
"Su Luo is crazy!"

In the studio of Shahuang City.

Yan Min slapped the table and shouted.

"I don't understand the Feng Shui Bureau, but how can you jump into a place like the quicksand pit?!"

His expression was very ugly.

Wang Gang and Zhao Xianzhi next to him didn't say anything.

Yan Min was right.

They didn't understand Feng Shui, and they didn't understand tomb robbing, but the quicksand pit was a well-known death trap!

The powerful quicksand pit is much more powerful than the swamp!


At this time.

In the live broadcast, you can see that the photography elf also followed everyone into the quicksand pit.

The live broadcast suddenly went dark.

The sound of sand crawling was all around!

"It's over, no one is left, and the machine is scrapped."

Yan Min held his forehead, very disappointed.

He didn't understand.

Why did Su Luo suddenly lead everyone to jump into the quicksand pit when it was fine just now?

Netizens also discussed:

"Don't be so pessimistic, I believe in Su Luo!"

"Stupid director, didn't you hear Su Luo breaking the Feng Shui situation just now? It's not jumping around!"

"That's right, Su Luo has his own ideas, this is not suicide!"

"Why do I feel that they are gone!"

"This is a quicksand pit. Once a person is buried in it, he can't get out even if he wants to!"

"It must be suffocating in the sand, right?"


In the studio.

Looking at the dense barrage.

Everyone felt a little distressed.

"Do you think there is a possibility that there is really space under the quicksand pit?"

Yan Min asked Zhao Xianzhi and Wang Gang next to him.

After all, these two people have excavated many ancient tombs and have seen many quicksand traps in ancient tombs.

"Basically there won't be any."

"The formation of quicksand means that there won't be any space underneath it."

"People or objects that fall into a quicksand pit will only have one outcome...sinking to the bottom of the pit and never seeing the light of day again."


Wang Gang's answer was very impressive.

This is indeed the case.


Yan Min sighed.

But suddenly, there was a noise in the live broadcast room.

Everyone was startled and immediately looked at the live broadcast screen.


Very quickly.

The live broadcast screen changed from pitch black to dim, and the sound of sand flowing around disappeared.



Then, the sound of many human bodies falling to the ground was heard.


As the night shooting mode of the photography elf was turned on.

Everyone saw that Su Luo and others fell to the ground one by one.

The place where they were was like a cave.

"It hurts!"

"My old waist!"

"Ah, ah, ah, my mouth is full of sand!"

"Oh my god, we are still alive!!"


The soldiers climbed up from the ground one after another.

Su Luo was among them.

He looked around and saw that this was a natural cave, about the size of two basketball courts.

"The commander is awesome!"

"Too awesome!"

"We really survived!"

"Is this the ancient city of Shensha? Why does it feel wrong?"

Everyone first praised Su Luo, but soon everyone found something wrong.

Could this underground cave be the ancient city of Shensha?

"There are corpses!! Ah!"

At this time, a soldier in front suddenly shouted.

Su Luo immediately said: "Light the cold fireworks."

"Pah, pah, pah!"

The soldiers lit up the cold fireworks they carried with them and threw them around.

As the light of the cold fireworks slowly lit up, the surrounding scene gradually became clear.

"So many corpses!"

Reba held Su Luo tightly.

That's right.

This cave is almost full of corpses.

"Don't panic, the corpses can't turn into corpses, they are all rotten."

Su Luo signaled everyone to calm down.

Most of these corpses have rotted into bones, and it is impossible for them to turn into zongzi.

So there is no need to worry about the danger of corpses turning into corpses.

Su Luo looked around and said, "This may be a burial pit in the ancient city of Shensha. The people buried here are probably all citizens of Shensha."

"So many people, buried like this?"

Chen Long was shocked.

Reba asked, "Is this equivalent to a mass grave?"


Su Luo nodded, and then went to check the corpses.

He found that some of the corpses were very strange, wearing armor like guards.

Could these be soldiers under the Queen Mother of Shensha?

"This armor is cool!"

Luo Shuai squatted down and looked at the body of a guard wrapped in armor.

The armor is very well cast.Like it's made of bronze?

It looks very textured.

"No wonder they say the Shensha Kingdom is rich and powerful, it's not bragging!"

"The armor of a small guard is so fine, it's amazing."

Luo Shuai was originally a rough man, and he liked armor and things like swords, guns, sticks and clubs very much, so he looked at it for a while longer.


Unexpectedly, the guard's body suddenly shook.


Luo Shuai stood up immediately.

"Crack, crack!"

The guard actually twisted his body and slowly stood up!

Luo Shuai was really scared.

He immediately shouted to Su Luo: "Chief! Something's wrong!"


Everyone was attracted by Luo Shuai's shouting and looked over.

They saw that the body of the guard really stood up, and waved his arms, holding the bronze sword in his hand and slashed at Luo Shuai.


"Chief, didn't you say they wouldn't turn into zombies?"

Luo Shuai screamed, then pulled out the machete from his waist to block.


The two swords intersected, and a spark exploded in the dark cave.

"What a great power."

Luo Shuai's palm was numb.

But he quickly fought back, raised his knife and chopped at the guard.


The guard made a strange sound in his body, and then raised his knife to block.

Unexpectedly, Luo Shuai's attack was a feint.

After tricking the guard into blocking, Luo Shuai turned the blade and slashed it upwards, slashing at the guard's neck.


The guard's head was chopped off!

"You want to plot against me, no way!"

Luo Shuai said very proudly.

After all, he was a veteran of the Dragon Kingdom, so Luo Shuai naturally had his own skills.

"Captain Luo is awesome!"

"You're the best!"

"Captain Luo, you're really good at swordsmanship!"

"Smooth swordsmanship, teach me someday!"

The soldiers couldn't help but praise Luo when they saw him showing off his prowess.

"Of course, hehe!"

Luo scratched his head and laughed.


Just then.

The body of the guard in front of him fell to the ground with a bang.

But the strange thing was that in the armor, there were a dozen black snakes as thick as wrists crawling out!


"There are so many snakes hidden in this armor?!!"

Luo jumped up in fear.

One of the black snakes jumped up from the ground and bit Luo's neck.

"Damn it!"

Luo cut it off with a knife.

But the rest of the snakes also crawled to his feet!

"It's over."

Luo's smile disappeared.

Because you don’t have to think about it to know that if you are bitten by this black snake, there will definitely be no good ending!

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