At this time, he was already beginning to wonder.

Jiang Feng said, "Wu Xie, don't get excited. There must be other places in the whole thing that can explain this matter. Please calm down first."

Jiang Feng was very calm from the beginning, because he knew that no matter what he said now, only Aunt Wen Jin and the younger brother knew about the whole thing.

So is the third uncle they are encountering now the real third uncle in the end?

Aunt Wenjin continued: "Wu Xie, you and Wu Sanxing have lived with him for so many years, so I know that you can't believe this. I was wondering if I should tell these things."

"However, you are too obsessed with this mystery. Even if I don't say it now, under your investigation, I will definitely know it."

"He's lying to you now! There are too many loopholes!"

Chapter 322

At this time, there is no way to fool around, if you choose not to believe at this time, it is too late.

After Aunt Wenjin finished speaking, Wu Xie was stunned.

Because he didn't even know that things could develop to this time.

A person was in a trance, sitting on the ground, not knowing what to do for a while.

"The blood next to Xisha's body at the bottom of the sea is clearly written. Wu Sansheng killed me."

"And this signing is to solve the chain."

At this time, Aunt Wen Jin immediately said, "You misunderstood those words in blood."

It was Wu Xie who heard [-] here, and could no longer listen to anything.

"However, the bloody words are written very clearly!"

"It's already at this time, Aunt Wenjin, why are you here to lie to me..."

Wu Xie has become extremely persistent now, because he doesn't believe all of this at all, and it turns out to be like this.

But Aunt Wenjin said again: "You just understand what you see. Now, write down those bloody words again."

When he said this, Wu Xie dipped some water with his hand, and then wrote this sentence on the wall again.

But when writing, Wu Xie recalled the words he had seen before.

While watching, he suddenly remembered that he had turned everything upside down.

That is to say, if they look at it from left to right, it is Wu Sanxing, you made me die, and the inscriber is Xie Lianhuan.

However, if you think about it again at this time, in their era before, when writing content, it was written from right to left.

That is to say, at this time, what was written on it was, Xie Lianhuan, you killed me, and Wu Sanxing wrote the letter.

If you look at it this way, everything is different.

However, at this time, all the facts are like this.

After Wu Xie suddenly understood all this, tears began to fall.

Aunt Wenjin said: "After that, all of us were stunned. When we woke up, we encountered all the things we couldn't believe."

"We lost a few people at the time, and Zhang Qiling was gone."

"At that time, I glanced at the time, and it was more than a week since we were in a coma."

"And we found out that our entire team was being watched all the time."

Jiang Feng asked at this moment, "Who is monitoring this team?"

Chen Wenjin: "It!"


At this time, Aunt Wen Jin said, "I can't describe it, I just feel that there is it in the team, that is, there is it. There is a kind of power in the whole team!"

"Then, after I returned to the nursing home, I started to reason about the whole thing. I found that some key links were missing in the whole thing."

"That is to say, if these things are going to happen, it's just the people here, and there is no way to deal with them. That is to say, there is an invisible person in this team."

"We're filling this vacancy, but we're now finding out that this person never showed up."

"It exists, logically, and therefore, we'll call it, it!"

"In this world, in addition to Jude Kao, Xie Lianhuan, and the powers other than us!"

"However, this power has never appeared again..."

"So many years have passed and none of us are getting old."

"Looking at it this way, someone moved our body when we were in a coma!"

"Otherwise, why haven't we grown old at this time?"

Wu Xie stated: "That is to say, you will be immortal because of this?"

At this time, Aunt Wenjin said again: "Do you still remember what you encountered underground in Golmud?"

Then Wu Xie began to recall, thinking that when he was about to start to escape, he fell on the road and was caught by a man in white clothes with torn clothes.

Fortunately, he broke free at that time.

"That person, is it Huo Ling?"

Aunt Wenjin continued: "After the [-]s, the surveillance on us seemed to be lifted, and I was still investigating this matter at the time, but after returning from Tamuta, Huo Ling also happened at that time. strange change."

"At that time, she also behaved strangely. In the middle of the night, she combed her hair in front of the mirror and crawled around on the ground alone."

After Aunt Wenjin finished speaking, she put her hand in front of Wu Xie again.

"You smell it."

Then Wu Xie smelled the smell on Aunt Wenjin's hand, and suddenly found that the smell was the same as that of Huo Ling!

After Aunt Wenjin finished speaking, the whole person suddenly became sad.

Jiang Feng said: "In other words, if your body already has such a smell, then you will become the same smell as Huo Ling's body?

Chapter 323

So judging from the current situation, Aunt Wenjin basically won't live long.

Perhaps, even she herself may already know what she is like.

"But, Aunt Wenjin, why am I still a little confused about my third uncle now? After all, who is my third uncle?"

How can I feel at this time that there is a third uncle in the east and a third uncle in the west, and I don't know anything.

In fact, it is a very normal thing for him to not know now.

"From the current situation, when I was working in the archaeological team, I met your third uncle. Your third uncle is actually a very bad-tempered person, but, look at the current one Third uncle, is he still the same as before, with a bad temper?"

In fact, when he mentioned this place, Wu Xie had already begun to believe it.

 17 Jiang Feng also said at this time: Yes, Wu Xie, think about it, when I was dealing with your third uncle before, your third uncle, now his temper has indeed become very gentle.

"I originally thought that when a person gets old, then this person will become very easy-going, but you don't know, they are not the same person!"

After everyone finished talking about this, Wu Xie's whole body began to tremble, and even his clothes were soaked through at this time.

A person suddenly appeared after five or six years.Moreover, her personality and appearance have changed, which others can accept, so she also began to find that the third uncle in front of her is indeed her own third uncle.

"But, Xie Lianhuan...why did he switch identities with my third uncle?"

When it came to this, everything made him a little confused again.

Jiang Feng said directly at this time: "Although this question is a bit complicated, let's think about it at this time, maybe this situation is not so complicated."

"Wu Xie, think back to the previous file now."

"After he came back from Xisha Seabed at that time, Aunt Wenjin and the others all disappeared. If he appeared at that time, then all the doubts would become very large, so he did not dare to expose himself. Appear."

"And because of his rather special background, he would be afraid of others coming to investigate him."

"However, he must have his own ideas, and many things may be in a plan of your third uncle!"

"Then swapping identities with your Uncle Xie may also have one of his difficulties in it!"

After Jiang Feng finished talking, Wu Xie also began to believe more and more that Xie Lianhuan was not his third uncle.

"Okay, I already know about this, but at least my third uncle is not dead yet, because all this is in a plan of the third uncle. I believe that the third uncle must be fine."

"Then at the back, we just need to persevere a little longer, and maybe we can find the third uncle."

"Okay, I won't say anything now, let's go out."

"After all, they are still waiting for us outside."

Wen Jin looked at Wu Xie, and seemed to be very heartbroken to him, then grabbed his hand and said, "Wu Xie, in fact, you have lived with him for so many years, I know that after you heard the news, it was a little difficult. Accept it, but now that you know it, let’s live a good life and face this matter.”

Wu Xie also nodded, he naturally knew what to do at this time.

"Wu Xie, as for the round with them, I'll talk about it later. Now I have other things to explain to you."

"Maybe the next things, after you listen to them, you may not believe too much!"

At this time, Jiang Feng also regarded as an audience and began to listen to the story of their big son.

"The third uncle was suddenly drowning, but he was holding a snake-eye copper fish in his hand. Seeing that the situation was urgent, I continued to preside over the work and took people to the bottom of the sea."

"But when we were visiting the tomb, your third uncle woke up suddenly, and then dazed us all, but it seems that he should have started to implement his plans at that time."

"So, from another point of view, the words engraved on the wall before may be a cover-up at all, and they are the hands and feet that Wu Sanxing left behind."

At this time, Jiang Feng said again: "Then the body you found in the sea before is not you, nor Xie Lianhuan, nor Wu Sansheng."

"At least you and Xie Lianhuan are still in this tomb, but Wu Sanxing is a resourceful person. He naturally has a backer and won't die in that place."

"Then the person who died in the water was probably the one you hired in the past, right?".

Chapter 324

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