After Jiang Feng's wave of reasoning had passed, it seemed that everything had already begun to clear things up.

At this moment, the fat man suddenly appeared.

"Little Third Master, Jiang Ye, you are all here too! I finally found you."

"When the third uncle broke off, he was injured by an explosion. Now he is lying there to rest. Come with me."

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Wu Xie immediately got up and followed.

They went back to the previous hall.

At this time, Wu Xie looked at Wu Sansheng who was sitting on the ground.

Wen Jin walked over at this moment, then held the hand of 'Wu Sanxing' and said, "Lianhuan, Wu Xie already knows the whole thing, you don't have to keep hiding it from him, we won't blame you."

Xie Lianhuan moved his mouth, and then tears flowed from his eyes.

Originally wanted to say something, but Wen Jin said directly: "I see, you can return to the team now. It's not your fault that these things happened."

At this time, Wu Xie finally called out to solve the third uncle of Lianhuan.

Jiang Feng sighed, and suddenly, someone said, "There is a stone gate in this place, let's go and have a look together."

At this time, everyone also looked at each other and found that there was a slate on the ground of a passage.

Wu Xie, Jiang Feng, little brother, the three of them pulled up the board together, and then found that there was another passage under the slate!

"Let's go, now let's go down and see 〃〃."

Afterwards, little brother, Jiang Feng, Fatty and the others all went down together.

Then a group of other people stayed on it. For example, those who Xie Lianhuan hired also stayed on the passage.

However, when they were waiting for their front feet to go down, the people behind them followed.

In front of Jiang Feng and the others, there is a huge ring-shaped cave, and many stone gates can be seen below this!

When they got here, the hired people behind them also followed, and Jiang Feng asked directly, "Didn't you guys just stay there to take care of the third uncle? What are you doing now? down again?"

As a result, those few people said: "I just ordered someone to take care of the third uncle. I thought that you must need help here, so I came down with you."

In fact, where did they come to be their helpers?They came to this place, in fact, they came to find the baby!

They always knew that when these people came down to these places, they actually came down to find treasures.

It's just that they are looking for treasures for the country, but they are looking for treasures for themselves.

If you can find some little treasures on the road, maybe they can sell them, then they may make a lot of money!These are all very likely things to happen!

So that's the main reason why they want to come down!

"Okay, since you have all come down at this time, you must pay attention to your next actions, don't go everywhere to cause trouble for me! Otherwise, if something goes wrong, you will pay the full price! "

After Jiang Feng told them this matter sternly, they all nodded.

"Don't worry, gentlemen, we came here specifically to help you, how could we possibly cause trouble?"

In fact, when it came to this, Jiang Feng didn't care about them anymore.

However, Jiang Feng doesn't know why, but there is always a citrus forehead, that is, these people may ruin their major events!It's just that from the current situation, everyone is relatively peaceful, and nothing can be seen at the moment.

At this time, the little brother brought his equipment and walked all the way to the front. They followed the wall of the cave and advanced all the way. At this moment, they suddenly found that there was a huge space in front of them!

"."This place should be the deepest place in the Tamuta,"

"It seems that this place was not formed naturally, but was developed by people."

"The whole space presents a hemispherical shape, and then there are steps around it, and there are many bloated statues standing on the steps."

Almost no part of this place is empty (good Zhao), and because the entire space is black, it seems that there is no boundary in sight, which is strange and unpredictable.

"This place is like the corpse pavilion of Genting Tiangong. It has the same layout as this. However, I feel that these statues should not be made of stone, but a special material."

In fact, when it comes to this, everyone starts to think that this place is quite weird, but since everyone is visiting tombs in this place, no matter how scared you are at the moment, you have to move on!

At this time, there is no way back, the only way is the way forward!

"This place is truly breathtaking!".

Chapter 325

"How deep is this! The Queen Mother's family might as well be called a mouse hole. This place has such a large space, and it was all developed artificially. It's really spectacular!"

"But, if such a big place is going to be built, what's the point of building it?"

Now, when it comes to this, everyone starts to wonder again.

Jiang Feng said at this time, "Don't worry, look at this one now. Above this huge space, there seems to be a dangling alchemy furnace!"

Then they lit it with a kerosene lamp and found that there was indeed a huge copper tripod above their heads!

"Fuck, there is such a huge copper tripod on top of it, what is it used for?" After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Jiang Feng said directly, "There is such a huge copper tripod on top of this, so naturally It's used for alchemy!"

Chen Wenjin also began to be amazed at this time.

"Oh my God, I never thought that this place really has such an alchemy room."

At this time, they all followed Wen Jin's gaze, and they found that there was actually an alchemy table under the alchemy furnace, and a total of seven stones were placed on the top of the alchemy table.

Every stone here seems to represent the stars in the sky.

"This is the medicine my third uncle told me before. I didn't expect to find so many in this place!"

After Wu Xie finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to the alchemy platform. At this time, he mainly focused on the statues behind him.

I don't know why, but there is a very strange feeling that those statues seem to be alive!

But at this time, it was like a seal had been placed on their bodies, and they couldn't move at the moment.

However, if someone unlocks the seal for them next, then they will naturally move.

And judging from the current situation, they all held a bronze sword in their hands. If they were to 'live' next, it would be absolutely difficult to deal with.

As soon as the camera turned, the mop came over at this time and saw the medicinal pills on the alchemy platform.

"What are these? The elixir of life?"

When he finished saying this, Su Yu turned around and noticed the mop and a few of them.

"Don't move! These things are highly poisonous. If you eat them, you will definitely die!"

After Jiang Feng saw it, he immediately started telling them that he hoped they would not touch these things indiscriminately!

If they messed up now, who knows what would happen later.

"Of course I won't eat this thing, I just want to see it, okay?"

After he finished speaking, he picked up an elixir at this time and looked closer.

"You idiots! You are just courting death now!"

After he finished speaking, the fat man looked at Jiang Feng's anger, he took out a knife and ran over, trying to force them to put the things in their hands quickly.

But at this time, the little brother said: "It's over."

I don't know why, when Jiang Feng heard what the younger brother said was over, the unease in his heart finally rekindled.

The feeling that he had given him before also reappeared at this time.

That's right, he just knew that this group of people would cause trouble for him, and now it's really causing trouble.


Now the stones in the entire tomb also began to fall continuously, and everyone clearly felt that something should have been activated.

Fatty Wang suddenly saw that the stone door they entered into this tomb just now was suddenly closed!

"Fuck! That door is about to be closed! Get out now!"

At this time, they all saw that the door was about to be closed, and immediately ran towards the stone gate, but when they ran past, they found that it was too late.

"Hey, it's too late."

"Damn, it's all your fault! When we let you in, don't touch things, now we're all locked in here!"

Fatty Wang is almost always yelling at them, because the way they look really makes everyone angry!

These people are simply here to help!

At this time, the little brother immediately looked at the stone statues around him.

Jiang Feng also began to notice those statues at this time.

"I'll go to your uncle! How did these statues start to move?"

Wu Xie said directly and kindly at this time: "These are all corpses! Get out now, and exit now!"

However, now that they are going out, where did they go out?This place has been closed without a single crack, and if you go out, you can't get out at all.

Fatty Wang didn't say much at this time, and directly took out his dagger.

"Today, my fat man will fight with you! I see how powerful you are!"

Now a group of people rushed out. .

Chapter 326

"All my belongings, I don't have anything at all. I have already used up what I should use."

"Also, don't tell me anything about big tits and mistresses. I don't know at all. Well, now I just want to follow you."

Then they argued endlessly and endlessly at this time.

"Okay, if we are still arguing at this time, we have already gone out, it is better to keep up with the team in front of them at this time."

So since we have to go at this time, let's go together.

Wen Jin and the others also followed behind the team.

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