Seeing this, the two of them no longer hesitated and tried to push the tomb door open.

But no matter how hard they tried, the tomb door remained motionless.

Seeing this, Lin Muye looked at the auxiliary head on the door and said, "Why don't you two switch positions and try again?"

Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan understood what Lin Muye said, so they swapped positions. Zhang Rishan came to the door on the left with the unicorn auxiliary head, while Zhang Rishan went to the right.

Try again.


A loud noise came, and the tomb door was loosened by the combined efforts of the two.

Seeing that he could push the tomb door open, Zhang Qishan admired Lin Muye again.

But he thought about it again and felt that something was wrong.

How did this Mr. Lin know that he could push the tomb door open like this?

Isn't the Qiongqi on the door the corresponding one?

Rishan has the blood of Qilin. He had said before that they were from the Zhang family in Northeast China. As a member of the Xuanmen sect of Master Lin, it was not surprising that he knew that Rishan had the blood of Qilin.

But how did Master Lin know that he had the blood of Qiongqi?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qishan secretly glanced at Lin Muye, who was expressionless at the moment, but a trace of fear was faintly born in his heart.

But judging from Master Lin's current performance, he did not seem to have any bad intentions.

Temporarily suppressing his thoughts, Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan worked together to completely push the tomb door open.

Everything behind the door was also displayed in front of everyone.

Everyone entered and observed carefully.

It was seen that this was a tomb, but there was no coffin in the tomb.

Overall, the tomb was an octagonal structure, and in the middle of the tomb, there was a circular platform, on which stood a huge stone tablet.

Around the platform is a bottomless abyss, and above the abyss, there is a staircase leading to the four sides of the tomb.

Under the walls on all four sides are strips of stone piers of varying lengths, some high, some low, some long, and some short, and on the piers are placed various funerary objects, bronze, ceramic, and so on, which is the main reason why everyone judged that this is the tomb.

And on the side of each staircase, where it connects to the platform, there is a huge square pillar, the lower end of which stands in the abyss.

Looking closely, there are also some patterns carved on the square pillars.

Uncle Jian, who had been following Lin Muye, saw this, his eyes flashed, and he said: "The innate Bagua!"

Qi Tiezui looked carefully again after hearing Uncle Jian's words, and then a look of realization appeared on his face, and he said: "Yes, it is the innate Bagua!"

Lin Muye also observed carefully after hearing this, and when he saw the patterns on the four square pillars, which were carved with the "Four Symbols", he also understood.

It was said before that Taiji gave birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gave birth to Sixiang, and Sixiang gave birth to Bagua, which is the innate Bagua.

The circular platform in the tomb is Taiji, and the stone tablet on it is divided into Yin and Yang, which is Liangyi.

The four square pillars, on which the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise are carved, represent the Four Symbols, and the stone pillars of different lengths and heights under the surrounding walls represent Bagua.

Although those burial objects are just randomly placed on the stone pier, it is not easy to get the burial objects on the stone pier.

People who do not understand the innate Bagua and do not take the burial objects in a certain order will trigger the mechanism in the innate Bagua and die on the spot.

This is also a very clever anti-theft method.

Lin Muye has always been in awe of the wisdom and methods of the ancients.

Chinese culture is profound and extensive. Without the corresponding knowledge reserve, there is no way to even rob a tomb.

Let's get back to the point.

Seeing the burial objects on all sides, Lin Muye was a little embarrassed.

Although Zhang Qishan and others and himself are not rare for these burial objects, their own system is rare. There will be more or less treasure values ​​in them, and these burial objects have been baptized by mysterious power for many years, and the treasure values ​​in them are probably not few.

It's a pity to let it go.

Thinking of this, Lin Muye looked at Uncle Jian and said, "Uncle Jian, give me a Xunfeng spell."

Uncle Jian was a little surprised when he heard it, but he didn't say anything. He would not have any doubts or objections to Lin Muye's words.

So Uncle Jian changed his steps, cast a spell in his hand, and a talisman appeared. He raised his hand and pointed at Lin Muye, and the talisman flew out quickly and stuck to Lin Muye's back.

At the same time, Uncle Jian shouted: "Use my talisman to pave the way for Xunfeng, and the wind will rise!"

As soon as Uncle Jian finished speaking, Lin MuyeHe felt that his body was as light as nothing, as if a gust of wind could blow him up.

This scene naturally attracted the attention of the people around him, and Zhang Qishan looked at Lin Muye in a strange way.

Seeing that the Xunfeng Curse was complete, Lin Muye said to everyone: "I don't know if there is any danger in this Xiantian Bagua. I will go to explore the way for everyone first."

After speaking, Lin Muye took a breath and lightened his body. The whole figure flashed, and he floated towards the nearby stone pier like a flying bird.

Everyone only saw Lin Muye, like the legendary immortal, floating past these stone piers without stopping at all.

After circling the tomb, Lin Muye finally got on the high platform in the middle, and did not trigger any mechanism during the period.

At this time, Zhang Qishan and others were still shocked by the supernatural powers of Lin Muye and Uncle Jian, but they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Lin Muye risked his life for everyone and tested the mechanism. Now he was safe and sound. They also had a new understanding of Lin Muye's character.

Lin Muye climbed up the platform, and the system prompts in his mind kept ringing.

[Treasure value +300]

[Treasure value +500]


[Current treasure value: 68800]

Looking at the current treasure value, which is close to 70,000, Lin Muye is also satisfied.

He looked at everyone and said, "It should be fine. Come up the stairs."

Everyone followed the stairs in front of them and climbed onto the high platform in the middle.

At this time, Lin Muye stared at the stone tablet in front of him with a frown.

On the stone tablet, there were densely engraved ancient characters, which read:

If it is——

Broken and continued, gone and stayed. Strange shapes and appearances, worth a fortune.

Broken lotus roots and threaded silk, the true mechanism is lost. Facing the grave calmly, the shape is hard to grasp.

Buried near the ancestral grave, it will bring disaster to the descendants. One grave is prosperous, ten graves are lonely and poor.

Burying in a good grave and a bad grave is the same as abandoning the corpse. Yin and Yang are in harmony, and heaven and earth are connected.

Internal Qi sprouts, external Qi takes shape. The multiplication of internal and external, Feng Shui is formed.

Observe with vision, understand with emotion. If you can understand this, the world will be rampant.

"Qingwu Sutra?"

Seeing this, Lin Muye blurted out these three words.

And his words instantly made Uncle Jian and Qi Tiezui look at the stone tablet together.

Uncle Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at the inscription on the stele carefully.

After Qi Tiezui had read the stone tablet, he took a step forward and knelt down in front of the stone tablet with a "thump". He kowtowed three times and kept reciting the "Qingwu Sutra".

Seeing this, everyone looked at Qi Tiezui curiously.

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