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Bayi didn't waste any time and directly pulled down his clothes to reveal the mark on his back:

"Professor Sun, we would like to ask you, what is this thing?"

Professor Sun seemed very surprised, but soon he stopped looking. He looked at the red spot on Hu Bayi's back for a long time and said it was strange.

Hu Bayi asked anxiously:"What on earth is growing on my back? Is my life in danger?"

Professor Sun said leisurely:"This is indeed very much like a symbol. Among the bone armor unearthed in Gulan two years ago, the most complete and largest tortoise shell had 112 characters engraved on it, which looked like oracle bone inscriptions, but it was not oracle bone inscriptions. This symbol that looks like an eyeball appeared seven times in the 112 characters."

Shirley Yang heard Professor Sun say that the shape of the red spot on his back looked like an ancient character, and hurriedly asked:"Professor Sun, what exactly is this character?"

Professor Sun"950" glanced at everyone and thought for a while:

"Well, since you are Lao Chen's people, I will give you some advice. You must not try to get close to the information in these words. This is a secret of heaven, and the secret of heaven cannot be leaked, otherwise anyone who has anything to do with the writing will bring disaster."

Everyone was anxious when they heard this. Doesn't this mean that nothing was said?

Professor Sun glanced at the anxious people and said,"It's not that I don't want to tell you. These facts really can't be told. It will be bad for you to know them. I can only tell you that this red spot will not affect their health for the time being."

Hu Bayi and Fatty were relieved when they heard that it would not affect them for the time being.

But the more they couldn't say it, the more they wanted to know.

What kind of content is there in the text information from thousands of years ago that cannot be shown to people today?

Under the questioning of everyone, Professor Sun only revealed some

"This should be an encrypted text, which was recorded on dragon bones by ancient people in heavenly books."

"You mean... the Dragon Bone Book?"

Shirley Yang was obviously stunned, because she also found a Dragon Bone Book among the relics of Partridge Whistle.

Professor Sun nodded.:

"That’s right, but I still don’t know the meaning of this symbol. It appears in the encrypted text of the heavenly book. A complete dragon armor was unearthed in Gulan. I just took a cursory look at it when it was unearthed. I didn’t have time to carefully analyze what this symbol meant. I didn’t expect that the military plane crashed on the way back. Those secrets may never be known."

Hu Bayi insisted:"But, for such an important thing, didn’t you leave a record like a rubbing?"

Professor Sun suddenly stood up nervously and interrupted Hu Bayi directly:"You can’t say it. Once you say it, it will be earth-shattering!"

Qin Yan was helpless. He knew that the Dragon Bone Book was indeed of great importance.

If it was released, many existing histories would be rewritten.

Since Professor Sun was unwilling to reveal too much, Qin Yan also revealed the eyebrow bronze fish, the mysterious ancient sword, and the translation on the brocade.

Besides, this Professor Sun was not as simple as his father. He was a member of the Guanshan Guardian, so he had to be on guard against some...

Everyone had no choice but to return to the guesthouse.

The puzzled people gathered in Hu Bayi's words and held an emergency combat plan meeting.

Shirley Yang did not hide it and said that she and Professor Chen also had this strange red spot on their bodies.

"I guess this mark must have some connection with the eyeballs of the Ghost Cave Clan, but I don't understand what this symbol means, and Professor Sun won't reveal it."

Hu Bayi and Fatty were anxious and said,"Who cares what it means? The most important thing is whether it is auspicious or not? Is there any connection with the damn ruins of the Jingjue Kingdom?"

Shirley Yang continued,"I have found some clues about this matter in the United States. Do you remember the Prophet's Apocalypse in Mount Zagrama? It is mentioned above that one of the four survivors is a descendant of the Prophet Clan. That person is indeed me."

"You are the descendant of the prophet?!"

Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Big Gold Teeth were all surprised!

Shirley Yang nodded:"Yes, my grandfather is the descendant of the prophet, but he died when I was seventeen. He left very suddenly and left no words. I think I should rush back to the United States this time to look for his relics to see if there are any clues."

As she said that, Shirley Yang looked at Qin Yan unconsciously, with an unconcealable reluctance in her eyes.

Everyone saw what was going on.

Hu Bayi cleared his throat:"Ahem, comrades, this matter is urgent, we have to act quickly, a few of us will be on standby in Beijing, Shirley Yang will return to the United States to look for clues and get the Dragon Bone Book by the way........."

Shirley Yang nodded. Although she was reluctant to leave Qin Yan, she couldn't delay this matter.

It not only concerned the fate of them, but also the fate of the Banshan clan.

However, when he heard that he had to stay in the capital and wait for orders, Fatty was a little unhappy. He was a man who couldn't sit still, and said:

"Old Hu, you are the only one who can stay here. I... I want to go to the underwater tomb and take a look!"

Hu Ba looked at Fatty and said nothing.

But Big Gold Teeth teased him,"Fatty, will they invite you? Don't be so self-indulgent.……"

Before he finished speaking, the pager on the fat man's waist, which was placed in the most conspicuous position, suddenly started beeping.

The fat man waved his hand and took out the pager.

After taking a look, he shouted excitedly:"Fuck, Mr. Jin, did you see the invitation message from Wu Lao San!"

Da Jin Ya wanted to snatch it to see, but the fat man refused to give it to him and asked Qin Yan instead:

""Master Qin, what do you think? Since Chief of Staff Yang is not here, are you interested in going with me?"

To be honest, Qin Yan was indeed tempted.

Because the underwater tomb is indeed rare, and it was set up by Wang Canghai.

The most important thing is that this era is not like Wu Tianzhen's time when no one had ever entered.

Needless to say, there are treasures inside, and he may be able to use this to further evolve his bloodline.

Besides, the young Third Uncle and the simple-dressed Menyouping are both masters of tomb robbery. Who wouldn't want to see it? There are also the innocent and kind Huo Ling, the smart and brave Chen Wenjin, and so on.

All of this is fascinating...

When Qin Yan was thinking, the system's choice appeared:

【Option 1: Go to the underwater tomb with Fatty to see the immature version of Wu Sanxing and others, and you will be rewarded with the method of listening to thunder and distinguishing dragons, and the ability to breathe underwater.】

【Option 2: Go to the United States with your lover Shirley Yang and get a piece of Qilinjie as a reward】

【Option three, stay in the capital with Hu Bayi, set up a stall to sell antiques, and be rewarded with a golden nanmu coffin. 】

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