Today is so ridiculous.

The canyon on the east side of the Lunan Forbidden Land was originally a barren mountain that no one had visited for many years.

But today it is crowded!

The scene is at least crowded with thousands of people!

If the terrain did not allow it, the number of people here would probably increase N times!

If you don’t know, you might think someone is holding a concert here!

"Su Luo, can you answer my question?"

"What is in the death gate?"

"How did you and Reba escape? Can you describe it?"

"What are your plans for the future? Will you participate in the second season of "China Secret Realm"?"

"Have you taken the ghost seal? Can you really summon ghost soldiers?"

Dozens of microphones were stuffed in, airtight.

This is not a real interview at all.

It is a messy noise that makes people feel upset.

Yan Min in the distance is also helpless. These media reporters are too crazy. Even if security personnel are sent out, they can't be driven away! !

Some security guards even started to use shields to block, but it was useless!

The stars were completely trapped inside! !

"Director, why don't we call the police and ask them to send more people over?"

The staff suggested to Yan Min.

After all, the stars can't get out now, and they can't answer questions even if they want to. It's not a good idea to waste time!

Yan Min sighed: "The mountain road is difficult to walk. In fact, the authorities have sent people to maintain order half an hour ago, but they haven't arrived yet..."


"Fuck director, what is Su Luo doing?"

At this time, the staff pointed to Su Luo in the center of the crowd.


Yan Min looked at Su Luo.

Su Luo began to form seals with both hands.

The next second.

His left hand "slapped" and pressed on the ground.


With his palm as the center, a huge black magic circle quickly spread out.


A strange howl resounded through the sky.

A huge red centipede flew out of the magic circle!

They opened their bloody mouths, raised their heads and howled, and their sharp fangs and sharp tentacles shone coldly in the sun!

This centipede body is five meters long, flying in the air, like a centipede dragon, looking down at all living things!


"Monster, there is a monster!!"

"It's going to eat people!!"

"Don't eat me, don't eat me, I'm wrong!!"

"Woo woo woo! Mom, my bank card password is 3838!"

"It's the centipede of King Lu Shang, everyone run!"

With the appearance of the domineering six-winged centipede, the scene was in chaos. Some people ran away like crazy, some people knelt down and begged for mercy, and some people were even scared to shit and piss.


After all, it's different from live broadcasting.

When Yan Min saw the six-winged centipede with his own eyes, he almost peed his pants in fear!

He couldn't even run away! !

This kind of creature is really too oppressive to humans! ! ! !

Looking at the crowd fleeing in chaos, Su Luo smiled with some success.

Want reputation points?

Isn't this very simple!


Just shock them hard and they're done! !

Su Luo waved his hand, and the six-winged centipede in the sky flew down obediently.


He jumped and jumped onto the back of the six-winged centipede.

"It's too crowded here, I can only leave this way."

Su Luo looked at Yan Min, who was confused, and said, "I'm leaving first, and I'll contact you if there's anything."

After that.

Su Luo patted the six-winged centipede.


The centipede spread its wings and sped up suddenly!


Like a fighter jet, the six-winged centipede flew low over people's heads and flew into the distance until it turned into a small black dot and disappeared from people's sight.......


On the other side.

World Alliance, conference room.

Delegates from various countries took their seats one after another, and the atmosphere was very tense.


Soon after taking their seats.

Wu Guoliang, the spokesperson for Longguo, stood up and condemned the US representative: "What is the intention of your country's Four-Headed Snake Organization to send people to sneak into our Longguo forbidden area and try to steal our cultural relics?"


Looking at the angry Wu Guoliang, the US representative smiled and said: "Please calm down, we have learned about this matter."

"The so-called 'Four-Headed Snake' is just a non-governmental organization and has nothing to do with our official."

"For what they did in Longguo, our official has also given relevant penalties..."


Wu Guoliang sneered and asked: "What penalty?"

"Fine, we let himThey paid a fine of 5 million. "

"? ? ? "

Wu Guoliang frowned and said, "That's it?"

"That's right."

The US representative said calmly, "Regarding the forbidden area, your Long country has no special laws, so it's hard to say what crime Delis and others have committed, not to mention that they didn't steal anything, so should I send them to jail?"


Wu Guoliang listened in silence.


Regarding the forbidden area, Long country has indeed not issued relevant laws.

For example, foreigners are prohibited from entering.

Delis and others went in, not to mention that many people died, and they couldn't take anything out of the forbidden area. If they were to be punished according to the crime, they would not know how to convict them.

"Regarding the forbidden area in Lunan, that's exactly what I want to say today. "

The US representative smiled and said in front of the spokespersons of various countries: "The forbidden land contains special energy, which is also an energy that is of great benefit to mankind. I think it should not be exclusive to Dragon Country, but should be shared by all people on Blue Star!"


This remark caused an uproar in the conference room.


Wu Guoliang slapped the table angrily.

"What in the forbidden land is not from our Dragon Country in ancient times? What does it have to do with you?"

"How dare you say this?"

"Do you understand what is meant by since ancient times?"


Wu Guoliang's words seemed to have been expected by other countries.

"Don't you say that!"

"The tomb power in the forbidden land is a good thing that can prolong human life. We all live on Blue Star, and you have no reason to keep it all to yourself!"

"That's right, don't you have an old saying in Dragon Country, called 'It's better to share happiness than to enjoy it alone'? ”

“We go to the forbidden land to obtain the tomb power, and it is not a loss for you Longguo people! Why are you so stingy! ?”

“Does your Longguo want to go to war with the world?”


For a while.

All countries pointed their spearheads at Wu Guoliang.

The US representative smiled and said nothing, a bit like watching the fire from the other side of the river.


Facing the accusations of representatives from various countries.

Wu Guoliang suddenly laughed.

Seeing him suddenly laugh, the others were a little stunned.

“Okay, okay.”

“It seems that today is a Hongmen Banquet...”

Wu Guoliang took out a small notebook from his briefcase.

Turning to the first page, he smiled meaningfully: “It seems that my leaders are indeed far-sighted and have long expected you to say this....”

“Okay, let me read it....”

The US representative frowned and interrupted: “What do you want to read?”

Wu Guoliang stared at him and said: “The law of the forbidden land.”

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