As soon as the tomb door was opened, a gust of cold wind blew in, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

Qi Tiezui was shivering in the cold wind. He didn't know whether he was afraid or cold, and he hid behind Er Yuehong unconsciously.

Uncle Jian saw the cold wind coming, and he also stepped forward and blocked in front of Lin Muye, and at the same time, a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, the cold wind soon stopped, and everyone finally entered the tomb door.

There was no hell scene in the door as Qi Tiezui said, but a wide hall.

There was a straight road in the hall, and many tall stone statues stood on both sides of the straight road. These stone statues were not any gods.

One of the stone statues, holding a long sword and stepping on a unicorn, looked majestic.

When Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan saw the furnishings in the hall, they felt strange and familiar again.

They knew very well that they should have seen such furnishings somewhere.

However, when they wanted to recall carefully, they found that the fragments of these furnishings in their memories seemed to be locked by an invisible shackle.

No matter how hard they tried to recall, they still couldn't remember.

Lin Muye naturally saw the strangeness of these two people. He naturally knew that these stone statues were the masterpieces of his Zhang family, right?

The stone statue holding a long knife and stepping on a unicorn should be the first generation patriarch of the Zhang family, "Zhang Qiling".

The "Zhang Qiling" here is not a little brother. As everyone knows, every patriarch of the Zhang family is called Zhang Qiling.

"Qiling" is just their code name, or their position, which is a later story, so let's not talk about it for now.

Seeing Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan like this, Lin Muye also stepped forward and wanted to say something.

But the moment he stepped into this straight road, the system prompt in his mind rang.

[Treasure value +2000]

[Treasure value +2000]


[Current treasure value: 25650]

The sudden system prompt also surprised Lin Muye. He didn't expect that these stone statues actually contained such a huge treasure value?

But then, he understood, because the system prompt came again.

[These stone statues carry a small amount of luck and are affected by mysterious power, so they contain huge treasure value. ]

After receiving the system prompt, Lin Muye also roughly understood.

No wonder it was just a small Northern and Southern Dynasties ring before, but it had 1000 treasure points. It seems that the ring was probably also affected by this so-called mysterious power.

But the mysterious power mentioned by the system, is it referring to the thing deep in the tomb?

If so, then it is impossible to say, at that time, I am afraid I will have to deal with the Zhang family, but it is too early to say this now.

Without thinking about these things, Lin Muye walked to Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan and said, "You two don't need to think too much. Fate is like a weave, and it should be as solid as a rock. Now that you have made a decision, you should be firm and unwavering."

After saying this, Lin Muye smiled and walked through the two of them, walking towards the end of the straight road. Uncle Jian followed closely.

Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan looked at each other and nodded when they heard what Lin Muye said, and then followed Lin Muye's footsteps.

At the end of this straight road, there is a cave entrance. After entering this cave entrance, everyone arrived in a room.

But this room is very strange. The whole room has eight walls, and on each wall, there are many holes densely distributed.

These holes are of different shapes, and it looks like everyone is in a beehive.

Qi Tiezui saw at a glance that the wall was in the shape of the Eight Diagrams, and there were exactly sixty-four holes on the wall.

As if he had thought of something, Qi Tiezui blurted out: "King Wen's Sixty-Four Diagrams?"

Qi Tiezui's words instantly attracted the attention of Zhang Qishan and others. They were at a loss as to what to do about this strange room.

Zhang Qishan looked at Qi Tiezui and said, "Old Eight, do you know what this room is like?"

When Qi Tiezui heard Zhang Qishan ask this, he did not look at Zhang Qishan, but looked at Uncle Jian and Lin Muye instead.

Seeing that Master Lin and Uncle Jian had no intention of speaking, he said, "Master Buddha, I am just guessing. I have been immersed in this for decades, and I can only understand a little bit of the mystery. If I am wrong, please correct me, Master Lin and Uncle Jian."

Zhang Qishan saw Qi Tiezui saying this and looked at Lin Muye and Uncle Jian. Uncle Jian still said nothing and had no expression on his face. However, Lin Muye responded and nodded to Qi Tiezui.

Qi Tiezui asked this out of kindness, which Lin Muye alsoSee clearly.

You know, they are now in the tomb of the dead. If these things go wrong and go to the wrong door, the consequences will be disastrous.

Seeing Lin Muye nodding, Qi Tiezui also felt relieved and spoke softly.

"This Bagua can be divided into 'nature' and 'acquired'."

"The innate Bagua is also the Fuxi Bagua. As we all know, Tai Chi generates two rituals, two rituals generate four images, and four images generate the Bagua. This innate Bagua is the only Bagua, namely Qian, Kun, Xun, Dui, Gen, Zhen, Li, and Kan. "

"And what's in this room is the acquired gossip."

"The acquired gossip is also called the Sixty-Four Hexagrams of King Wen or the Sixty-Four Hexagrams of Zhouyi. It is said that King Wen of Zhou obtained it by deducing the Fuxi Bagua."

"Nowadays, most people use Houtian Bagua, which comes from the Book of Changes."

"The sixty-four holes on these eight walls correspond to the sixty-four hexagrams, and only one of them leads to the main tomb. The rest of the roads may have traps."

After Qi Tiezui said this, he looked at Lin Muye and Uncle Jian again, and when he saw that they didn't say anything, he knew that he must have said the right thing, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing this, Zhang Qishan frowned slightly and said, "With so many holes, which one is the way to the tomb?"

Upon hearing this, Qi Tiezui narrowed his eyes slightly, counted his fingers carefully, then pointed to a square hole and said: "In this room, that hole is the way to survive, but I am not sure. Is the road leading to the main tomb a road to life or a road to death? "

Qi Tiezui's words also made Zhang Qishan fall into deep thought.

What Lao Ba said is correct. Logically speaking, the way out of the ancient tomb should be the way out, which is the circular hole they just entered.

If this is the case, shouldn't the road leading to the main tomb be a dead end?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qishan was not sure, so he looked at Lin Muye and said, "I wonder, Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

Seeing this, Lin Muye was not polite. He took a step forward and said, "Master Ba is right. This is indeed the Sixty-Four Hexagrams of the Book of Changes. But he doesn't know that we just entered one of the rooms."

"There are many rooms like this in this ancient tomb, and these rooms combined together form a larger Bagua array, which is called - Bagua Hanging Array!"

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