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"Option 1: Go to the underwater tomb with Fatty!"

Qin Yan made his choice without any hesitation.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Thunder Dragon Identification Technique and the underwater turtle breathing ability! 】

The next moment.

Qin Yan only felt that the"Wen" formula in the"Look, Listen, Ask, and Cut" had been engraved in his mind. He knew the"Wenshan Dragon Identification Technique" of listening to the wind and thunder. With the blessing of the"Diting" bloodline, his five senses are now extremely sharp.

In the whole world, except for Chen Yulou back then, there is probably no one else who has this ability.

The underwater turtle breathing technique is also magical. It feels like I can reduce the frequency of breathing to a very low level, that is, the metabolism becomes very slow, so that I can still maintain a certain combat effectiveness in the water for a long time.

""Okay, since there's nothing else to do, I'll go with you."

Qin Yan replied to Fatty, which made Fatty cheer, but Shirley Yang was secretly disappointed. She originally hoped that Qin Yan could go back to the United States with her.

But a man should have ambitions, and that kind of high-spirited Qin Yan is what she wants, so she won't hinder anything.

It was already very late at this time, and the things that should be decided were basically decided.

19 Hu Bayi and Da Jin Ya temporarily returned to the capital to wait for orders, and by the way, they would find an opportunity to sell the fragrant jade.

Shirley Yang went to the United States to look for clues left by Partridge Whistle.

Fatty and Qin Yan decided to go to the Xisha Undersea Tomb with Wu Sanxing...

In the Longling Mystery Cave, Qin Yan gained the most, but the other three were satisfied with a large piece of fragrant jade, and they didn't dare to touch Ma Dadan's pile of stuff, so as not to cause trouble.

Everyone decided that if they went to the ferry together the next morning, they would start to act separately.

That evening, a person in the guesthouse The room was full of fire and the spring scenery could not be contained, but we will not talk about it for now.

Let's talk about Hainan a few days later.

It was hot and humid for several days in a row. You would sweat all over if you sat still. Finally, God finally held back a heavy rain. The rain was so heavy that smoke came out. It finally cooled down this hot seaside city.

The pier after the rain.

Two figures, one fat and one thin, were looking out at the seaside.

It was Qin Yan and the fat man.

The fat man muttered,"When did this damn Wu Laosan become so slow? If you ask me, once we get together with the archaeological team, the efficiency will definitely be much lower!"

Qin Yan smiled but didn't answer. He was thinking about this trip to the underwater tomb.

This trip was not the one he was familiar with in the original novel, but the Xisha archaeological team incident that was shrouded in mystery.

He had to remind himself to be careful.

You know, Men Youping was there, and many people in the archaeological team were disguised as people from the Nine Gates. But in the end, it seemed that this trip to the underwater tomb still ended in tragedy.

So this trip to the underwater tomb was even stranger than the one Wu Tianzhen and his team had, and there were more mysteries involved...

When Qin Yan was thinking, the fat man shouted:

"The boat is coming, the boat is coming!"

Qin Yan raised his eyes and saw a rather old iron fishing boat weighing more than ten tons slowly approaching the shore.

The fat man hurriedly picked up the luggage and walked onto the boat, with Qin Yan on board.

At this time, a tall and thin young man came in, looking gentle and giving people a sense of sophistication and calmness.

To be honest, Wu Sanxing looked very similar to Wu Tianzhen when he was young.

Otherwise, when Wu Sanxing disappeared, he would not have pretended to help manage his subordinates' business so easily........

""Wu Sansheng, I finally got you here!" The fat man muttered.

Wu Sansheng and the fat man were old acquaintances, otherwise he wouldn't have been invited to come.

While helping to take the gifts from the fat man and Qin Yan, he teased:

"Fatty, you must have been impatient waiting at the dock just now, so you must have scolded me again, right?"

The fat man was exposed at once, and he laughed and quickly changed the subject:"I say Wu Laosan, your boat is not very good!"

Wu Laosan smiled and said,"There is no way. That place is near Wanjiao in Xijiao. It is one of the most dangerous sections of the ancient Maritime Silk Road. There are many shipwrecks and few people dare to go. It's good to find a ship willing to go. Don't be picky!"

Wu Laosan turned his head and looked at Qin Yan:"This is the Mr. Qin you mentioned, he is really a handsome man, nice to meet you, nice to meet you, my surname is Wu, you can call me Wu Laosan!"

Qin Yan nodded politely and shook hands with him. His hands were very powerful:

""Hello, Third Master!"

Wu Sansheng was polite to him, so Qin Yan would not lose his manners.

Wu Sansheng felt familiar with him after hearing him call him Third Master.

Fatty and Qin Yan followed Wu Sansheng into the cabin, which was filled with piles of things, with almost no place to put their feet.

It seemed that under the leadership of Wu Sansheng, everyone had made a lot of preparations.

Qin Yan walked and observed, and found that they were mainly diving equipment, large instruments, food, ropes, and oxygen cylinders accounted for the majority of them.

There were several young people sitting in the cabin, dressed in 1980s clothes, neat and clean, with vigorous faces, which was somewhat out of tune with Wu Sansheng's sophisticated dress.

Everyone was chatting excitedly, and seemed to be full of expectations for this trip to the underwater tomb.

Seeing Wu Sansheng come in with Fatty and Qin Yan, they all stopped and looked at the two of them.

"Come on, let me introduce you guys. These are my two friends from Beijing, Wang Kaixuan and Fatty Wang, and this one is Qin Yan!"

Qin Yan and Fatty nodded to everyone to show their greetings.

Wu Sanxing also introduced them one by one:"This is Chen Wenjin, this is Huo Ling, this is Li Sidi, and this is Jie Lianhuan……"

Qin Yan and Fatty got to know each other........two.......three......Nine.......Ten.

Why are there only ten people?

Qin Yan was a little puzzled. He remembered that the Xisha archaeological team had eleven people, but now there are only ten people including Wu Sanxing.

Something is wrong........

Just as he was wondering, a well-proportioned and handsome young man walked in.

He glanced at the fat man and Qin Yan with a pair of calm eyes, and finally stopped at���Qin Yan's body.

Oh, right! There is also Zhang Qiling!

Qin Yan's eyes flashed!

Wu Sansheng quickly introduced with a smile:"This is Zhang Qiling, he doesn't talk much, but he's not that difficult to get along with. 740, brother, this is Fatty, and this one…….Qin Yan!"

Zhang Qiling nodded to the two of them, and went to his room without saying anything.

This was a young archaeological team, and all the people on the boat were young and energetic. In addition, everyone was very excited about going to rob tombs, of course, except for Menyouping.

Everyone soon gathered around Fatty and Qin Yan and chatted, asking Fatty and Qin Yan almost everything.

Fatty was also happy to brag, but he was also tactful not to say that he was a tomb robber.

After all, this team was openly an archaeological team, and they looked down on tomb robbers and even hated them. The fat man kept bragging about how awesome he was in the northern archaeological community, and his funny language style made everyone laugh.

When the fat man finished talking about himself and then talked about how awesome Qin Yan was, everyone just took it as a joke.

However, Qin Yan, who didn't say much, attracted more attention from the girls on the archaeological team. Because he was more handsome than Menyouping, and he didn't look so cold and difficult to communicate with.

Huo Ling, who was obsessed with appearance, moved a small stool and sat next to Qin Yan. She raised her innocent little face and stared at Qin Yan's perfect profile:

"Hey, Qin Yan, hello, my name is Huo Ling. I just heard from Fatty that you have a sword that can cut iron like mud. Is it true?"

Qin Yan looked at Huo Ling's big watery eyes and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

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