Everyone saw that they had indeed found the other entrances in this tomb passage.

For a moment, they were a little curious about how Lin Muye knew this, but then they thought of the methods of Master Lin and Uncle Jian.

Suddenly they felt that this was nothing? It was normal for Master Lin to be able to predict the future.

Retracting his thoughts, Zhang Qishan took the lead and entered the entrance first.

Everyone followed closely and entered together.

With the help of torches and flashlights, everyone could see clearly what was behind the entrance.

Behind this entrance was a mine tunnel!

This mine tunnel was very different from those outside the mine, and this one seemed to be older.

There were many skeletons in the mine tunnel, but the strange thing was that they were all lying face down on the ground.

Zhang Qishan was very familiar with this scene, and immediately said: "It is exactly the same as the two groups of Japanese we saw before, and their deaths are exactly the same."

Lin Muye nodded and said: "Be careful, there should be something else here."

Although Lin Muye did not say it clearly, everyone understood that the other things he said might be extraordinary, so they all became alert.

Uncle Jian narrowed his eyes at this time, looking at a skeleton on the ground, with a sneer on his lips.

This scene happened to be discovered by Lin Muye. Lin Muye knew that Uncle Jian had discovered something, but he also knew Uncle Jian's character. If he didn't ask, Uncle Jian would probably be too lazy to tell others more.

So Lin Muye looked at Uncle Jian and said: "Uncle Jian, did you find anything?"

Uncle Jian withdrew his gaze from the skeleton when he heard what Lin Muye said, but the sneer and contemptuous expression on the corner of his mouth did not subside at all.

He said calmly: "These people were killed by monsters. I saw a faint demonic aura from them."

Although Uncle Jian's words were a bit mysterious, the people present were all well-known in the tomb-robbing world. They had more or less experienced or heard about some of the strange things in the ancient tombs.

After seeing Uncle Jian's supernatural means, the people naturally would not doubt Uncle Jian's words.

The expressions on everyone's faces showed a trace of solemnity.

And Qi Tiezui hid behind Zhang Qishan and Er Yuehong in fear, and said timidly: "Uncle Jian, what, what is that, what monster? Can you, can you tell it?"

When Uncle Jian heard what Qi Tiezui said, the sneer on his mouth became stronger, and he said calmly: "You learned Taoism, did you only learn Feng Shui and fortune-telling? It's really embarrassing for my Taoism."

Qi Tiezui felt a little helpless when Uncle Jian said this, but he didn't dare to refute.

Fortunately, Uncle Jian continued, "Looking at its evil spirit, it is like strands of hair, entangled endlessly, it must be a hair ghost! Of course, it could also be a hair ghost!"

Uncle Jian's words instantly made everyone look at Uncle Jian curiously.

Uncle Jian frowned, and his aura spread out, forcing everyone to go.

Lin Muye was a little helpless when he saw this. He knew that with Uncle Jian's personality, he really didn't want to be surrounded by people asking questions. He would only tell you what he wanted to say, and no one could stop him from saying what he didn't want to say.

Lin Muye quickly stretched out his hand and stopped Uncle Jian, saying, "Uncle Jian, the youngsters are ignorant, don't argue with them. However, I have never heard of either Mao Gui or Fa Gui. Can Uncle Jian tell me more about it?"

Uncle Jian was stopped by Lin Muye and turned to look at Lin Muye. When he heard what Lin Muye said, a hint of compromise flashed in his eyes, and his aura gradually dissipated. He said lightly, "If that's the case, then tell me."

"Mao Gui, from "Tong You Ji" in "Taiping Guang Ji"

"The book says: In the second year of Tang Jianzhong, Jiang Huai falsely said There are evil ghosts coming from Hunan, some are called Japanese hair ghosts, some are called Japanese hair people, and some are called Japanese hair. "

"The biggest feature of this monster is that it has hair all over its body, and the hair is black, red, and white. "

"And the hair ghost is not a monster native to China, but a monster from the East. If you want to know where it comes from, it should be from "One Hundred Demons Night Parade." "

"The legend of the hair ghost has no body, only a head, and the hair is very long and dense."

"There are similarities between the two."

After Uncle Jian finished speaking, he stopped talking, but Lin Muye knew the general idea and had an inference in his mind.

The monster in this tomb is very likely a hair ghost!

Japanese culture is deeply influenced by Chinese culture, and many of its legends are also created based on Chinese legends.

And decades ago, the Japanese Hatoyama Yoshishi took an expedition team to the tomb, and his purpose was the treasure in this tomb.

And according to the clues left by Er Yuehong's uncle, Hatoyama Yoshishi also did some experiments and research in this ancient tomb.

And that mysterious hair started from that time.It was too much of a coincidence.

If we infer this way, this so-called "hair ghost" is very likely the product of Michi Hatoyama's random research.

But for some reason, this hair ghost is bloodthirsty and will not let go of any living things. Therefore, Michi Hatoyama had to flee with the few remaining people.

If it is really as I inferred, then this tomb is probably not as simple as I remember.

But now that things have come to this, we can only take it one step at a time. After all, with Uncle Jian by his side, Lin Muye is not too worried.

Retracting his thoughts, Lin Muye said, "Let's go. Now that we are here, I'm afraid that Master Buddha and Master Er will not be willing to do it if we don't figure out the secrets in this dead tomb."

Everyone nodded secretly when they heard this and continued to explore.

Walking along the dark mine tunnel, they walked in, and soon they came to a huge tomb door.

The tomb door was magnificent, with relief carvings all over it, and the patterns were complicated and mysterious. It was obviously made by a master.

Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan frowned when they saw this. They felt that the tomb door was familiar, but they couldn't tell why.

Qi Tiezui also looked at the tomb door carefully, but when he saw the words carved on the door, he showed a look of horror on his face, stretched out his hand and calculated quickly, and then his face became darker and darker.

Seeing that Zhang Qishan was about to step forward and wanted to open the tomb door, Qi Tiezui immediately reached out and grabbed Zhang Qishan's arm, and said anxiously: "Master Buddha, this door is very dangerous! You can't enter!"

Zhang Qishan frowned when he heard this, and then he also saw the words carved on the door, which read: Those who enter this door must give up all hope!

Qi Tiezui saw Zhang Qishan read this line of words, and he immediately said: "Buddha, there is really a great danger behind this door. This is the door to hell! You can't enter."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qishan heard this, patted Qi Tiezui's hand, and said with a sneer on his lips: "I like great dangers!"

"The Japanese are ambitious and covet the things in this tomb. I want to see what secrets are behind this door."

After saying this, he winked at Zhang Rishan behind him.

Zhang Rishan saw this and immediately stepped forward to hold the other door, and then worked together with Zhang Qishan.


As the two of them worked hard, the heavy tomb door was slowly pushed open by the two of them, and a dusty history and the secrets in the tomb will slowly unveil their mysterious veil.

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