At this point everyone started talking.

"A snake this big is probably a monster!"

"Hey, look, we are staying in this place, let's talk about it, will we be targeted by this snake mother!"

"Such a big snake slough, it must be one bite at the time!"

Chapter 317

"Okay, don't make such a fuss, let's rest in this place today!"

When the third uncle said this, someone was so frightened that they were about to pee their pants.

"In this snake slough, it can be said to be the safest. We looked around and there were no other snakes coming."

"It goes without saying that other snakes must be afraid of this place, and they dare not come."

But they are not afraid, and there are others who are afraid!

"We, are we resting in the snake slough?"

"this place……"

The third master said directly: "if you are afraid, then you can go to other Sansanqi places now."

As a result, the third uncle said: "Okay, then you can go wherever you want to go."

At this time, the third uncle said to Wu Xie: "Later, I will ask people to go out to explore the way, you can go out with them."

"When you get to the temple, go to the little brother and leave here."

"When you leave here, be careful not to make others suspicious."

Wu Xie said directly: "I won't go, third uncle, when I was brought here because of that video, I saw a person who looked exactly like me in that video!"

"And Aunt Wenjin's diary. I have been to all the places recorded in that diary. Third Uncle, do you still say that what is going on here has nothing to do with me?"

At this time, the third uncle began to think about some problems. While thinking about the problem, he took a sip of wine.

"Okay, if you don't leave, you can continue talking."

Then Wu Xie continued: "In the diary, there are three videotapes, one of which was brought to me, and the other to Aning."

"Then the other set should be in your hands."

The third uncle nodded, but didn't say much, and continued to take a sip of wine.

"Did the former lord Dolma give you a message?"

The third uncle said directly: "Yes!"

"It was the night you followed Aning and stationed outside the Devil's City, and I asked the Lord Zhuoma."

"At the time, I asked her how she was sure that the person who sent the videotape was Aunt Wenjin, and she told her that there was a secret code."

At that time, Dingzhu Zhuoma and Chen Wenjin must have met, and I exposed her at that time.

However, this matter must have been arranged by Wen Jin.

Then she strung everyone together in this way.

"However, this is the last time I see Aunt Wenjin."

At this time, the third uncle said: "Aunt Wenjin, she is not dead. If she died, there would not be so many things in the future."

"So, she must be alive!"

But at this time, Wu Xie said, "But, why did Aunt Wenjin distribute the video tape to the three of us?"

"Is there any connection between the three of us?"

As a result, at this time, the third uncle said: "It's you, me, and Zhang Qiling. It's Aning who is interested in this matter, and then I also need her materials and manpower to open the way for us."

"So I asked Zhang Qiling to bring the video to Aning, and then asked Aning to lead the way for us as a nomination."

In the end, Wu Xie said, "Did you bring her in?"

The third uncle shook his head.

"I just gave her the information at the time. It's up to her to decide whether she will come or not. I didn't force her..."

As a result, Wu Xie said at this time: "A Ning is dead..."

The third uncle drank the wine in his hand, and then closed the lid.

"Have you heard of unprotected rock climbing?"

Wu Xie asked, "What unprotected rock climbing?"

The third uncle continued: "Unprotected rock climbing is to climb all kinds of steep cliffs without any protective measures."

"They don't have a last resort, just a little mistake, or bad luck, and they'll fall to pieces!"

"Some people say that there are more dead legends than living legends in unprotected rock climbing, and what we are doing now is very similar to them!"

"Death is predictable."

"It's just that we don't know if it's today or tomorrow."

"I think Aning should also understand this truth."

"Because since she did this, it has her meaning!"

At this time, Wu Xie said: "You and that little brother are both members of the archaeological team."

"But why did you choose me?"

The third uncle looked at the entrance of the cave, and then said, "I didn't choose you, it was Aunt Wenjin who chose you."

"There is a certain reason why we came to this place."

"Everything has a reason."

"In this adventure, we will definitely encounter various dangers in the future."

"I just hope that you came to this place not to die, but to learn more and to solve the mystery inside!"

After the third uncle finished speaking, Wu Xie began to feel that the whole thing became more and more confusing. .

Chapter 318

After a memory, Wu Xie remembered one more thing.

This also made Jiang Feng become more and more curious about the whole thing.

"Aunt Wenjin wrote a 'it' in her notes before. Judging from the notes, Aunt Wenjin seems to be very afraid of it."

"However, no matter what the whole thing is, I can see from today's situation that Aunt Wenjin knows a lot of things, and they are all recorded in this notebook."

"And, according to the contents of the notes, she seems to want to separate you and Aning!"

Jiang Feng said: "If there are a lot of things to explore in the notes, maybe the real clues should be in those three videotapes."

When Jiang Feng said this, the third uncle also seemed to want to know more clues.

"Wu Xie, where is that notebook? Show me now!"

Wu Xie said instead: "Third uncle, if you want to read the contents of the notes, you have to take out some 'hard goods'."17

Uncle San was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Wu Xie.

"My hard drive here can be exchanged with you."

However, Wu Xie seemed a little unhappy at this time. He obviously didn't want to exchange hard drives.

"Wu Xie, my hard drive here is completely different from yours. It's up to you to see it or not."

Wu Xie said immediately: "Look, of course."

After Wu Xie got the hard drive and plugged it into the laptop, there was no picture, only sound.

If you just listen to this voice, you can't hear anything.

I just heard someone say, "I think I heard the horn!"

"I heard the exact same horn sound in front of the bronze door."

"So from this point of view, this sound was filmed in Genting Tiangong?"

"That is to say, Aunt Wen Jin and the others also entered the bronze door, third uncle, what the hell is going on?"

As a result, the third uncle looked at the wine bottle in his hand and said he didn't know.

Just when Wu Xie wanted to continue to ask, Jiang Feng said directly: "Forget it, no matter how much you ask, the third uncle doesn't know."

The third uncle also sighed.

But then again.

"Wu Xie, you have watched the video, can you show me the notes now?"

Wu Xie was a little hesitant.

"You can see it, but not right now."

"I left my diary in the camp at the time."

"I'll show you when I'm out."

The third uncle just wanted to turn his face on him.

"Forget it, don't give it if you don't want to, and bomb me here."

At this time, dragged him into the cave alone.

When they went in again, they took away all the dry food in everyone's backpacks.

Just as he was about to go out, he suddenly saw a snake.

He was so frightened that he couldn't make a sound and collapsed to the ground.

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