At this time, the sky outside had already darkened, and they also began to prepare to set off at this time, and continued to walk outside.

"It seems that this place is already the tail of a snake."

"We're at the end of it."

At this time, the third uncle walked forward alone.

"I'll go out first, you follow behind."

Then a group of people followed behind at this time.

As they continued to walk forward, they saw a wall in front of them.

"Forget it, there is no road in this place. Basically, it should have been during the previous earthquake, when things like stones fell off and blocked the road."

At this time, the third uncle squatted down, then squeezed the sand on the ground with his hands, and said, "Sand layer."

Jiang Feng stepped on the ground hard.

"The bottom is empty."

Wu Xie suggested: "Put it on with water."

The third uncle said immediately: "Don't water it, this water is so precious."

Then a group of people all gathered around that place and began to release themselves...

A stinky smell also spread at this time.

Then the third uncle brought another Luoyang shovel and began to dig the ground.

After hollowing out, a cave appeared.

A cave towards the bottom of the ground.

At this time, the third uncle said: "Bring all the ropes here, I'm ready to go down."

As a result, Wu Xie came out again and said, "What are you doing?"

Wu Xie said directly: "Go down, go down with you."

After the third uncle heard this, he immediately said, "Go down? Go down for what?"

"Be honest with me up there."

Wu Xie immediately said, "Don't let me go down? Well, everyone, don't go down."

After Jiang Feng saw it, he just smiled, obviously this Wu Xie just wanted to protect the third uncle.

The third uncle was helpless, seeing that he couldn't help Wu Xie at all.

"That's fine, but you can't go first. When you go down, you have to follow me."

Wu Xie felt that it didn't matter.

"Okay, then we'll be tied to the same rope."

The third uncle let out a rough breath.

Then everyone went down together.

Just when Wu Xie was going to touch a mud cocoon, the third uncle stopped him immediately. .

Chapter 319

The third uncle then said, "There are dead people inside."

"All the mud cocoons here are dead people."

Jiang Feng walked to Wu Xie's side and said, "In ancient times, when large-scale projects were built, there would be many casualties. These projects died here, wrapped in mud, and left in this place."

Then the third uncle called everyone over, and pointed a flashlight to the wall with two words engraved on it.


As a result, when everyone walked over, Wu Xie said directly: "This is the mark left by my brother."

"I saw it at Genting Tiangong at that time."

The third uncle asked him if he was sure, and Wu Xie answered in the affirmative.

At this time, Wu Xie began to have new doubts.

"But I remember, little brother, isn't he taking care of Pan Zi?"

"Why did you leave a mark on this place?"

At this time, everyone was beginning to wonder about this question. Jiang Feng came over and said directly: "This mark is a few years old. He really came here a long time ago."

"It's just that he has amnesia now, and he can't remember the things before."

The third uncle said directly at this time: "Everything he does, brother, has his reasons, and it is also related to his past."

At this time, the third uncle continued: "But it's okay. Now we can meet the mark, which means that we are going right now, at least we have come to the right place."

At this time, they began to analyze the structure of the entire tomb.

"There are two floors in this place, and this shaft should be under the shaft just now, and then the earthquake loosened the sand and soil layer. We are here. To put it bluntly, it is actually a short pass 〃〃!"

After everyone listened to Jiang Feng's analysis, everyone felt that there was nothing wrong with this analysis.

The whole thing is just like this.

At this time, the third uncle said to Wu Xie: "Now tell the people above, let them come down."

"This place is safe to say the least."

They can go out through this place, just as well.

Only just now, a very thick layer of soil was cut off for them.

However, at this time, Fatty Wang was also carried over by a mop, Wu Xie laid him flat on the ground, and Fatty was coughing constantly.

Jiang Feng said, "Pang Wang has woken up."

At this time, Fatty Wang was eager to drink water, and then Wu Xie slowly began to feed him water by his mouth.

The third uncle came over and asked Fatty Wang, "Fatty, can you continue walking now?"

After seeing the third uncle, the fat man was a little puzzled. He didn't know how they met the third uncle at this moment.

"Third master, why is third master in this place."

"I'm looking at you now, and there's still a bit of a ghost."

Then Wu Xie began to explain to Fatty Wang.

"You bit the pheasant's neck before, and then the pheasant's neck dragged you into the snake's nest to incubate the eggs, making your body their hatchling body."

"I rescued you at that time, but when I climbed the cliff, the vine on my body suddenly broke, and then you fell into the river at that time and was washed into the ground by the water."

"Fortunately, the third uncle was nearby and saved us."

"Hahaha, the fat man laughed at this time."

Wu Xie said instead: "Fatty, if you weren't too fat, because your body was too heavy, and then the rope was broken, and we all fell into the water."

"After you go back, you must lose weight!"

After Wu Xie finished speaking, he patted the fat on his stomach.

"."You almost lost your life."

As a result, Fatty Wang patted his stomach, smiled and said to Wu Xie, "What do you know, these are my reserves."

Jiang Feng was silent for a while listening to it.

Compared with this reserve food, think about how to lose weight next, so as not to be bitten to death by a snake next time.

Because the fatter people, in fact, when they are hungry, they are also more hungry.

The fatter you are, the faster you digest it, because there is a lot of fat in your body to digest those grains.

But this is not a big problem. These fat people, the more critical it is, the fat on their body can actually be used to burn and burn calories.

Can be the last (good Zhao) gospel for fat people!

Of course, people who are thinner are actually healthier.

At this point, they started to move on, but as they moved forward, they found that the road ahead was completely blocked by stones and vines.

Jiang Feng walked to the side of those vines and said, "As long as you get rid of these vines, we can go out."

Then the third uncle asked his people to clean up those vines at this time.

When they went to clean up, Jiang Feng said directly to them: "When you clean up, be careful not to run into those cultural relic organs."

But just when they went to clean up those things....

Chapter 320

Suddenly someone saw the neck of the pheasant crawling out of the hole in the stone wall.

Everyone was standing together at this time.

The third uncle also became vigilant at this time.

At this moment, all the snakes that climbed out all started to attack them.

Jiang Feng immediately said to everyone: "Everyone, don't stay in this place! Hurry up and leave!"

But they want to go now, and those pheasant necks don't want them to go at all.

But fortunately, Wu Xie escaped at this time, but when he escaped, there were still pheasant necks following him.

Wu Xie immediately squatted on the ground and touched himself with the dirt on the ground.

And at this time, it turned directly into a stone wall pit.

In this way, Wu Xie watched helplessly as the pheasant's neck swam in front of him.

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