"It's over."

Looking at the black snakes under his feet.

Luo Shuai's head was buzzing!

"Run forward!"

At this time.

Su Luo behind him pointed to the front of the cave and shouted.

After all, he couldn't handle so many snakes.

Everyone looked in front of the cave and saw a road in front of the cave, and they didn't know where it led to.


With an order.

Everyone ran towards the passage.

As soon as Luo Shuai moved, the black snakes chased after him, and they were not afraid of people at all.

"What kind of snakes are these!"

"Why have I never seen them before!"

While running.

Luo Shuai asked an assistant beside him.

The assistant also smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I have trained in the wild for so many years, and I have never seen such a snake."


Su Luo glanced back.

Those snakes were covered with small black scales, and there was a small red tumor on their heads.

This kind of snake has never been seen outside the forbidden area!

No one knows whether this snake is poisonous or not!

But no one doubts the danger of this snake!

Because there are basically few creatures in the forbidden area that are easy to mess with!

"Chief, there is a turn ahead!"

The guard running in front shouted loudly.

The original straight road suddenly turned to the right and there was a sharp turn.


Su Luo stretched out his hand and asked the guard for a grenade.


The guard was stunned.

What does the chief want a grenade for?


The chief is only eight years old and has never been a soldier. Can he use a grenade?

What if the explosion injures everyone?

"Hurry up!"

"Give me the grenade!"

Soon, Su Luo's urging sounded again.

Out of the nature of a soldier, the guard still subconsciously obeyed Su Luo's order and took out a grenade and handed it to Su Luo.

Su Luo held the grenade and shouted to the people behind him:

"I will throw a grenade behind you after you turn the corner, run quickly!"


The people behind him were stunned, and then accelerated forward!


The large army ran to the corner of the passage.

Su Luo pulled out the fuse without hesitation and threw the grenade behind him!


"Commander, I'm still behind!"

"Oh my god, this grenade flew past my ear, can you believe it?"

"Don't! I haven't passed it yet!"

Some soldiers behind him complained bitterly.

However, even if the grenade was pulled out of the fuse, it would still be several seconds away from exploding.

When the grenade landed, the soldiers just ran out of the explosion area, and the snake group behind them just caught up! !

All the black snakes didn't pay attention to the black grenade.

The next second.


The grenade exploded in the snake group!


Countless snake body fragments and limbs exploded all over the ground!


As the explosion echoed in the cave, it slowly disappeared.

The soldiers opened their eyes, looking at each other.

"The snake group was blown to death?"


Luo Shuai leaned out to take a look.

He saw that the passage was full of torn snake corpses, and the scene was extremely bloody and terrifying!

"The commander is awesome!"

Luo Shuai gave Su Luo a thumbs up.

Su Luo ignored him and turned to look forward.

After the passage turned around, it turned out to be a long uphill slope.

The previous cave was formed naturally, and this uphill slope had obvious signs of artificial excavation.

The width was more than four meters, and the ground was not ordinary rocks, but neatly paved with stones.

The road continued to extend upwards, and it was pitch black and no one knew where it led to.

"Let's go."

Su Luo took the lead and walked up.

The slope should be about 25 degrees.

Everyone walked up the slope. After about 5 minutes, the slope turned right and there was another big uphill slope.

This is just like climbing a mountain, which consumes a lot of physical energy.

But fortunately, almost all the people who came here have experienced a lot of physical training, so no one could keep up with the team for a while.

Just like this, keep walking and keep walking.

There were also several breaks in the middle.

But after walking for nearly an hour, the road has not yet reached the end.

"My God, does this road lead to the sky? Why is it so far!"

Luo Shuai complained breathlessly.

Even the soldiers with super physical fitness are a little overwhelmed at this moment.

"We have walked at least several kilometers along the way, right?"

"Why haven't we reached the end yet?"

Luo Shuai stepped on the stone slab under his feet and said, "We are tired of walking, but isn't it more tiring for these Shensha people to lay this floor? It's like building a highway!”


Chen Long beside him was also out of breath.

“And this slope goes up all the way, where can we go up?”

“If we can get out, we will probably be on the hillside of a mountain!”


“Hold on a little longer.”

Reba beside him advised: “No matter how powerful the gods and demons are, they can’t pave a road with no end. As long as we keep going, we will get there!”


“Reba is right!”

“Let’s hold on a little longer! "

Luo Shuai waved his fist, trying to boost morale.

Everyone rested for a while, and then continued to set off.

After walking for about half an hour.

At this time, the road ahead changed.

The road did reach the end.


The end was a dead end.

Yes, it was a dead end.

At the end of the road, there was a black stone wall with some patterns carved on it.


Su Luo looked up.

The stone wall was more than five meters high.

On the surface of the stone wall, there were three huge human-faced bird-bodies carved.

But the expressions of the three human-faced bird-bodies were different, one was laughing, one was crying, and one was a similar expression of resentment.

In between them, there was a woman-like figure sitting on the throne.

The face could not be seen clearly.

By intuition, everyone knew that this woman was the Queen Mother of the Shensha Kingdom!

"Chief, this is a dead end? "

Luo Shuai was frustrated.

Because the stone wall in front of him looked like a group of workers were digging a tunnel, and suddenly they had to leave halfway!

The project was not completed!

So they carved a portrait of the Queen Mother on it and called it a day?


"There were unfinished projects thousands of years ago?"

Chen Long didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It seems that Chinese civilization has been passed down no matter how many years it has been!


That's what he said.

But everyone worked hard for several hours.

In the end, they found that the end of this road was not the ancient city of Shensha, but a dead end.

Anyone would feel a little frustrated!

Even a few soldiers began to question Su Luo.

Did Su Luo make the wrong choice when he first chose the statue?

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Luo Shuai asked Su Luo: "Shall we go back the same way?"


Unexpectedly, Su Luo shook his head and suddenly said: "We're here."

"? ? "

Everyone was stunned.

Chen Long hurriedly asked: "Where are we?"


Su Luo pointed at the stone wall and said: "The Ancient City of Gods and Demons."

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