If we want to talk about the Qingwu Sutra, we have to talk about Qingwuzi.

According to one legend, Qingwuzi was a person from the Han Dynasty, because in the Qingwu Sutra, there is a saying that "the land of Waitai, the gate is high and upright", Waitai refers to Lantai, and Lantai is an official position that only existed in the Han Dynasty.

According to the second legend, Qingwuzi was a person from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The Complete Biography of Immortals records: "There was a man named Qingwu, a disciple of Peng Zu. He received the teachings of a wise master and was proficient in the principles of immortality. He entered Huayin Mountain to learn Taoism. He was 471 years old and took twelve tests, but failed three times. Later, he took the golden liquid and ascended to heaven."

Most of these legends cannot be verified, but no matter which era Qingwuzi lived in, he was recognized as a master of Feng Shui, which is beyond doubt.

It is said that the prototype of Feng Shui was born from the Qingwu Sutra created by Qingwuzi. Many people who practice Feng Shui and geomancy regard Qingwuzi as their ancestor, and geomancy is also called "Qingwu's Art".

From this, we can see how high Qingwuzi's status is in Feng Shui and geomancy.

According to unofficial history, Qingwuzi liked to collect sacred stones. It is said that a huge piece of meteorite copper fell to the earth, but it was so heavy that it could not be moved. After Qingwuzi discovered the meteorite copper, he built a tomb around it with Feng Shui and geomancy.

After the tomb was built, many strange things happened. In order to study the meteorite copper, Qingwuzi lived in the tomb and set up the Eight Diagrams Mysterious Array in the tomb to prevent himself from being disturbed by outsiders.

But later, due to geological reasons, a landslide occurred, and the entire tomb was buried underground. From then on, it disappeared from the eyes of the world, and Qingwuzi disappeared. This tomb was called "Qingwuzi Tomb" by later generations.

Since later generations have been searching for Qingwuzi's tomb for thousands of years without success, they all thought it was just a legend compiled by unofficial history.

But Lin Muye and others passed the Bagua Xuan Array and found the "Qingwu Sutra" here. All of this proves that the legend may be true!

Zhang Qishan and others, with their family background, also understand the meaning of the "Qingwu Sutra". Seeing Qi Tiezui's behavior at this time, an idea gradually took shape in everyone's mind.

Zhang Qishan looked at Uncle Jian and said uncertainly: "Uncle Jian, you are knowledgeable and have profound skills. Can you deduce whether this tomb is the tomb of Qingwuzi?"

Uncle Jian glanced at Zhang Qishan and said lightly: "Nine out of ten."

Lin Muye naturally knew that this tomb was the tomb of Qingwuzi, so he said: "Master Buddha, if this is true, then the purpose of the Japanese is probably the legendary meteorite copper from outer space!"

Zhang Qishan frowned when he heard this and said: "That's right, but whether it is or not, I will not let them succeed."

Lin Muye saw this and pondered for a moment and said: "It is said that this meteorite copper has the ability to change the surrounding magnetic field. If there is really that piece of meteorite copper here, everyone needs to be careful and cautious."

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

At this moment, the careful Er Yuehong seemed to have discovered something and said: "Huh? There seems to be something there."

Everyone looked in his direction when they heard it.

I saw that behind the steps on the back of the stone tablet, there stood a huge stone wall, and there was a faint blue light coming out from the edge of the stone wall. Obviously, there was something behind it.

When Lin Muye saw this, he knew that it was finally time to meet the real master, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he didn't know where this uneasiness came from.

After looking at Uncle Jian beside him and calming down a little, Lin Muye said, "Let's go and take a look."

After everyone came to the stone wall, they found that there was a doorway here, and outside the doorway was a platform.

After passing through the doorway and reaching the platform, everyone was completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

Even Lin Muye had to sigh that this kind of shock was not something that could be experienced in books or TV. It was a kind of spiritual shock that could only be felt when you were there in person.

I saw that on both sides of the platform, there were two huge iron ropes as thick as buckets, extending all the way to the distance, and there were dozens of such iron ropes in total.

One end of these iron ropes is embedded in the surrounding mountain walls, and the other end of the iron rope is dragging a huge suspended platform.

In the middle of the platform, there is a huge rock.

There is another layer under the platform, but the lower layer is completely submerged in water.

The water is clear and transparent, and everything under the water can be seen clearly, but the water emits a strange blue light, which makes people feel fearful. I think the blue light that everyone saw before was emitted by this water.

Seeing this, Uncle Jian was slightly shocked and said, "It turned out to beWeak water!"

Uncle Jian's words made everyone look at Uncle Jian, but this time Uncle Jian was not angry, but continued to speak: "The Classic of Mountains and Seas records: There is water in the north of Kunlun, its power cannot beat mustard, so it is called weak water."

"And weak water, there are also other names such as water of the netherworld and water of the Milky Way, but no matter what it is called, this water has a characteristic, that is, this water has a very strong corrosive power, even highly poisonous, and goose feathers cannot float on it."

Uncle Jian's words also made everyone understand. They are not unaware of what weak water is, but they have never seen it. Who would have thought that this weak water would appear in front of them, so they all looked at the weak water below.

Er Yuehong, who has excellent eyesight, seems to have seen something through the weak water, so he said: "There seems to be a coffin there. "

Everyone followed Er Yuehong's gaze and saw that in the weak water just below the platform, there was indeed a huge coffin faintly visible, sinking in it.

Zhang Qishan saw this and a trace of determination flashed across his face. He seemed to have made up his mind and said, "The huge rock on the platform is very likely the legendary meteorite copper. I must go and find out."

"I have to find out why the Japanese covet this meteorite copper. If the Japanese get this meteorite copper and study and use it, Changsha may be in danger, and even the whole of China will be in danger. "

Zhang Qishan's words were instantly agreed by Er Yuehong, Zhang Rishan and others, and Lin Muye would naturally not object.

So everyone followed the iron chain and walked towards the suspended platform.

Although the iron chain was as thick as a bucket, it was suspended in the air. As soon as everyone got on it, they felt the iron chain shaking uncontrollably.

Fortunately, except for Qi Tiezui, everyone else was skilled and quickly stabilized their bodies. Only Qi Tiezui was forced to lie on the iron chain and crawl slowly.

Just when everyone reached the middle of the iron chain, an accident happened.

Under the iron chain, many huge bronze bells were hung. As the iron chain swayed, the bells The clangs gradually began to ring.

"Clang clang clang--"

"Clang clang clang clang clang--"

The numerous iron chains were intertwined, like a huge spider web, with one strand of chain shaking the entire web.

The iron chains under Lin Muye and the others' feet began to shake, and the other dozens of iron chains also began to shake, and the bronze bells hanging under the iron chains naturally rang.

For a moment, the sound of the bells rang together, as if forming a mysterious piece of music, which made people listen attentively.

As the sound of the bells became louder and louder, Zhang Qishan and the others gradually sank into it, and double images gradually appeared in front of their eyes. It was obvious that the sound of the bells was affecting everyone's mind!

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