharp spike, without stopping, splashing blood and death all the way in the rolling tide of black sleeping insects.

Shirley Yang knew how powerful Qin Yan was, but the scene in front of her still stunned her.

She didn't know what to say. The man in front of her who was like a god of war had unknowingly left an indelible mark in her heart.

Qin Yan himself was also secretly surprised. These terrifying black sleeping insects were like chopping melons and vegetables under his sword.

However, he knew that in addition to his own strength improvement, the main reason was this mysterious ancient sword.

The ancient sword seemed to have a special effect on dealing with evil things. The natural advantage, the damage is multiplied.

And these spiders feed on human flesh, they are no longer in the category of ordinary creatures, otherwise they would not be so huge.

But it is precisely because of this that these human-faced black sleeping worms have become extremely evil, and they are restrained by the ancient sword.

This also makes Qin Yan, who possesses the ancient sword, invincible, as if he is in an empty space, constantly harvesting these terrifying black sleeping worms. The remaining black sleeping worms seem to be aware of Qin Yan's horror.

An uncontrollable fear rises from their instincts.


This is the most instinctive reaction of the black sleeping worm.

Anything that is related to humans will... They have a certain degree of intelligence and spirituality.

For example, ginseng, just having the word"人" on it will turn it into a spirit and will run away.

Black sleeping clams feed on humans, so this is naturally even more so.

The larger the body, the more perfect the human face on its back, and the more spiritual it is.

So at this time, facing Qin Yan who was like a god of death, the originally aggressive group of black sleeping clams suddenly became depressed and lost all their fighting spirit.

Qin Yan took a step forward, and they took three steps back.

Qin Yan was already very angry with these black sleeping clams before, so naturally he didn't want to let them go easily.

Qin Yan rushed forward suddenly, and the largest black sleeping clams took the lead and ran away.

""Puff! Puff!"

Qin Yan followed, slashing vigorously, feeling extremely comfortable.

If the fat man Hu Ba and others could see this, they would definitely scream with excitement.

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