"Forbidden Land Laws?"

World Alliance, in the conference room.

Listening to Wu Guoliang's words, representatives from all countries showed strange expressions on their faces.

"What forbidden land laws?" The US representative asked first.


Wu Guoliang glanced at everyone and said, "You also said that the power of the forbidden land is good for mankind and should be shared by all mankind on the blue planet."

"I reluctantly agree with this point. You can enter the forbidden land."

"But the location of the Lunan forbidden land is in our Dragon Country, so we should let Dragon Country formulate the laws about the forbidden land."


Wu Guoliang took out a small notebook and began to read:

"First, foreign nationals who want to enter the forbidden land must pay a fee of 50 million US dollars per person."

"Second, foreign nationals entering the forbidden land must wear a 24-hour tracking camera monitoring device. If after entering the forbidden land, the If a person intentionally destroys surveillance, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment and extradition will not be supported. "

"Third, foreign nationals cannot harm Longguo people in the forbidden area. On the contrary, Longguo people can unconditionally harm foreigners when they are threatened. "

"Fourth, foreigners are not allowed to take any items out of the forbidden area. The purpose of entering the forbidden area is only to observe the Nine Dragon Wall. Other behaviors are not allowed. "

"Fifth, which is also the last one, Longguo is not responsible for the death of foreigners who enter the forbidden area due to accidents. "

"All the right to interpret the above clauses belongs to Longguo. "


After reading it, Wu Guoliang put down the notebook, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, waiting for everyone's reaction.

"Hou Lixie!"


The US representative slapped the table and shouted: "You are a pure overlord treaty! I don't accept it!"

Seeing the US representative say this.

The other countries also stood up and began to accuse Wu Guoliang:

"That's right, this is a completely overbearing treaty!"

"50 million US dollars per person? Why don't you go and rob?"

"You can only see the Nine Dragon Wall when entering the forbidden area? You are not allowed to do anything else?"

"You, Longguo, are really asking for a lot of money. 50 million US dollars? Do you know what that means? I only make 80,000 a year!"

"I need to bring a surveillance camera when entering the forbidden area? Why? You will monitor me at all times when I enter? Are you afraid that I will steal something inside?"


Faced with the accusations of everyone.

Wu Guoliang was very calm.

He put down the teacup, looked at the representatives of various countries with red faces and thick necks, and slowly asked: "Hegemonic treaty?"

"Decades ago, when our Dragon Country was weak, were the treaties signed by you Western countries with us fair!"

"Aren't those treaties hegemonic treaties!"

Wu Guoliang's eyes were like an eagle, staring straight at the people present: "Now you come to tell me about hegemonic treaties, isn't it too funny?"


"Don't get excited."

The US representative waved his hand, and then said: "The treaty can be there, but the conditions above are too harsh. I think we can modify it by voting. What do you think?"


Wu Guoliang shook his head without thinking.

"The treaty is like this. If you can accept it, accept it. If you don't accept it, don't even think about stepping into the forbidden area!"

"Otherwise, let's go to war. At worst, we will die together."


Listening to Wu Guoliang's words.

The representatives of various countries were silent, obviously thinking about countermeasures.

Wu Guoliang's eyes flickered.

Since the broadcast of "Secrets of China", the Lunan Forbidden Land has become a huge piece of cake.

And such a piece of cake happens to be in Longguo!

This has attracted the covetousness of the whole world!

If you kill it in one fell swoop and do not allow any foreigners to enter the forbidden land, then war is absolutely inevitable!

At that time, the lives of the people will be devastated, and I don't know how many ordinary people will die. This is also the result that the high-level officials of Longguo do not want to see.


Only by formulating a forbidden land law can we avoid war and maximize the benefits at the same time!

Collect tickets!

50 million US dollars per person!

This is a very large income!

You know, the world-famous Panama Canal, the freight for a ship is only 800,000 US dollars!

If a foreigner enters the forbidden land, the Longguo treasury can collect dozens of times the freight!

If the law is really finalized.

This "Lunan Forbidden Land" will definitely be an important source of income for Longguo in the future!

With money, domestic infrastructure, national defense, and people's welfare will be able to go up a few levels!

Becoming a superpower is just around the corner!


In the conference room.All the representatives looked at the US representative.

The US representative frowned and said nothing.

50 million per person, and you can't walk around in the forbidden area, you can only go to the Nine Dragon Wall to observe, and you have to carry a surveillance camera with you, you are not allowed to take anything out, and you can't hurt the Dragon people?

These conditions are really harsh!

Also, 50 million US dollars is too expensive, right?


Although 50 million US dollars is expensive, it is nothing compared to war! !

"Okay, I agree."

In the end, the US representative compromised.

After all, stealing treasures from the Dragon Country is not their purpose.

But some US capital bosses and military bosses want to prolong their lives, which is the real purpose!

You know, since the broadcast of "China Secret Realm", the capitalists in the United States have been in a turmoil!

They are scrambling to go to the Lunan Forbidden Land!

Because many family leaders are very old and have too much wealth to spend, after knowing that there is a way to prolong life in the forbidden area, they are willing to spend all their wealth to get a place to enter the Lunan forbidden area!

So money is not a problem at all!

"I agree too."

"I agree."

"I agree too."

Seeing the US representative nod, other countries also agreed.

Wu Guoliang was not surprised. He took out the agreement and asked the representatives of various countries to sign.

"Okay, let's discuss the matter of Skull Island next."

After the agreement was signed, the US representative knocked on the table, then looked at Wu Guoliang and said: "As far as I know, Skull Island is located in a position in the East China Sea of ​​Dragon Country. That position is the high seas, right?"


Wu Guoliang pondered for a while and nodded.

Although Skull Island is in the direction of the East China Sea of ​​Dragon Country, it is far away from the mainland and does not belong to the country. It is indeed on the high seas.

Seeing Wu Guoliang nod, the US representative continued: "Skull Island is an island that humans have never explored. At the same time, it is in the high seas and does not belong to any country, so all countries in the world are eligible to participate in this exploration."

Listening to the words of the US representative, the others also nodded.

The US representative continued:

"In order to maintain the balance of numbers, a plan must be made here."

"Let me first talk about our preliminary plan. If you have any opinions or modifications, you can always raise them."

"For this exploration of Skull Island, big countries can only send a maximum of 6 people, and small countries can only send 2 people."

"No objection?"

The US representative glanced at everyone, especially the representatives of small countries.

The representatives of small countries were full of helplessness on their faces, but they had no choice. After all, this is a world where the strong prey on the weak.

The big countries are willing to give them a sip of soup, which is considered to be a conscience.

"Very good."

The US representative continued: "If we can successfully enter the forbidden area, in order to ensure the safety of personnel from all countries, we must not harm other people without reason. But if we encounter a certain resource that must be fought for, we can fight. Life and death depends on each person's ability, but it cannot rise to the relationship between countries."

"For the sake of fairness, the day to enter the forbidden area needs to be unified. The time is set one month from today. How about it?"

The US representative closed the small notebook and waited for everyone's decision.

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